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التلوث البيئي ومخاوف المرآة من الانجاب
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         أن نظرة المرأة اليوم نحو الحمل والانجاب قد تغيرت نتيجة بعض العوامل وكان التلوث البيئي من أكثر العوامل تأثيرآ ، لانه يمثل أكثر الاخطار التي تبيد الجنس البشري وتقطع جذوره وتهدم سلالته الاصليه من خلال عملية التغاير في الجينات الوراثية وانتقالها عبر الاجيال . وأن أثاره لم تقتصر على الجانب الصحي للأم بل تعداه الى الجانب النفسي فاتجاهات الامهات اليوم نحو الحمل والانجاب ليس كما هو في السابق أذ تراجع درجات ودرجات بسبب خوفها من الفشل من ولادة طفل طبيعي خالي من التشوهات الخلقية . لذا فقد هدف البحث الحالي الى الاجابة على الاسئلة الاتيه :

  • هل يختلف عدد الاطفال باختلاف مستويات التحصيل الدراسي للام ؟
  • هل يختلف عدد الاطفال باختلاف مهنة الام (عاملة أو غير عاملة ) ؟
  • هل يختلف عدد الاطفال باختلاف عدد سنوات زواج الام ؟
  • هل يوجد فرق بين عدد الاطفال الحالي (الفعلي ) والمفضل عند الامهات ؟
  • هل يوجد فرق بين مستويات تحصيل الامهات في درجة الخوف من الانجاب؟
  • هل يوجد فرق بين الفئات العمرية للامهات في درجة الخوف من الانجاب ؟
  • هل يوجد فرق بين مهنة الام في درجة الخوف من الانجاب ؟
  • ما هي أكثر الاسباب التي تثير مخاوف المرآه من الانجاب ؟

      تكون مجتمع البحث من الامهات المتواجد ات في مستشفى اليرموك واللواتي في سن الانجاب الامثل من عمر (20-35) سنة ،أن عينة البحث (115) أم أختيرت عشوائيآ من المستشفى . واعتمدت الباحثة على الدراسات السابقه والادبيات واراء بعض المختصين في الصحة وعلم النفس في بناء اداة البحث وكان مجموع الفقرات النهائي (15) فقرة واستخرجت الباحثة الصدق والثبات والتمييز ، أستخدام (تحليل التباين ، النسبة المئويه ,الاختبار الزائي ) كوسيلة احصائية . واسفرت النتائج عما يأتي :

1-أن عدد الاطفال لايختلف باختلاف (التحصيل الدراسي ، المهنه ، عدد سنوات الزواج ) للامهات ، وكل هذه المتغيرات حصلت على أعلى نسبه لاعداد الاطفال من  ( 1-2 ) طفل ،واقل نسبة لاعداد الاطفال من (5) فاكثر  .

2- هناك فرق ذات دلالة احصائيه بين عدد الاطفال الفعلي (الحالي ) والمفضل للامهات  .

3- لايوجد فرق ذات دلاله احصائيه بين الفئات العمريه للامهات في درجة الخوف من الانجاب .

4- يوجد فرق دال احصائيآ بين الامهات في درجة الخوف من الانجاب  .

5- اعلى نسبه اتفاق حصلت عليها الامهات على الاسباب كانت :

    أ- خوفآ من التلوث نتيجة الضربات الامريكيه الصاروخيه  .

  ب- تلوث مصادر مياه الشرب  .

  ج- تلوث الغذاء  .

 واستنادآ الى هذه النتائج وضعت الباحثة بعض التوصيات والمقترحات .


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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Marketing decisions as an intermediary variable of the nature of the relationship between Environmental Turbulence and marketing effectiveness exploratory study of Carrefour branches in Erbil Governorate
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The organizations, represented by its Management, are working hard in various ways to identify the environmental disturbances that occur in their environment and to investigate and follow up the movement of these disturbances and to respond to them through the decisions they make in an attempt to keep pace with the work and sustainability of their activities, including those decisions, marketing decisions taken by the environmental disturbulence in the market of the organization, the inability of these organizations to read the indicators of these disturbulence correctly displays their marketing effectiveness to vibration and decline in the negative.The current research is based on a fundamental problem that envi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On S*-Supplemented Modules
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The main goal of this paper is to introduce and study a new concept named d*-supplemented which can be considered as a generalization of W- supplemented modules and d-hollow module. Also, we introduce a d*-supplement submodule. Many relationships of d*-supplemented modules are studied. Especially, we give characterizations of d*-supplemented modules and relationship between this kind of modules and other kind modules for example every d-hollow (d-local) module is d*-supplemented and by an example we show that the converse is not true.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation of Parameters for the Gumbel Type-I Distribution under Type-II Censoring Scheme
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This paper aims to decide the best parameter estimation methods for the parameters of the Gumbel type-I distribution under the type-II censorship scheme. For this purpose, classical and Bayesian parameter estimation procedures are considered. The maximum likelihood estimators are used for the classical parameter estimation procedure. The asymptotic distributions of these estimators are also derived. It is not possible to obtain explicit solutions of Bayesian estimators. Therefore, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, and Lindley techniques are taken into account to estimate the unknown parameters. In Bayesian analysis, it is very important to determine an appropriate combination of a prior distribution and a loss function. Therefore, two different

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Issues Among the provisions of the use of the mosque and its dependencies
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God Almighty set out to build mosques, and he commanded to seek their architecture, and the competition for them, and allocate them with types of worship that are not valid in others, and to preserve their sanctity and not to be degraded and taken for mundane purposes and special benefits, because they are considered one of the most prominent features of Islam and the rituals of Islamic society, so this research came to show the rule Sharia in various and contemporary issues that are needed by the imams of the mosques, their rulers, and those responsible for them. Among the issues in which they have examined comparative juristic research and reached the most correct opinion are:
Building mosques over or under buildings and factories i

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 04 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Concentrations of heavy metals (Copper Cu, Iron Fe, Manganese Mn, Cadmium Cd, and Lead Pb) have been studied in river crab Sesarma boulengeri (Outer part of the shield and interior tissues) which caught from two stations in Shatt Al – Arab river (Salhia and Aldeir areas). Elements concentrations were measured by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, concentration of heavy metals in the internal tissues was higher than in the outer shield in both of the stations with the highest value of the elements was to iron 95.21 mg\ kg during the spring as well as copper was 55 mg\kg and manganese was 39.09 mg\kg. The study showed the presence of seasonal changes in the studied heavy metals concentrations values in the tissues of river crab;

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’alternance codique ou le code switching dans l’échange verbal
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Le mot anglais code switching ou l’équivalent français alternance codique est un terme très utilisé dans des recherches qui traitent des problèmes en sociolinguistique. Le bilingue dispose, dans son répertoire linguistique, de moyens de communication qui lui permettent d’adapter son langage à des situations de communication plus variées que ceux du monolingue. Le code-switching ou l’alternance codique qui est un lieu de structuration de stratégies de communication en est un moyen indispensable.
L’alternance codique dans la conversation est l’utilisation d’un mot ou plus appartenant à une langue B à l’intérieur d’une phrase qui appartient à une langue A. Dans la plupart des cas, le locuteur se sert de l’a

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Convergence Analysis for the Homotopy Perturbation Method for a Linear System of Mixed Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equations
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           In this paper, the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) is presented for treating a linear system of second-kind mixed Volterra-Fredholm integral equations. The method is based on constructing the series whose summation is the solution of the considered system. Convergence of constructed series is discussed and its proof is given; also, the error estimation is obtained. Algorithm is suggested and applied on several examples and the results are computed by using MATLAB (R2015a). To show the accuracy of the results and the effectiveness of the method, the approximate solutions of some examples are compared with the exact solution by computing the absolute errors.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Continuous Classical Boundary Optimal Control of Couple Nonlinear Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problem with Equality and Inequality Constraints
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The paper is concerned with the state and proof of the existence theorem of a unique solution (state vector) of couple nonlinear hyperbolic equations (CNLHEQS) via the Galerkin method (GM) with the Aubin theorem. When the continuous classical boundary control vector (CCBCV) is known, the theorem of existence a CCBOCV with equality and inequality state vector constraints (EIESVC) is stated and proved, the existence theorem of a unique solution of the adjoint couple equations (ADCEQS) associated with the state equations is studied. The Frcéhet derivative derivation of the "Hamiltonian" is obtained. Finally the necessary theorem (necessary conditions "NCs") and the sufficient theorem (sufficient conditions" SCs") for optimality of the stat

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 17 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The concept of acquisition Its kinds and distinguish it from a like concept
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This matter demands protecting economy from the acquisition on it by the holding companies with their influential impacts as a willingness to dominate and control the other companies which could lead to the disruption of the principle of equality among the shareholders in the financial and administrative rights because some persons follow several methods of control over the activity of the acquisition- targeted companies  and the confiscation of the rights of others resulting in a negative impact if accompanied by a lack of transparency and disclosure by holding companies. The holding company, whether directly or indirectly, may control a company's administration or other companies' administration leading to expansion in acquisition

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 31 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
من التراث من التراث البغدادي ...رياضة الزورخانة دراسة تاريخية
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مارس العراقيون ومنهم سكان مدينة بغداد أنواعاً متعددة من الألعاب الرياضية الفردية منها السباحة ، الفروسية ، الساس ، الطابك ، والمصارعة بطريقتها القديمة ـ الزورخانة ـ وما تحملهُ من عادات وتقاليد وطقوس شبه دينية إضافة لما في حركتها من معاني القوة والبطولة ونجد أنَّ الذين يقبلون على مزاولتها عند انتشار بيوتاتها في بغداد فيما بعد هم من علية القوم ووجهاء مدينة بغداد ومن الذين كانوا يتمتعون بالاخلاق الدينية الفا

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