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الإذعان وعلاقته ببعض سمات الشخصية لدى موظفي الدولة
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ان الجزء الاكبر من السلوك الاجتماعي تنظمه المعايير الاجتماعية التي من المتوقع ان يسلك الافراد وفقا لها ، وهكذا فأن الجماعات التي يوجد انسجام بين افرادها سرعان ما تكون اتجاهات وولاءات مشتركة لعدد اكبر من المواقف فعندما ينظم فرد الى جماعة فأن ادراكاته تتغير لتتوافق مع معايير تلك الجماعة .( توق وعدس ، د.ت، ص336).وتؤدي الاسرة دورا اساسيا في اكساب الفرد اتجاهات ومعايير خلقية معينة ثم تقوم الجماعات الثانوية المختلفة التي ينتمي اليها الفرد في مسار حياته الاجتماعية بالدور الممكن . ( سعيد ، 2000 ،ص  123 ) .

ان للتنشئة الاجتماعية دورا كبيرا في اذعان الفرد بنتيجته السلبية او الايجابية , وفي بعض الاحيان يدرب الوالدان اطفالهما على الخضوع مما يتعارض مع التربية الاستقلالية للطفل وذلك بصورة سلبية من قبل الوالدين اذ يبقيان طفلهما معتمدا عليهما اعتمادا كليا في شؤونه كافة فيؤيدان طفلهما اذا ما تطابق سلوكه مع رغبتهما ويعارضان  تصرفاته التي يظهر فيها نوعا من الاستقلال في الرأي والتفكير . ( ابو الحب ، 1964 ، ص 119 ) وقد تؤدي الضغوط الاجتماعية بالفرد الى ضرورة التصرف بطريقة تخالف ما يحمل من معتقد ، لذا قد يكون هنالك اختلاف بين اتجاهات الفرد الخاصة وبين التزاماته العامة ( جلال ، 1984 ،  ص 181 ).

وفي مجال العمل الوظيفي يدخل الفرد في طور جديد في حياته والتي تستحدث بدورها انماط معينة من السلوك  تجعله يسلك على وفق رغبات رؤسائه أو رغبة في تحقيقه مكاسب مهنيه مما يجعله يعيش حالة من التناقض او الصراع بين طموحه في التطلع نحو مكانة اجتماعية  او اقتصادية من خلال ممارسته لبعض الانماط السلوكية والتي لا تتناسب مع افكاره او بناءه النفسي ومع منظومته القيمية او الاخلاقية .

وقد اتضح للباحث من خلال مراجعة الادبيات ذات الصلة بموضوع البحث ان من اهم اسباب اذعان الفرد لمعايير الجماعة هو تجنب العقوبات الخاصة التي تفرضها الجماعة على افرادها من قبيل الفصل او الاستهجان . ويبدو ان لسمات الشخصية دور في ازدياد قدرة الفرد على الاذعان او انخفاضها ، لذا تتحدد مشكلة البحث الحالي بالسؤال الاتي : ( ما العلاقة الارتباطية بين الاذعان

وبعض سمات الشخصية لدى موظفي الدولة ؟) .


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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Effect of food an appearance of ovaries cysts its relation with some variable factors in women at age 15-54 years in Baghdad – city: Effect of food an appearance of ovaries cysts its relation with some variable factors in women at age 15-54 years in Baghdad – city
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This study aimed to kmow the effect of food on appearance of ovaries cyst in women aged 15-54 year in Baghdad. City and its relation ship with reproductive health Woman samples was divided to four aged groups;15-24 , 25-34 , 35-44 and 45-54 years.
Results demonstrate that all samples of women has varied level of obesity.
Also we are noticed that all samples of women has varied level of obesity.
Also we are noticed tgat is a relation ship between obesity and marriagestatas with the highest proportion of ovarian cystsin obese marriage woman reached to37.90% The percent of un married women which have obesity class // with ovarian cysts reached50% Results refer to found that %19-24 of married women had obortians and

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Poverty and its Relations to Some Social Variables (Children in the Primary Stage as a Model)
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The phenomenon of poverty is one of the most important phenomena facing the world at large. Despite the tremendous technological progress witnessed by mankind and despite the unprecedented high levels of world economic production, poverty remains the greatest challenge facing the world. Statistics and studies have shown that poverty is caused by several problems: (health, social, economic, educational, etc.) These problems are obstacles to the ability to obtain employment opportunities, which leads in the beginning to the growth phenomenon of unemployment, and ultimately to the growth of poverty.

The results of a range of research in the field of psychology have confirmed that children from poor homes suffer from a high level of

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Pretended Personality
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The personality of an individual comes from the social adjustment which is
represented by the individual interaction with the others. If the individual has acceptable
adjustment, he/she has good social skills such as the flexibility in interaction with others and
accepting the living with them.
Sometimes, the individual show pretended personality in his/her interaction with
others and we should accept the appearance of this characteristic in society. An individual
lives in this society among different types of human personalities with his own personality
which represents emotional, social, rational and physical characteristics.
These characteristics have their importance to be studied within college students

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Valuation of consumer purchasing behavior over the internet And its relation to personal variables: / exploratory research
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The objective of the research was to evaluate consumer purchasing behavior through the Internet, such as consumer behavior, reasons for buying online, purchasing advantages over the Internet, personal variables (gender, age, marital status, education level, income, and income and job type). The questionnaire was adopted as a main tool in the survey of the views of a sample of consumers in Baghdad governorate (100) people and analyzed their answers using the statistical program SPSS in calculating the mean and standard deviation Centigrade, correlation coefficient (R) and test ( ). The main findings of the research were:

  1. There is a positive and positive relationship between consumer purchasing behavior via the Internet and

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
M.M. SJLA’A FA’AQ HASHAM College of Education for women - Baghdad University: M.M. SJLA’A FA’AQ HASHAM College of Education for women - Baghdad University
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The problem of the research is that the person face in the starting of his
profession life is to go to the right profession that he or she fits in when the
person enter the works sea many problems appear to him on of them is his
non-accordance with his job ,the research targeted to know the levels of the
accordance of the kindergarten teachers and the relation between the
profession accordance and other like the kind of level and the time of service
and the research worked with (150) kindergarten teachers from the
introductory class and (150) kindergarten teachers from the kindergarten class
for the study year 2008-2009 .
The research been made a measure to get the goal of the research after

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The use of the husband of violence against his wife who is a kindergarten teacher
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Wives generally and working wives especially may encounter in some
families forms of physical or psychological violence through all the
levels or whether it was a psychological intimidation or cursing and
insolence and detracting her human . value and the husband marries
another woman or uses physical abuse against her and beating and
sexual abuse of the wife are also included in this from . it is noticed that
the violent attitude of the husband may take one from or it may change
and alter with time for it might lead to the increase of the possibility of
violence to occur in different ways
The importance of this study comes out from the step that on which in
folds the problem of the use of the husband of vio

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Personal Efficacy And Its Relationship With Mindfulness Among University Students
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The study seeks to examine the level of personal efficacy and its relation to mental alertness among university students. Besides, the statistically significant differences in regard of students' gender, and the correlation between male and female. To do this, the researcher adopted two scales: one to measure the personal efficacy which was made up by (abed al-jabaar, 2010) included (26) items, and the other to measure the mental alertness that designed by (abed Allah, 2012) included (36) items. A total of (120) student were selected randomly from three-different colleges at the Al-Mustansiriyah University for the academic year 2016-2017. The findings revealed there are no significant differences among students in regard of the personal

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
المشكلات النفسية لدى اطفال الرياض وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات
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When the enrollment of children in Riyadh, facing many of the psychological problems that appear in their daily lives through their behavior and their actions with their peers and their teachers in kindergarten, often result in psychological problems from which they suffer to do things socially unacceptable impact on their relationship with interactive with others, Vchksah child depends on the quality of Education and the treatment they received from all of the family as an incubator, his first, and kindergarten as an environment second to raise him without that overlook about his relationship with his comrades grade and the combination of these factors is one of the most important reasons promising in effect on the child's condi

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
إدارة الانفعالات وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات لدى المرشدين التربويين
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Current research aimed at measurement of management of emotional among counselors and  knowledge of emotions management according to the variables of sex and length of service with counselors.

The Scale applied to a sample of basic research, amounting to (300) counselors.

1- That counselors have administration emotional.

2- There are no differences in the management of emotional statistically significant according to the variable (gender).

3- statistically significant differences according to the variable (length of service) in the management

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Leadership qualities among kindergarten children and its relationship to some variables
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There is no doubt that leadership is a social phenomenon , and human activity does not take place , but remained in the family cohesive have a common goal Alaho instil confidence in the same of her sons to be better , and the importance of this subject Arta researchers to identify the extent to which children in this phenomenon and to identify the causes and extent of its spread in the community , has been directing an open question (Appendix 1) to a group of kindergarten teachers , to learn about the characteristics of leadership that can be enjoyed by kindergarten children . The current research aims to:
1. Detect levels of leadership qualities among kindergarten children in the light of the characteristics of leadership skills

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