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الإذعان وعلاقته ببعض سمات الشخصية لدى موظفي الدولة
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ان الجزء الاكبر من السلوك الاجتماعي تنظمه المعايير الاجتماعية التي من المتوقع ان يسلك الافراد وفقا لها ، وهكذا فأن الجماعات التي يوجد انسجام بين افرادها سرعان ما تكون اتجاهات وولاءات مشتركة لعدد اكبر من المواقف فعندما ينظم فرد الى جماعة فأن ادراكاته تتغير لتتوافق مع معايير تلك الجماعة .( توق وعدس ، د.ت، ص336).وتؤدي الاسرة دورا اساسيا في اكساب الفرد اتجاهات ومعايير خلقية معينة ثم تقوم الجماعات الثانوية المختلفة التي ينتمي اليها الفرد في مسار حياته الاجتماعية بالدور الممكن . ( سعيد ، 2000 ،ص  123 ) .

ان للتنشئة الاجتماعية دورا كبيرا في اذعان الفرد بنتيجته السلبية او الايجابية , وفي بعض الاحيان يدرب الوالدان اطفالهما على الخضوع مما يتعارض مع التربية الاستقلالية للطفل وذلك بصورة سلبية من قبل الوالدين اذ يبقيان طفلهما معتمدا عليهما اعتمادا كليا في شؤونه كافة فيؤيدان طفلهما اذا ما تطابق سلوكه مع رغبتهما ويعارضان  تصرفاته التي يظهر فيها نوعا من الاستقلال في الرأي والتفكير . ( ابو الحب ، 1964 ، ص 119 ) وقد تؤدي الضغوط الاجتماعية بالفرد الى ضرورة التصرف بطريقة تخالف ما يحمل من معتقد ، لذا قد يكون هنالك اختلاف بين اتجاهات الفرد الخاصة وبين التزاماته العامة ( جلال ، 1984 ،  ص 181 ).

وفي مجال العمل الوظيفي يدخل الفرد في طور جديد في حياته والتي تستحدث بدورها انماط معينة من السلوك  تجعله يسلك على وفق رغبات رؤسائه أو رغبة في تحقيقه مكاسب مهنيه مما يجعله يعيش حالة من التناقض او الصراع بين طموحه في التطلع نحو مكانة اجتماعية  او اقتصادية من خلال ممارسته لبعض الانماط السلوكية والتي لا تتناسب مع افكاره او بناءه النفسي ومع منظومته القيمية او الاخلاقية .

وقد اتضح للباحث من خلال مراجعة الادبيات ذات الصلة بموضوع البحث ان من اهم اسباب اذعان الفرد لمعايير الجماعة هو تجنب العقوبات الخاصة التي تفرضها الجماعة على افرادها من قبيل الفصل او الاستهجان . ويبدو ان لسمات الشخصية دور في ازدياد قدرة الفرد على الاذعان او انخفاضها ، لذا تتحدد مشكلة البحث الحالي بالسؤال الاتي : ( ما العلاقة الارتباطية بين الاذعان

وبعض سمات الشخصية لدى موظفي الدولة ؟) .


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Psychological Security of Students in the Kindergarten Department
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The current research aims to identify the psychological security of students in the kindergarten department and identify if there is a significant difference between stage one and stage four students. To do this, the researcher adopted the psychological research scale of (Al-mohamdawi, 2007) that consisted of (30) items. It was administered to (120) female students chosen randomly from the kindergarten department in the college of education for women for the academic year (2029-2021). The results revealed that students in the kindergarten department have psychological security. There is a significant difference between stage one and four students in favor of stage four students.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
سمة القلق لدى طالبات كلية التربية للبنات
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ان الغرض من الدراسة الحالية هو التعرف على سمة القلق لدى طالبات كلية التربية للبنات. ولقد استعمل مقياس سبيلبيرجر الذي تكون من (20) فقرة على عينة مقدارها (135) طالبة من كلية التربية للبنات في جامعة بغداد. واظهرت النتائج ان سمة القلق عند الطالبات عالية و فسرت هذه النتيجة بناءً على نظرية سبيلبيرجر ونظرية التحليل النفسي  وقد اتفقت هذه وبعض  ماجاءت به الدراسات السابقة, وقدمت الدراسة الحالية جملة من  التوصي

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Reading Readiness Skills in Preschool Children
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This research aims to identify the following :

  • The reading willingness skill to kindergarten children.
  • There is no statistical significance difference between average scores of reading willingness skill of the sample individuals as a whole, and the hypothetical average of the scale.
  • The difference in reading willingness skill to kindergarten children according to gender variable (male & female).
  • There is no statistical significance difference between average scores of reading willingness skill for kindergarten children according to gender variable (male & female).

   To achieve the research goals, the researc

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental Health and Its Relationship with Shyness for University Students
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This study aimed to show the relationship between mental health and shyness for university students in Baghdad and Al – Mustansiria university which its subject was (200) students  ,          ( 100) males and  ( 100) females , Mental Health scale which is constructed by (Al – Janabi 1991) and developed by (Hassan 2006) was used for this aim  ,The scale of shyness was built according to a questioner to the students and according to previous publications and studies .

Multiple regulation analysis step - wise was used for data analysis in order to identify the possibility to find single or couple indications for the independent variable (mental

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Life Management Strategies among Mosul University Academics
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The study aims to measure life management (in its various approaches) among   university academics and to identify the differences among life management strategies (in its various approaches) in regard of gender (male, female), field of education (scientific, humanitarian) and title (assistant lecturer, lecturer, assistant professor, and professor). The study sample consisted of (246) male and female academics from four colleges (Arts, Science, Science education, and Humanitarian Science Education). To achieve the goals of the study, the researchers used the Freund & Baltes (2002) life-management strategies scale after translating it and determining its parameters of reliability and validity. The statistical analysis of the

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
صورة الذات وعلاقتها بالاكتئاب لدى كبار السن
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The research aims at:- 1- Measuring the self-image of the elderly. 2- Measuring the depression of the elderly. 3- Knowing the statistically difference of the self-image to the elderly due to variables like (the gender , martial status and place of residency). 4- Knowing the statistically difference of the depression of the elderly due to (the gender , martial status and place of residency). 5- Knowing the relationship between the self-image and depression of the elderly. To reach to the aims of the research , the researcher built a tool to measure self-image and other to measure the psychological disorders for elderly , and after investigation of their validity and reliability he applied them on a random sample of elderly (their number w

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Pre-Writing Skills of Kindergarten Children Preparation
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The study aimed to design a test of pre-writing skills for public kindergartens in Baghdad city. The test consisted of (25) items applied on a sample of (150) kindergarteners to identify these skills as well as to identify the significant difference between male and female children and if there is a difference between pre-school children and kindergarteners. The results showed the presence of pre-writing skills with a high degree in kindergarten children. The differences were clear in these skills between male and female children and those in pre-school than those in kindergartens. The researcher suggested a number of recommendations and proposals.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Effect of Obesity on Ovarian Reserve Parameters in midreproductive age Women.
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Background:The initiation and maintenance of reproductive functions are related to an optimal body weight in women. Body weight affectthe ovarian reserve which is basically an estimate of how many oocytes (eggs) are left in the ovaries.
Objective: To study the relationship between obesity and serum and ultrasound markers of ovarian reserve in mid-reproductive age women (21- 35 years old).
Patients and method:Twenty participants (“obese”) had a body mass index (BMI) of 30 to 35 Kg/m2 and another 20 participants (“non-obese”) had a BMI20-29 kg/m2. The obese women had a mean age of 27.9 years and the non-obese women had a mean age of29.5 years. Blood samples were collected from all participants, a

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching skills for Public and Private Schools’ Teachers: comparative study : Teaching skills for Public and Private Schools’ Teachers: comparative study
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The great expansion of teaching skills requires finding ways and methods to help teachers acquire experiences of all kinds. The researcher found in the subject of the teaching skills for teachers in public and private schools a fertile field for conducting a study that enables the measurement of these skills. Thus, the study aims to identify the skills of teaching lessons for teachers, the difference in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the years of service, the differences in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the specialized teachers and non-specialized teachers, the differences in teaching lesson skills for teachers according to the public and private school. The

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Detecting Suicidal Tendencies among Secondary School Students
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The current research aims to detect the level of suicidal tendencies among secondary school students in terms of gender and educational stage (intermediate school students and high school students). The researcher adopted Al Hafeez's (2017) scale for suicidal tendencies, it consists of (57) items including six domains, namely: suicidal ideation, social motives for suicide, tendency to self-harm, desire for death, indifference and pessimism about life, willingness to commit suicide. The scale was modified to be (42) items after it was exposed to a group of experts. The scale was applied to a sample of (200) male and female students from secondary schools in Baghdad Governorate (Karkh - Rusafa) for the academic year 2021-2022. The results

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