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الإذعان وعلاقته ببعض سمات الشخصية لدى موظفي الدولة
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ان الجزء الاكبر من السلوك الاجتماعي تنظمه المعايير الاجتماعية التي من المتوقع ان يسلك الافراد وفقا لها ، وهكذا فأن الجماعات التي يوجد انسجام بين افرادها سرعان ما تكون اتجاهات وولاءات مشتركة لعدد اكبر من المواقف فعندما ينظم فرد الى جماعة فأن ادراكاته تتغير لتتوافق مع معايير تلك الجماعة .( توق وعدس ، د.ت، ص336).وتؤدي الاسرة دورا اساسيا في اكساب الفرد اتجاهات ومعايير خلقية معينة ثم تقوم الجماعات الثانوية المختلفة التي ينتمي اليها الفرد في مسار حياته الاجتماعية بالدور الممكن . ( سعيد ، 2000 ،ص  123 ) .

ان للتنشئة الاجتماعية دورا كبيرا في اذعان الفرد بنتيجته السلبية او الايجابية , وفي بعض الاحيان يدرب الوالدان اطفالهما على الخضوع مما يتعارض مع التربية الاستقلالية للطفل وذلك بصورة سلبية من قبل الوالدين اذ يبقيان طفلهما معتمدا عليهما اعتمادا كليا في شؤونه كافة فيؤيدان طفلهما اذا ما تطابق سلوكه مع رغبتهما ويعارضان  تصرفاته التي يظهر فيها نوعا من الاستقلال في الرأي والتفكير . ( ابو الحب ، 1964 ، ص 119 ) وقد تؤدي الضغوط الاجتماعية بالفرد الى ضرورة التصرف بطريقة تخالف ما يحمل من معتقد ، لذا قد يكون هنالك اختلاف بين اتجاهات الفرد الخاصة وبين التزاماته العامة ( جلال ، 1984 ،  ص 181 ).

وفي مجال العمل الوظيفي يدخل الفرد في طور جديد في حياته والتي تستحدث بدورها انماط معينة من السلوك  تجعله يسلك على وفق رغبات رؤسائه أو رغبة في تحقيقه مكاسب مهنيه مما يجعله يعيش حالة من التناقض او الصراع بين طموحه في التطلع نحو مكانة اجتماعية  او اقتصادية من خلال ممارسته لبعض الانماط السلوكية والتي لا تتناسب مع افكاره او بناءه النفسي ومع منظومته القيمية او الاخلاقية .

وقد اتضح للباحث من خلال مراجعة الادبيات ذات الصلة بموضوع البحث ان من اهم اسباب اذعان الفرد لمعايير الجماعة هو تجنب العقوبات الخاصة التي تفرضها الجماعة على افرادها من قبيل الفصل او الاستهجان . ويبدو ان لسمات الشخصية دور في ازدياد قدرة الفرد على الاذعان او انخفاضها ، لذا تتحدد مشكلة البحث الحالي بالسؤال الاتي : ( ما العلاقة الارتباطية بين الاذعان

وبعض سمات الشخصية لدى موظفي الدولة ؟) .


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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Leadership ethics and transformational leadership to develop perceptions of organizational work supportA survey of a sample of the staff of the Ministry of Water Resources
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The aim of organizational contemporary is development man power active, in spit-of there are littlie resources. But in the Iraqi environment there are too much resources with performance inhabiting. specially in the ministry of water resources (sample of this research), about dryness and lower levels of rivers. There for this study have some important variable, it is ethical leadership & transformational leadership as (independent variable), and Perceived organizational support(dependent variable). Over here to invest with authority on the problem of research, is weakness harmony between employed perception and the pattern of leadership. We find decline in of reaction of organ compound between the variable to weaken high perf

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Personality traits of gifted students in the schools of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
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Current research aims to know the personality traits of gifted
and has been the preparation , students in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
pedagogy of talented ) 60 ( views of a sample of of the search tool of the
And has been applied to the . items ) 52 ( formed from the search tool , teachers
sample, and after treatment results reached statistical research results and the
researcher presented a number of recommendations including:
: Recommendations
1. Need for the development and rehabilitation of mentally gifted and structure
their characters in line and mental abilities and knowledge.
ams and psychological guidance for personal Preparation of scientific progr . 2
. development for the gifted
3. Work to

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Bajila role in the Arabic- Islamic history in the early period of Islam: Bajila role in the Arabic- Islamic history in the early period of Islam
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Bajila regarded as descending from Anmar Ibn Nizar. Al-Masudi accepts
Bajila and Khath”am as being of Nizar, and asserts that it was only out of the
enmity that they were said to be from the Yemen.
Al-Ya”qubi tries to harmonize this by assuming that Anmar married a
women of the Yemen and that his sons Bajila and Khath”am are thus
connected to the people of this region only through their mothers line.
Bajila embraced Islam in the period of the prophet. Omar 1 forced this
tribe to go to Iraq instead of Al-_Sham, and gave them the quarter of Al- Saw
ad. Then they prohibited from that quarter by given money as reward that
made them against omar1.
This tribe assisted the forth rightly guided ca

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The attitude of Arabic - Islamic caliphate toward the A raab in the prophet and rightly guided caliphate
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الفكر الإداري للإمام علي (عليه السلام) في سياسة الدولة
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  The political system during the reign of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) was based on explicit openness in its features and objectives away from misinformation, and built its foundations and foundations on the Koranic legislation, and enacted by the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the decent legislation required by humanity

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Outcomes of War: A Study of the Character After the Crisis of War
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World War II has brought suffering for all people; it has led people to have a nostalgic feeling. The war has many faces all of them are ugly, like death, separation, loneliness, violence, crime, betrayal, and disconnection and many other meanings. Michael Ondaatje in his novel The English Patient (1992) portrays a picture of the effect of World War II on four different characters; Hana a Canadian nurse, The English patient who is Hungarian, Caravaggio a Canadian-Italitan thief, and Kip an Indian sapper. They live together in one house, share their secrets and memories about World War II. Ondaatje brings them together to reveal their secrets and to heal their wounds of the war experience.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
السيرة الشخصية والعلمية لإلمام المحدث ابن الضريس
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The Islamic history is replete with important and prominent figures,
and they have left a great impact on the preservation and development
of the teachings of the Muhammadiyah message. These men made
tremendous efforts in the study of research and debates to defend
Islam and counter any attempt to challenge or distort it. Therefore, this
great message imposes many responsibilities on the jihadi scholars in
preserving and disseminating it.among these sincere jihadi scholars
were the venerable scientist

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 10 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The impact of sex change on status matters
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When a person responds to the temptation of Satan and changes his sex from male to female or vice versa, it will be terrible, He is neither male nor female; Because this change will be apparent only and will not affect the person,

This change if it occurs has implications impaction Bor personal status issues.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The effect of privatization on general Revenues of State Budget Comparative Study
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The major countries have a lot of financial burdens as a result of their public expenditure to run their public facilities and implement their obligations in this regard. Countries may need to maximize their public revenues to meet their expenditures and increase the privatization policy according to the legal concept of selling their facilities or public companies. That the public revenues of the state and the shortcomings of the view of the pro-privatization as a means to increase the financial revenues of the state and the loss suffered by the States because of the fertility of its facilities and companies to the public and especially the elites of them because it will deprive them of the revenue fixed constant It flows into the state

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The transfer of chemical pollutants from bottled water into water due to heat, sunlight and poor storage is one of the most serious threats to human health around the world, the objective of this study was to estimate the pH value and the transport of heavy metals from plastic bottles to water, for this purpose, 30 bottles of water for 10 local brands were collected and divided into three groups, the first was left at room temperature 25°C, The second was placed in a heat oven at 25°C and the third in another oven at 50°C for two weeks. The results showed significant differences at (P<0.05) between water samples, pH value and concentrations of heavy metals (Sb, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr, Cd and Fe) we

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