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تقويم مادة فلسفة التربية /للمرحلة الرابعة/ قسم العلوم التربوية والنفسية/كلية التربية / ابن رشد من وجهة نظر الطلبة
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 مشكلة البحث:

تعد مناهج كليات التربية العمود الفقري لإعداد مدرسين تربويين تقع على عاتقهم مهمة تربية وتعليم الجيل الذي سيتحمل مسؤولية بناء المجتمع وتطويره من خلال بناء وإعداد الأفراد في العديد من المجالات. ولما كان التغيير والتطوير المستمرين هما من السمات المميزة للعصر الذي نعيش فيه لذا تتطلب العملية التربوية مراجعة مستمرة لمناهجها بغية تقويمها وتطويرها بما يتناسب ومتطلبات العصر(وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي،1998، ص3).

ومن المناهج التي تدّرس في أقسام العلوم التربوية والنفسية في كليات التربية بالجامعات العراقية وبالذات في المرحلة الرابعة – مادة فلسفة التربية – التي تعد جزءاً مهماً من تلك المناهج، إذ تستهدف تنوير عقل المتعلم عن طريق تزويده منطلقات الفكر التربوي للمدارس الفلسفية وتصوراتها التربوية وفي سياق تاريخي متعدد.

وعلى الرغم من أهمية مادة فلسفة التربية مثلها مثـل بقية المواد التربوية في إعداد الطلبة لمهنة المستقبل إلا أننا نلاحظ أنه:

  1. لم يجرِ أي تقويم لهذه المادة بالذات في قسم العلوم التربوية والنفسية (وحسب علم الباحث).
  2. تدني مستوى تحصيل الطلبة في المادة، وقد تأكد من ذلك من خلال مراجعة درجات الطلبة في السنوات السابقة والحالية من أجل التعرف عليه بوصفها مؤشر للكشف عن نقاط الضعف والقوة.
  3. بما أن مادة فلسفة التربية مادة أساسية في القسم صار أن يجري عليها التطوير والتجديد باستمرار في أهدافها ومحتواها وطرائق تدريسها وأساليب تقويمها، مع الأخذ في الحسبان التحولات المستمرة التي يفرضها منطق العصر الذي نعيش فيه.
  4. إن فلسفة التربية كمنهج دراسي يتميز بالصعوبة نسبياً، إذ إنها ذات لغة بمستوى رفيع متضمنة كثير من المفاهيم المجردة، فإنها تحتاج إلى طرائق ووسائل حديثة ومناسبة لكي تجعل من الطالب يتفاعل مع المادة ويستوعبها.

إن إبقاء المناهج الدراسية على ما هي، دون إخضاعها لتقويم علمي مستمر في ضوء ما يستجد من أهداف وأساليب، أمر يؤدي إلى تعويق خطير في مجمل العملية التربوية. وبما إن المنهج الدراسي هو لب العملية التربوية وهو يعكس اتجاهات المجتمع ومن خلاله يحدث أي تطوير أو تحسين وعليه يتساءل الباحث هل من الممكن الإبقاء على منهج دراسي معين لمدة عقد من الزمن دون إحداث أي تغيير فيه خاصة ونحن نشهد التطورات الهائلة والحاصلة في العالم ؟ قطعاً سيكون الجواب كلا.

لذا، فإنه ينبغي على المؤسسات التعليمية للمراحل الدراسية كافة أن تعيد النظر في مناهجها الدراسية إذا ما ثبت عدم كفايتها وذلك من خلال إجراء عمليات تقويم بين آونة وأخرى.

    استناداً إلى ذلك، قام الباحث بإجراء هذا البحث.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Criticism and study of Al-Bandari's Arabic translation of the story Bigan and Manijeh by Shahnameh Ferdowsi: نقد و بررسی ترجمه¬ی عربی بنداری به داستان بیژن و منیژه از شاهنامه¬ی فردوسی
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      Among Persian poets and literary works, Ferdowsi and Shahnameh have a distinctive and prominent place. Since the 5th  C. AH , they took the interest of all Persian language and literature scholars and were one of the first books to be translated into different languages including Arabic by Al Fatih Bin Ali Bin Mohammed Al-Bandari in  the year of (620)AH  .Because it was completed in the early 7th C. AH and in terms of antiquity, there is no older copy than  of Al-Bandari’s version  which holds great value in the analysis of  Shahnameh other different copies.

      To find out the how far analogy goes, the present paper makes a general comparisons of  Bijan and Manijeh in Shahnameh Fer

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Antibiotic Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from nasal cavity of Health Care Personnel.
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Background: Staphylococcus aureus infections are growing problems worldwide with important implications in hospitals. The organism is normally present in the nasal vestibule of about 35% apparently healthy individuals and its carriage varies between different ethnic and age groups.

Objective:To study the antibiotic resistance of staphylococcus aureus isolated from nasal cavity of Health Care Personnel.

Patients and methods: A total of 180 samples were collected from the nose of the  two groups (health care personnel, community control) at Baghdad Teaching Hospital. They were screened for nasal colonization with S.aureus during the period between Apr

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mangrove Landscaping As An Adaptation Pattern To Reduce The Impact of Climate Change in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap Regency Indonesia
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Mangrove landscaping in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (SAL) is an adaptation pattern of mangrove ecosystems to live and grow in unstable areas. This research aimed to develop a mangrove landscape to mitigate the impacts of ocean waves, currents, and inundation due to climate change. The study was conducted in SAL and Cilacap Coast (CC) using the environmental properties and climate change data. The data obtained were analyzed using mapping and trendline analyses. The results showed that mangrove landscaping in Segara Anakan had four zones with Nypa frutican, Rhizophora styllosa, Aegiceras corniculatum, Rhizophora apiculata, Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba identified as the best adaptation of mangrove species. Climate change give a high impa

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Foreign Series in the Kurdish Satellite Channels and Their Role in the Development of Awareness among Young People in the Kurdistan Region (Korean Series as a Model) (A Field Study on a Sample of Students of the Institute of Fine Arts in the City of Sulay
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The dubbing process for the Foreign Dramas by the Kurdish language became a serious phenomenon in the Kurdish satellite TV, especially in the past few years. It attracted a wide audience, especially young adolescents. And prepared by some breakthrough hostile to Kurdish culture and value coordinated by others remedy for the structural gaps and lapses have, as a result of climate which is brought into existence globalization and secretions variety dimensional, saturated value and cognitive effects bearing a strong identity of its elements. From here, the problem of this research is the ambiguity of their role in a series of developmental processes Kurdish awareness of young people and the extent of the impact that caused it.


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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Surface Modification of the Improved Stainless Steel Alloy AISI-304 and the Use of Diffusion Coating and a Study of Its Efficiency in Resistivity Hot Corrosion in an Atmosphere of Sodium Chloride Vapor NaCL and Sodium SulfateNa_2 SO_4
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       This research aims to modify the components of stainless steel alloy by the method of surface engineering through the single diffusion coating technique in order to obtain new alloys with high efficiency in resisting harsh environmental conditions. Steam a mixture of sodium chloride ( ) and sodium sulfate ( ) at a temperature of 900 and then compare it with the base alloy. The results showed that the alloys produced in this way are very efficient. The results showed that the aluminum coating showed high efficiency in resisting oxidation and provided better protection for a longer time compared to the uncoated alloy due to the  oxide crust layer formed with high adhesion as well as the aluminum-rich phases, whether the phase

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jul 13 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Catheter directed thrombolysis for acute deep vein and arterial thrombosis in COVID-19: report of two cases from Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan-Iraq: Catheter directed thrombolysis for COVID-19 thrombosis
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As one year elapsed since COVID-19 outbreak, venous and arterial thromboses are increasingly reported in different vascular territories. Once accessed by the virus, the endothelial cells, abundant in angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) protein, will be activated by the inflammatory process leading to coagulopathy and vascular lesions. Herein, we describe a case of extensive thrombosis of the infra-renal inferior vena cava and iliac femoral vein in a man of 62 and a case of acute superficial femoral artery thrombosis in a lady of 55. Both were COVID-19 confirmed cases with severe pneumonia, high D-Dimer levels and risk factors for severe disease or death. Despite presentation 1-2 weeks after the onse

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
(دراسة تحليلية): ( A field study )
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The research aimed to identify the effects of the modern of technology on translating the media term from English language to Arabic. and try to identify the use of the impact of foreign media terminologies on the Arabic media term, and to know the effect of the translation process on Arabic media terminologies.

This research is considered an analytical study by using survey study for 111 items and the results for the study as following:

1.High percentage of the (use of foreign terms work to low the level of production) was (68.13%) and average 3.55

2.The percentage of (The multiplicity of translation of the foreign term into Arabic effects on the opinions and cognitive ideas of the Arab researcher and affects the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 25 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the extent to which listed companies comply with sustainability accounting standards by improving performance and financial reporting to enhance confidence in financial statements: بحث تطبيقي مقارن في عينة من الشركات العراقية والعربية
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The objective of this research is to know the extent to which Iraqi and Arab companies apply the criteria of accounting for sustainability and disclosure, as well as to analyze the content of the annual financial reports of the companies listed in the financial market to determine their compliance with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board )SASB(. Annual Report The commitment of telecommunications companies to implement sustainability issues related to the standard of telecommunications services reached a general average of (54%) for the sample of the research sample. This means that there is a degree of admissibility in applying the standard. As well as the highest level of reporting to the criterion of the (Jordan Telec

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Confinement Profile Effect on the Optical Properties in Different Inverse-shaped Single InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells
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In this work, the effects of size, and temperature on the linear and nonlinear optical properties in InGaN/GaN inverse parabolic and triangular quantum wells (IPQW and ITQW) for different concentrations at the well center were theoretically investigated. The indium concentrations at the barriers were fixed to be always xmax = 0.2. The energy levels and their associated wave functions are computed within the effective mass approximation. The expressions of optical properties are obtained analytically by using the compact density-matrix approach. The linear, nonlinear, and total absorption coefficients depending on the In concentrations at the well center are investigated as a function of the incident photon energy for different

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Religious Discourse of Biblical Intertextuality in Abraham Regelson Works: Selected Samples from the Collection "House of Brightness": הנאום הדתי של האינטרטקסטואליות התנ''כית ביצירותיו של אברהם רגלסון סיפורים נבחרים מקובץ "בית הניצוץ"
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This research display a selected sample of Regelson's texts, there were interrelations and interactions unfolded so as to show his creativity in the employment of religious texts. In the story "In the Youth of Moses", he inter-texted the episode of the Prophet Moses from the Torah, the Source of legislation, to signify a legislative issue needed by the community. As for the story of "Samson, One of the Falling", he originated the character of The Judge Samson by alluding to the Book of the Judges, which is the Book which reminded of the defeat and slavery of the Palestinians by a Jewish leader, as is related in Jewish religious texts. Further, and the story of "And Haman Said", he chose the story of the Queen Esther from the Book of Esth

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