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البواعث النفسية في رسم لوحة التشبيه - عند شعراء ما قبل الإسلام -
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        مما توصل إليه البحث  :

            إن الدوافع النفسية تنفرد في تجسيد الأحاسيس والمشاعر في نتاج الشاعر , من خلال رؤيته لتلك الحالة , فتسهم في صورة المقارنة في التشبيه , فتبعث في المتلقي حالة التأمل والمقارنة بين الحالتين اللتين تجمع بين مكوناتهما صفة واحدة فتصل إلى حالة التلاحم , ويكون ذلك باعثا لرسم صورة التشبيه المعبرة والمؤثرة في المتلقي.

            إن هذا النوع من التشبيه بـ( ك , كأن ) اعتمد في الشعر الجاهلي بكثرة , وبصورة وافية للهدف , وقد مال إليه الشعراء في عصر ما قبل الإسلام , فبرزت بكثرة في شعر الفخر والمديح والوقوف على الأطلال وفي لوحة الوصف ..... الخ





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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Time in (what and whatever) conditionals
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This is a research in which I studied the opinions of Arab scholars, in their studies
For (what) and (whatever) the two conditionals and their indication of time, and its name
B (time in (what) and (whatever) the two conditions), and I mentioned their opinions in it
This issue was discussed and discussed, and in this study it relied on the sources of the Arabic language.
Especially the books of grammar, interpretation, and the opinions of the scholars of the principles of jurisprudence are mentioned,
I also mentioned the opinion of the scholars of jurisprudence, and how they likened (whatever) to (everything).
In its indication of repetition, and as long as it indicates repetition, it indicates
time Because repetitio

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التحليل المنطقي والإحصائي لفقرات المقاييس النفسية
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اهمية البحث والحاجة اليه :

ان القياس ضروري في دراسة كل فعالية يقوم بها الكائن الحي ، فلغة العلم ، هي رموز ومصطلحات وتعبيرات احصائية ( العيسى ، 1973 : 3 ) .

والقياس بشكل عام مهم في كل العلوم ، فهي على اختلاف انواعها تقوم بتوجيه اهتمامها نحو دراسة العلاقة بين المتغيرات ( Variables ) ، في الميادين التي تبحثها لذلك يجب ان تكون هذه المتغيرات قابلة للقياس بشكل دقيق لنتمكن من در

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
تمهيد اجتماعي قبل اعمار الصحراء بحث في السلوك الاجتماعي
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الأوضاع النفسية والإجتماعية لنساء الأقليات في العراق )دراسة ميدانية(
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The study present a detailed description of the new violent situation that those women faced after 2003 in Iraqi society and the effect of such violence and security breaking down on minority women perception and feeling of bonding or adaptation with this society and how they look to the aaceptance of the society to them and their minority group as a whole. In addition to the impact of these social changes after 2003,on the women rights and personal freedom. One of the aims of the study is to provide data base to be used when efforts present to put a policies or programs for supporting the minority women. Another aim is to point out and define the violations commited on the rights of those women. The field survey included 2100 women from

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social and Psychological Abuse towards Elderly People Living in Elderly Home: Social and Psychological Abuse towards Elderly People Living in Elderly Home
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This study aims to identify the social and psychological abuse towards elderly people by others, to identify the difference of social and psychological abuse towards elderly by others according to the variable of gender (male and female). Additionally, to identify the difference of social and psychological abuse towards elderly by determining the one who is responsible of abusing (son, daughter, spouse, etc.). To achieve this aim, the researcher designed a scale to identify the social and psychological abuse towards elderly by others. The results showed that this sample exposed to psychological abuse by different sides due to lacking of powers. Besides, the result showed that there are no signifi

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
علاقة مكة بالقبائل والحواضر العربیة قبل الاسلام
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The Jarajima were drive away from Mecca at the beginning of third century A.D
Khuza"a was settled in Mecca with the help of kinana . Mecca had a lot of relations
with other Arab tribes by trade and marriage . Quais Ailan tried to role Mecca but
she disappointed .
Khuza"a tried to extend outside of Mecca but she failed . then this tribe
managed to increase security and stability in Mecca . That encouraged the
merchants to come to Mecca.
At the beginning of fifth century A.D. Quraish began to get rid of Khuza"a in
order to have the mastery of Mecca. In spite of that Khuza"a remained in her
houses and wrote many peace treaties and intermarriage with Quraish .
Quraish managed to control at Mecca in the middle of

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2005
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
الاوضاع العامة ليهود العراق قبل الهجرة القانونية
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الاوضاع العامة ليهود العراق قبل الهجرة القانونية

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The value of freedom and its relationship to the will of God for the actions of worshipers between Islam and existentialism
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This research discusses one of the largest and most important issues of a doctrinal and philosophical dimension at the same time, which is the issue of man’s freedom to choose his actions, and thus his responsibility for those actions, by looking at the nature of these acts, their being and the origin of their creation. He showed that they were created in man by force, and that he was their original creator, and that they were among the creatures of the God Almighty God like others, but they are attributed to man through acquisition. So to the first saying went Jahmiyya or Jabariyya, and to the second saying went to fatalism in the past, and the existentialists shared with them in the modern era, and to the third saying went to the Sun

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Methods of Achieving Mental Health from an Islamic Perspective
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The aim of the research is to identify the methods of achieving mental health from an Islamic perspective by using an analytical approach. The methods that were explained: strengthen the spiritual side to control the motives and emotion s overcome the whims of the soul, fear of God and treat mental illness from an Islamic point of view by recognizing self, assurance, foresight, learning and acquiring new trends. Conclusion: we can achieve mental health by optimism, not despair, the compatibility of the Muslim with himself and with others, Consistency, emotional balance, and patience in difficult situations. Islam has attributes that make an individual feels    psychological security. Thus, all these elements achiev

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental Health and Its Relationship with Shyness for University Students
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This study aimed to show the relationship between mental health and shyness for university students in Baghdad and Al – Mustansiria university which its subject was (200) students  ,          ( 100) males and  ( 100) females , Mental Health scale which is constructed by (Al – Janabi 1991) and developed by (Hassan 2006) was used for this aim  ,The scale of shyness was built according to a questioner to the students and according to previous publications and studies .

Multiple regulation analysis step - wise was used for data analysis in order to identify the possibility to find single or couple indications for the independent variable (mental

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