لطالما تحاشينا الخوض في الحديث عن المرأة , وكل ما يتعلق بها من موضوعات , خصوصا في سياق ما يطرح حولها من أمور كأنها لاتخص غيرها مثل : " الحرية " "والمساواة " " والحقوق " ... وغيرها من المواضيع التي تعج بها الكتب والشاشات والبرامج والمؤتمرات والندوات , التي غالبا ما ترفع فيها الشعارات المؤدلجة وتوضع اخرى , في أتون محموم , إن دل على شيئ فانه يدل بالدرجة الاولى عن مدى الفوضى الفكرية التي نعيشها وغياب الوضوح المنهجي , وانعدام الأسس البنيوية لعلاج الظواهر الحياتية , كما تدل على أن مفهوم الكائن الانساني الحر المبدع مازال بعيدا عنا كل البعد 0ورغم الجهد الرئيس الذي تُقرّه الأديان والمذاهب الإنسانية في تأكيد الرحمة والرأفة والرفق بين بني الإنسان، ورغم حجم الأضرار التي تكبدتها الإنسانية جرّاء اعتماد العنف كأداة للتخاطب والتمحور، ورغم أنَّ أي إنجاز بشري يتوقف على دعائم الإستقرار والسلام والألفة رغم هذا وذاك ما زالت البشرية تدفع ضرائب باهضة من أمنها واستقرارها جرّاء اعتماد العنف كوسيلة للحياة. إنَّ رواسب المنهج الهمجي العدواني ما زالت عالقة في أذهان وسلوكيات البعض منّا في التعاطي والحياة وذلك على أرضية منهج العنف المضاد للآخر والفاقد للسماحة والرحمة، وإنها مشكلة قديمة جديدة لا تلبث أن تستقر في ساحتنا الإنسانية كل حين لتصادر أمننا الإنساني وتقدمنا البشري، فرغم التطورات الهائلة في الذهن والفعل الإنساني بما يلائم المدنية والتحضّر.. إلاّ أنه ما زلنا نشهد سيادة منهج العنف في التعاطي بني البشر وبالذات تجاه الكائنات الوديعة كالمرأة، وإنه توظيف مقيت ذلك الذي يوظّف مصاديق القوة لديه ليُحيلها إلى تجبّر وسيطرة من خلال العنف القسري المُمارس ضد الأضعف. أن العنف الموجه ضد المرأة هو عنف قائم على أساس نوع الجنس، "وهو العنف الموجه ضد المرأة بسبب كونها امرأة، أو العنف الذي يمس المرأة على نحو جائر. ويشمل الأعمال التي تلحق ضرراً أو ألماً جسديا أو عقليا أو جنسيا بها، والتهديد بهذه الأعمال، والإكراه، وسائر أشكال الحرمان من الحرية." أن العنف ضد المرأة لا يقتصر على ثقافة معينة أو إقليم معين أو بلد بعينه، فالعنف ضد المرأة موجود في كل مكان تقريباً، لكن درجة شدته، ومدى قبوله، تختلف من مجتمع لآخر ومن سياق اجتماعي لآخر. ويتأثر العنف ضد المرأة في التحليل الأخير بدرجة تقدم أو تخلف السياق الاجتماعي الذي توجد فيه. فالعنف يزداد حيث تواجه المرأة مستويات معيشية متدنية، والعكس أيضاًَ صحيح. من هنا يمكن القول بأن العنف ضد المرأة لا يرتبط بعامل مجتمعي وحيد، بقدر ما يرتبط بشبكة من العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والثقافية والسياسية والدينية والعرقية والإثنية، تتشابك فيما بينها لتولد تلك الأسباب المؤدية للعنف ضد النساء والداعمة له. وهذا ما يؤدي إلى تعدد المنظورات المختلفة التي يجب أن تشترك في الكشف عن شبكة العنف ضد المرأة مثل الدراسات النسوية، وعلم الجريمة، والتنمية، وحقوق الإنسان، والصحة العامة، وعلم الاجتماع، وعلم النفس، والتاريخ، والدين، والبحوث القانونية والتشريعية.
The research aims to identify the positives formulation entrances authors depending on the setting retaining the names of the authors of Arab veterans and cons of setting the entrances to Arab authors ancient depending on the nickname by desktop diligence without reference to a setting retaining the potential to benefit other libraries disciple of retaining existing in sober university libraries. Use the survey method and adopted a questionnaire distributed to the research sample consisting of employees working in the libraries in question and the total number of forms that have been distributed (50) form .tousel search phrase conclusions from them .
1-The lack of authority control depends on it to find a
... Show MoreObjectives: To assess nurses-midwives knowledge and performance regarding immediate newborn care in delivery rooms, and to identify the relationship between nurses-midwives knowledge and performance and their socio-demographic and professional variables regarding immediate newborn care.
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted from 1st of October, 2019 to 20TH of October, 2020 at three maternity teaching hospitals in Baghdad city/Al-Russafa Health Directorate: Al-Elwiya Maternity Teaching Hospital, Fatema Al- Zahra Maternity and Pediatric Hospital, Al- Za'faraniyah General Hospital. Non-probability (purposive sample) include
... Show MoreThe research has been based on two main variables (information and communication technology) and the quality of blended education (physical and electronic), aiming to reveal the relationship between four dimensions (physical devices, software, databases, communication networks) and the elements of education represented by (the teacher, the student, the teaching process, curriculum). The methodology and post-analysis-based research were conducted at the Technical College of Management / Baghdad through polling the opinions of a random sample that included (80) teachers out of (86) and the number of students (276) representing a random sample from all departments of the college (for the morning study) out of (3500) stud
... Show MoreObjective(s): To evaluate nurses' practices who work in respiratory intensive care units to control the
complications of patients admitted at this unit and determine the relationship between nurses' sociodemographic
characteristics and their practices.
Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out at Respiratory Care Unit at Baghdad teaching hospitals that
started from February 22th, 2013 to August 30th, 2013. A purposive "non-probability" sample of (70) nurses who
work in Respiratory Care Unit was selected from Baghdad teaching hospitals. The data were collected through the
use of constructed questionnaire that consists of two parts; (l) Demographic data form that consists of 7items and
(2) nurses' practice form
The resources-based introduction in the study of business organizations is increasingly dealing in the study of the human capacities and the best ways to develop them and changing the resources of the organization to be essential and competent to face the business challenges. Today’s organizations need crucial practices to face those challenges and the influences of those practices which take into consideration the importance of developing the entrepreneurship inside the organization. Those practices are called “High Performance Work Systems” which is denoted by “HPWS” and defined as the practices of human resources management which help in acquiring func
... Show MoreThe aim of the research is to know the effect of financial leverage on the market value of the stock by applying it to a sample of private Iraqi commercial banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period (2010-2019) and to show the extent of that effect, based on the bank’s annual reports for the mentioned period through the use of financial leverage ratios represented b (Equity multiplier, cash balance ratio), its discussion, analysis, description, inferential description, and testing of research hypotheses,
A set of conclusions has been reached, the most important of which are: The research sample banks depend in their financial structures on borrowed funds in a greater proportion than their r
... Show MoreThe research aims to examine the evaluation of educational quality management and the ways to improve it in the College of Education for Women at the University of Baghdad from the point of view of the academic staff. The research community consisted of (288) participants comprising all members of the academic staff in the College of Education for Women at the University of Baghdad for the academic year (2019-2020). As for the questionnaire, it was distributed to the academic staff of the scientific departments according to their affiliation for the purpose of identifying the availability of the requirements of the quality of the teaching service provided to them by the educational institution. The researcher adopted a questionnaire deve
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Focused research aims to provide a framework cognitive analytical nature of real estate investments and how they evaluated in the light of the assessment tools of modern theory of real options, and the possibility to rely on that theory in the detection of the true value of projects, real estate investments that would maximize the value of the investment decision taken, and the analysis of those projects that arise in the real estate markets and environments is the organization, which she was to make sure cases and high-risk, compared with entrances techniques, discounted cash flow (net present value). Based on the assumption lies in the possibility of the application of the implic
... Show MoreThe research intent evaluates the performance of material technical department / Technical College -Baghdad.
The study depend on the descriptive analytical approach to determine and treating the variables to get data and information that related to study, the researchers depended on questionnaire designed for this purpose and contains eight main dimensions that’s are scientific reference , academy course, staff member , administrative system, physical facilities , student ,scientific research, graduate service , in addition each dimension involved (5) items contacted with mean dimensions, which translate aspects of performance evaluation, the questionnaire applied on two samples staff member
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