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الدراسات العليا وسيله لتطوير التعليم الجامعي
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أولا / التعليم الجامعي وأثره في تطوير المجتمع :

تعتبر الجامعات من أهم المصادر الاساسيه لتطوير المجتمع في جميع جوانبه لما لها دور مهم وفاعل في التنمية الاجتماعية والثقافية والسياسية والاقتصادية ، ومكاناً لالتقاء الأجيال ومناخا ًملائماً لبلورة الهوية القومية من خلال الحفاظ على القيم التاريخية ،ومكاناً للتواصل الثقافي والحضاري على المستوى العالمي ، "ومن هنا تنامت حاجات المجتمع إلى أنشاء مؤسسات التعليم العالي وتطويرها وتنويع التعليم فيها وربطه بخطط التنمية وحاجات الناس " .                  (إسماعيل 1984، 46).

ويؤدي التعليم العالي دوراً أساسيا في تطوير حركة التقدم الحضاري لأي مجتمع من المجتمعات لما له من دور كبير في إعداد الكادر البشري وتطويره ، ولعل الفترة المعاصرة التي يشهدها العالم وخصوصاً العالم المتقدم والتي تتمثل بالتسارع الكبير في نمو العلوم والتقنيه ، حيث تحول العالم إلى وسيلة إنتاج وانتشرت تطبيقات التقنية على نطاق واسع وسريع ، وتكرست هيمنة العالم الرأسمالي المتقدم علمياً واقتصادياً، ان ذلك يوضح لنا أهمية دور التعليم العالي في إعداد الكوادر المسلحة بالعلم والمعرفة والمدربة على تطبيق ونشر التقنية لخدمة المجتمع.    (العناد864:1999 )


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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The secondary vocational education and labor market requirements in Iraq (the period after 2003(
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Vocational education has great importance to comprehensive national development as it provides intermediate cadres able of operating the factories and laboratories in the farms and fields beside the work in the fields of health, service, administration and commercial. Due to the importance of this type of education in society, it is necessary to do a qualitative reform of vocational education in order to make the educational staffs get the necessary basic expertise to adapt the requirements of the labor market and try to rearrange and organize the workforce through put long-term economic and social policy through certain planning open to the workforce. The workforces structure according to gradual expansion in all the national ec

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analytical Study of Mathematics Textbooks in the Basic Education Stage in the Sultanate of Oman According to NCTM Standards
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The present study aimed to identify the availability of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards in the content of mathematics textbooks at the basic education stage in the Sultanate of Oman. The study used the descriptive-analytical approach, adopting the method of content analysis through using a content analysis tool that included (43) indicators distributed on the four NCTM standards related to the field of geometry, after verifying their validity and reliability. The study population consisted of mathematics textbooks (first and second semesters) for ninth-grade students in the Sultanate of Oman in the academic year 2018/2019, while the sample consisted of Geometry units in the content of those books, which a

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of organizational stress on the Performance of professor at the Faculty of Economics and Commercial Sciences / University of Djelfa / Algeria
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The present study aims at identifying the effect of organizational pressure with its aspects (management, work team, nature and conditions of work, external environment) on job performance in all its dimensions (commitment and effort made, capabilities and the rapidity of performance, motivation and job satisfaction, work environment) for the university teacher at the Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences at the University of Djelfa, Algeria.

     In this research, the descriptive analytical approach is used. Data was collected through the distribution of a questionnaire to a sample that included 130 permanent teachers before being analyzed using the (SPSS) statisti

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 21 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
A commentary on the Decision of the Federal court No. 90 for 2021, Reversal of the principle of judicial precedent in the constitution of Iraq for 2005
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أصدرت المحكمة الاتحادية العليا قرارها المرقم 90/اتحادية/2019 الصادر في 28/4/2021 الذي جاء فيه (لابد للمحكمة الاتحادية العليا من العدول عن قراراتها السابقة بخصوص استحصال موافقة مجلس النواب بشكل مطلق عن أي جريمة يتهم بها أياً من أعضاء مجلس النواب واقتصار ذلك بحالة واحدة فقط وهي (عدم جواز تنفيذ مذكرة القبض الصادرة عن جريمة جناية غير مشهودة متهم بها عضو مجلس النواب خلال مدة الفصل التشريعي او خارجه الا بعد استحصال الاذن

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 16 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Exposition of University Youth to Television Advertising and its Reflection on the Development of their Cognitive Abilities A survey of students (College of Media / University of Baghdad) as ample
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This research is aimed at identifying the communicative habits and the impact of the content on the communicative process, especially the youth audience, which is one of the most important categories to which the advertisement is directed, as young people face life with passion and aspiration that make then responsive to all the influences used by the media in designing advertisements which use all the techniques and methocls to attract young people, such as relying on drama , artistic tricks, musical phrases and advertising slogans that respond to the desire of young people in entertainment.
The research aims to identify the reflection of television advertising and its impact on the development of the cognitive abilities of universi

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Challenges Facing Blended Education from the Point Of View of Teachers Teaching Children with Disabilities
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The current research aims to identify: 1) the challenges facing blended education from the point of view of teachers of students with disabilities. 2) The challenges facing blended education from the point of view of teachers of students with disabilities according to the gender variable (males-females). 3) The challenges facing blended education from the point of view of teachers of students with disabilities, according to the academic qualifications of graduates

(institute-bachelors-masters). 4) The challenges facing blended education from the point of view of male and female teachers, according to the functional service period with students with disabilities (less than 8 years - from 9 to 15 years - 16 years and above). 5) the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة ابحاث ميسان
دور مؤسسات التعليم العالي في تعزيز قيم المواطنة في المجتمع العراقي
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دور مؤسسات التعليم العالي في تعزيز قيم المواطنة في المجتمع العراقي

Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Requirements of High Performance Work Systems in Achieving the Entrepreneurship in University Field – Analytic Research in College of Business Administration/ University of Baghdad
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The resources-based introduction in the study of business organizations is increasingly dealing in the study of the human capacities and the best ways to develop them and changing the resources of the organization to be essential and competent to face the business challenges. Today’s organizations need crucial practices to face those challenges and the influences of those practices which take into consideration the importance of developing the entrepreneurship inside the organization. Those practices are called “High Performance Work Systems” which is denoted by “HPWS” and defined as the practices of human resources management which help in acquiring func

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The quality of higher education requirements and its impacts in achieving organizational excellence: The case study of the Universities of Baghdad and AL-Nahrain
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This research aims to determine the role of the quality of higher education in achieving organizational excellence at the universities of Baghdad and Al-Nahren, was based on research on the main hypothesis is:First:- There is correlation and between the quality of higher education dimensions (continuous improvement, measurement and analysis, the culture of the organization, optimal use of resources , customer satisfaction) and organizational excellence dimensions (strategic planning, focusing on the market and the customer, information and analysis, the effectiveness of operations, processes and resources), Second:- Second, there is the impact of relationship sig

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Karbala Journal Of Physical Education Sciences
Effect of use a designed device to develop some biochemical variables for rear vault dismount with one-half twist on parallel bars in gymnastics
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The research included five sections containing the first section on the introduction o research and its importance and was addressed to the importance of the game of gymnastic and skilled parallel bars effectiveness and the importance of biochemical variables, either the research problem that there is a difference in learning this skill and difficulty in learning may be one of the most important reasons are falling and injury Has a negative impact on the performance and lack of sense of movement of is one of the obstacles in the completion of the skill and the goal of research to design a device that helps in the development of biochemical changes to skill of rear vault dismount with one-half twist on parallel bars in gymnastics . And the n

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