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آداب العالم والمتعلم عند الإمام علي بن أبي طالب - كرم الله وجهه -
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أهمية البحث :-

 ان انبعاث هذه الامة من جديد لتعاود العطاء من معين النبوة ، ولتنقذ البشرية وتسهم ببناء الحضارة الانسانية، وتشارك في معالجة ازمة الحضارة المعاصرة سوف لايتاتى الا اذا كانت الامة في مستوى اسلامها كتاباً وسنة، وفي مستوى عصرها استيعاباً وتعليماً واعلاماً واتصالاً وحواراً ومشاركةً.

واذا كان انبعاث أي مجتمع مرهون بتوفير شروط وظروف الانبعاث الاولى، حيث لايصلح امر هذه الامة الا بما صلح به اولها فان المطلوب اليوم اكثر من أي وقت مضى بعد هذه التجارب المرة والمريرة، العودة للتلقي عن الاصول والينابيع الاولى، والتحقق بادوات الانبعاث التي اعتمدتها عصر النبوة والخلافة الراشدة لتحقيق الانبعاث الجديد للامة المسلمة، في عصر الغزو الفكري والعولمة الامريكية.

ولا يخفى على أحد أهمية دراسة التاريخ في تأصيل الفكر الإنساني، وفي التخطيط للمستقبل على أسس قوية، وواضحة وليست دراسة التاريخ الفكري مقتصرة على جانب دون آخر.


      والمتتبع للكتابات التي ظهرت في تاريخ التربية في العالم الغربي يلمس ظاهرة دراسة التاريخ، بصورة واضحة، اذ تبدأ الكتابات –في الغالب- بالعودة وبالإشارة إلى فكر سقراط وأفلاطون، وكأنهم بهذه الكتابات يشيرون إلى ما لابائهم واجدادهم من فضل على الحضارة الإنسانية –بصفة عامة- وعلى الحقل التربوي والتعليمي –بصفة خاصة-.

      وهذا موقف طبيعي من وجهة النظر التاريخية والحضارية والانسانية اذ ان التراث الانساني حلقة متصلة ويتراكم بعضه فوق بعض ويبني اللاحق فيه على السابق، ويأخذ ويتفاعل فيه العنصر بالعنصر، ومن هنا يمكننا استيعاب مدى صعوبة الابتداء في أي دراسة من فراغ او من نقطة مجهولة البداية او مجهولة الهوية.

     ان تتبع جذور أي موضوع ماهو الا استكمال لحلقاته واعتراف بالفضل للاوائل الذين بادروا إليه، غير ان التعديل والتطوير والابداع في الوسائل والاساليب سنة ماضية، في مجالات البحث العلمي والاكتشاف الحضاري.   

        وعندما نروم العودة إلى تاريخنا العريق        متقفين في سيرة امير المؤمنين علي –كرم الله وجهه- فإنا نؤكد على ان المسلمين حين سادو العالم وملكوا الدنيا لم يكن ذاك من فراغ، وإنما جاء نهضة حضارية واجتماعية وسياسية واقتصادية وعسكرية شاملة عامة كما انها نهضة فكرية وتربوية هي موضوع بحثنا وامر اختصاصنا.

      الإمام علي –كرم الله وجهه- الذي عرفناه مقاتلاً مغواراً، بارز أشد الناس بأساً وعرفناه قائداً عسكرياً وخليفة للأمة ، سنعرفهُ من خلال هذهِ الصفحات مربياً ومعلماً للمربين والمعلمين والمتعلمين في كيفية تلقي العلم، بملاحظات دقيقةٍ يعجب المرء التفاته إليها من وضع دواة وقطة قلم وكيفية ضغط إلى مشية أستاذ وفن سؤال واسلوب جواب وغيرها أكثر.


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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Comparison of familial and sporadic multiple sclerosis in Iraqi patients
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Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the increasing prevalent neurologic disorders. Epidemiologic and family studies implicate genetic and environmental factors in determining
susceptibility to MS. The exact effect of the former is intended for investigation in our study.
Objectives: The objective of the study is to compare the demographic features, clinical presenting features, and clinical course between familial and sporadic cases of MS.
Materials and Methods: this is a retrospective cohort study conducted in Multiple Sclerosis Center in the Medical City in Baghdad. The records of the MS center in Baghdad Teaching Hospital were surveyed, and data from 13 patients with positive family history of MS

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The inhibitive action of Reactive Red (RR31) dye against corrosion of carbon steel in 1M acetic acid solution has been studied using gravimetric method at temperature ranged (288-318)K. The antibacterial activity for the different concentrations of RR31 dye against different bacterial species was studied. The experimental data indicates that this dye acts as a potential inhibitor for carbon-steel in acetic acid medium and the protection efficiency increase with increasing (RR31) dye. The adsorption of (RR31) dye on the carbon steel surface was found to follow Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Thermodynamic data for the adsorption process such as Gibbs free energy change ∆Gads, enthalpy change ∆Hads, and entropy change ∆Sads were estima

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of critical listening in teaching reading on developing students critical thinking at Kurdish Language Department
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Students' passive listening to their teacher's reading is one of main
reasons behindtheir weakness in the reading skill which in its turn may
hinderachieving the in desired objectives.
When exploiting critical thinking, which will lead to deeper
understanding of the intellectual content, in learning and accurate and
correct students' outcomes.
Active listening allows paying attention to the speaker, asking him,
arguing with him, judging what he says, and making decision on what
he says. For this reason, the researcher felt the need for preforming a
study to identify the effect of critical listening on developing students'
critical thinking at reading in the Kurdish language department.
The researcher has

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Daniel's Model on the Achievement of Chemistry Among Fifth Grade Student
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The aim of this research is to find out the influence of Daniel's model on the skills of the twenty-first century among the students of the scientific-fifth grade at the secondary and preparatory government morning schools for the academic year 2022- 2023. Two groups were chosen out of five groups for the fifth-scientific grade, one of which represents the experimental group that is taught by the Daniel model, and the other is the control group that is taught in the traditional method. The equivalence of the two research groups was verified with a set of variables. As for the research tool, a scale was developed by the researchers for the skills of the twenty-first century, in which they adopted the framework of the Partnership Organizat

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر برنامج أنشطة مكتبية لتنمية بعض القدرات الإبداعية في الأداء اللغوي عند اطفال الرياض
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This study aims to find out the impact of activities office provided to kindergarten children in the development of creativity in linguistic performance goal of capabilities (fluency, flexibility and originality) through the application of the test configuration Algheih Children Riyadh, which consists of (70) Single to measure the skills of language arts four a listening and speaking and a willingness to read and prepare for writing, was applied (30) Single of language arts, listening and speaking in this research, and was the correlation coefficient for the hearing (0.78) and for speaking was (0.61) has been extracted stability of the scale using the equation Alvakronbach the value of (0.73).

The proper

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in sonographically indeterminate adnexal masses
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Background: Although ultrasonography (US) continues to be the primary imaging modality used to identify and characterize adnexal masses, but certain conditions that hinder accurate ultrasound examination, such as obesity, may be indications for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, for the assessment of complex and indeterminate ovarian masses.
Objective: to assess the ability of MRI to characterize sonographically indeterminate adnexal masses.
Patients and methods: A prospective study of 89 cases with sonographically indeterminate adnexal mass underwent pelvic MRI conducted in X-ray institute in medical city in Baghdad during period from October 2011 to January 2013 & the results compared to the final diagn

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimating the Population Mean in Stratified Random Sampling Using Combined Regression with the Presence of Outliers
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In this research, the covariance estimates were used to estimate the population mean in the stratified random sampling and combined regression estimates. were compared by employing the robust variance-covariance matrices estimates with combined regression estimates by employing the traditional variance-covariance matrices estimates when estimating the regression parameter, through the two efficiency criteria (RE) and mean squared error (MSE). We found that robust estimates significantly improved the quality of combined regression estimates by reducing the effect of outliers using robust covariance and covariance matrices estimates (MCD, MVE) when estimating the regression parameter. In addition, the results of the simulation study proved

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A comparative study in disruptive behavior at the Deprived and non-Deprived students from their parents at the Secondary stage
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The current research aims to :
•know the level of the chaotic behavior of the sample as a whole .
•Know the differences with statistical significance in disorderly behavior between the
disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged peers .
To achieve these objectives, the selected sample of Talbhalmrahlh medium and specifically
students of the second grade average, were chosen randomly stratified's (360) students
included sex (male, female) and (deprived of the Father and the non-deprived) for the
academic year (2013-2014) to the province Baghdad on both sides (Rusafa-Karkh (
As applied to them measurements of disorderly behavior, which is prepared by the researcher,
having achieved _khasaúsma of psychometric (valid

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2016
Journal Name
Euphrates Journal Of Agricultural Science
A field compare five horticulture machines when used normal and super Iraqi fuel
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A field Experiment was carried out in Baghdad for the purpose of compare five horticulture machines during used two types of fuel deffirance in octane number, normal and super fuel which produced in Iraqi and measuring the vibrations transmitted of the three axes are longitudinal X , lateral Y and vertical Z from handlebar in (Mowers) to the operator which walks behind the mower, and the determine of the productivity practical of cutting, productivity passing and fuel consumption. Experiment Factorial used with two factors, The first factor was Five Mowers vary in width , types, weight and company manufacturer, The Second factor was the types of fuel used internal combination engine horticulture mowers were Normal fuel with Octane Number 82

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The women at Al-Sakhaawi Book "A;-Dhau Al-Lami", Study in the social life
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In our previous research , we study the method of women by ( al – sakhaawi " died 902
ah/1496a.c"book witch called ( al- dhau, al-lami) .
So in this paper , we will discuss the social life of women in the mamluk period through the
same book ,especially when the sakhaawi devoted a full part for women in the same book
called it (mhagam ,al –nessa)wich it translations a large number of women like wives
,daughters ,sisters ,and maids of mamluk sultans ,so that make my able to know a lot about
the social life of woman which we study it like a social aspects of women, here wealth,
business, professions ,and in the last we study the habits of them marriage .

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