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آداب العالم والمتعلم عند الإمام علي بن أبي طالب - كرم الله وجهه -
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أهمية البحث :-

 ان انبعاث هذه الامة من جديد لتعاود العطاء من معين النبوة ، ولتنقذ البشرية وتسهم ببناء الحضارة الانسانية، وتشارك في معالجة ازمة الحضارة المعاصرة سوف لايتاتى الا اذا كانت الامة في مستوى اسلامها كتاباً وسنة، وفي مستوى عصرها استيعاباً وتعليماً واعلاماً واتصالاً وحواراً ومشاركةً.

واذا كان انبعاث أي مجتمع مرهون بتوفير شروط وظروف الانبعاث الاولى، حيث لايصلح امر هذه الامة الا بما صلح به اولها فان المطلوب اليوم اكثر من أي وقت مضى بعد هذه التجارب المرة والمريرة، العودة للتلقي عن الاصول والينابيع الاولى، والتحقق بادوات الانبعاث التي اعتمدتها عصر النبوة والخلافة الراشدة لتحقيق الانبعاث الجديد للامة المسلمة، في عصر الغزو الفكري والعولمة الامريكية.

ولا يخفى على أحد أهمية دراسة التاريخ في تأصيل الفكر الإنساني، وفي التخطيط للمستقبل على أسس قوية، وواضحة وليست دراسة التاريخ الفكري مقتصرة على جانب دون آخر.


      والمتتبع للكتابات التي ظهرت في تاريخ التربية في العالم الغربي يلمس ظاهرة دراسة التاريخ، بصورة واضحة، اذ تبدأ الكتابات –في الغالب- بالعودة وبالإشارة إلى فكر سقراط وأفلاطون، وكأنهم بهذه الكتابات يشيرون إلى ما لابائهم واجدادهم من فضل على الحضارة الإنسانية –بصفة عامة- وعلى الحقل التربوي والتعليمي –بصفة خاصة-.

      وهذا موقف طبيعي من وجهة النظر التاريخية والحضارية والانسانية اذ ان التراث الانساني حلقة متصلة ويتراكم بعضه فوق بعض ويبني اللاحق فيه على السابق، ويأخذ ويتفاعل فيه العنصر بالعنصر، ومن هنا يمكننا استيعاب مدى صعوبة الابتداء في أي دراسة من فراغ او من نقطة مجهولة البداية او مجهولة الهوية.

     ان تتبع جذور أي موضوع ماهو الا استكمال لحلقاته واعتراف بالفضل للاوائل الذين بادروا إليه، غير ان التعديل والتطوير والابداع في الوسائل والاساليب سنة ماضية، في مجالات البحث العلمي والاكتشاف الحضاري.   

        وعندما نروم العودة إلى تاريخنا العريق        متقفين في سيرة امير المؤمنين علي –كرم الله وجهه- فإنا نؤكد على ان المسلمين حين سادو العالم وملكوا الدنيا لم يكن ذاك من فراغ، وإنما جاء نهضة حضارية واجتماعية وسياسية واقتصادية وعسكرية شاملة عامة كما انها نهضة فكرية وتربوية هي موضوع بحثنا وامر اختصاصنا.

      الإمام علي –كرم الله وجهه- الذي عرفناه مقاتلاً مغواراً، بارز أشد الناس بأساً وعرفناه قائداً عسكرياً وخليفة للأمة ، سنعرفهُ من خلال هذهِ الصفحات مربياً ومعلماً للمربين والمعلمين والمتعلمين في كيفية تلقي العلم، بملاحظات دقيقةٍ يعجب المرء التفاته إليها من وضع دواة وقطة قلم وكيفية ضغط إلى مشية أستاذ وفن سؤال واسلوب جواب وغيرها أكثر.


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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
توظيف توظيف التراث في المونودراما المسرحية (نصوص د. علي حداد أنموذجاً)
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Arabic humanity heritage had considered as a treasure of artistic, literary aspects, which is full of energies to embody investment by suitable historical ideology.

Theatre, art can be used, corresponded to make special essay reflecting a desire to establish cultural notification.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Sound Structure and Attraction Effectiveness in Graphic Design Field: منير جباري علي
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      What concerns the research is employing the modern technology  in a compatible way, because it has multiplied  with the visual  working functions and has grown  in a special way with the development of the digital graphic design field  which represents a crystallization  product according  to  investigation and experimentation mechanism within the field of the scientific research  in the design field and development of the skills of the first designing worker, who always seeks to find working and functional structures in order to produce a design  with a clear meaning by utilizing the technological  abilities including the acoustic tech

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
The Dominating Sign of the Space Structure in TV Drama: صادق كاظم عبد علي
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  The space constitutes a cornerstone of the creativity process since the emergence of arts and literature. Gaston Bachelard has a significant role in highlighting the importance of the place in his book entitled (Poetics of Space). Since then, the space, especially in the TV drama, is no longer a mere background indicating the location or the date of the event. Space inside these series has become an inseparable part of the artistic or dramatic fabric, that the visual scene started to formulate alongside the movement of the individuals in their language or accents that are specified inside the space as an incubator for the décor, clothes, makeup, accessories and lights in addition to the sound and musical effects. The lens angles

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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Aesthetic advertising image in the women's magazines covers: ليلى علي رجب العبيدي
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In life in general and in the press, especially the success of a particular message depends heavily shipments carried by, and images idyllic suggestive, how many meanings that reaching an audience, and is the magazines and one of those media that target a broad audience, trying to please Him and the acquisition of his attention through a form of aesthetic granted pleasure and satisfaction from this point of view, read image ad as Date pure incident of everyday life, and here was placed this research about the aesthetic image advertising in the covers of women's magazines, which has been briefing them through the Four Seasons included in the search, was the first chapter Batarh systematic talked about problem Find the placing on the form

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 09 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The door of speaking souls From the book explaining the features of the origins of religion For Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Al-Khonji study and investigation
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Praise be to God who created the soul, perfected it, and inspired it with its immorality and piety. He says in His Noble Book: ﭤ Fajr: 27-30 Glory be to You, O God! O Lord, on whom I have chosen for You as a beloved from myself and the soul of the two worlds, may our master Muhammad be sacrificed for him, who enlightened the horizons with his introduction to enlightenment. It soon ends with the end of pleasure, which is the opposite of the pleasure of thought and meaning, as it is permanent and continuous, and from here we see that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, urges us in various places to seek knowledge and fortify the soul and thought in a way that raises one’s status and protects him from the st

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اشكالية الدولة والمجتمع عند الفارابي
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This study aimed to research the problematic of state and society according to Al-Farabi, or what he called "civil science" or "civil politics", including the subject of political and social philosophy

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Addiction of electronic games for children
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Childhood is characterized by ahigh privacy in the life of the child overall educational institutions in the world. Based on this specificity, modern education begins with a holistic vision of the child through all developmental aspects (moral, religious, emotional, social, linguistic, physical, health, and mental). This integration could be achieved through taking into consideration the needs and rights of children and developing curricula that consider these needs and capacities to provide opportunities for developing and supporting the developmental aspects of the child. The contemporary technological developments in the field of computer and the Internet have brought with it new forms, ideas, and problems for children in recent years

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 04 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تأخير تأخير البيان عند الأصوليين
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It is know that the spirit of the Arabic language is statement so it has great importance in the Arabic language and that the Quran, The book of Allah miraculous, and was a likeness crippling those who disagreed with and credence to those who believed in him, and that the holy messenger of Allah bless him and gave the conciseness of speech in its statement and eloquence. For this reason, The subject of this research "The statement" to study the most beautiful of orders and prohibitions (do and don't do) in the holy Qur'an and sunnah, Those which are the two major sources in the legislation

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
ألوان الأحجار الكريمة عند العرب
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للإهتمام بظاهرة الألوان في الحضارات الإنسانية عامة ، جوانب متعددة ، فهي تتصل ، من ناحية ، بالجانب الفني إذ تدل على رهافة حس الناس وعلو أذواقهم ، وقابليتهم على تمييز الألوان في الطبيعة وتحديدها تحديدا دقيقا

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Audio Lesson at the Glass (311 H)
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The acoustic efforts of the glass were found in the meanings mixed with other linguistic, grammatical and morphological issues, as the glass was not allocated to the detective or separate chapters in the meanings. The glass-walled in the audio lesson according to the doctrine of the optical, has stated so in several places of its meaning. Glass is interested in mentioning the strong qualities that have a great impact in the chorus and replacements such as loudness, dishes, arrogance, whistling, repetition, and richness. Glass was concerned with the phenomenon of diphtheria great care, and explained its purpose of seeking lightness and ease of pronunciation, and Siboe agreed in its origins and issues, and the glass used three criteria in

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