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الانتماء الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالاذعان لدى المسنين
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لايمكن للفرد أن يعيش منعزلا عن الآخرين لأنه بحاجة إلى أن يتفاعل مع غيره لتسهيل مستلزمات معيشته ، لذا يعد الانتماء الاجتماعي احد الحاجات النفسية

الاجتماعية المهمة في حياة الفرد من خلال رغبة الفرد في أن ينتمي إلى الآخرين سواء كانوا أسرة أو أصدقاء أو مهنة أو وطن للوصول إلى الهدف الذي يريد أن يحققه و المتمثل في الوصول إلى حالة من الأمن النفسي للفرد و هي تبحث عن وسيلة إشباع من خلال العيش مع مجموعة من أفراد النوع أو في الإذعان للجماعة و التوافق معها أو في التقيد و قبول ما اصطلحت عليه الجماعة من معايير،ويعد الإذعان واحدا من المتغيرات الشخصية إذ ينطوي على تنازل عن الأحكام الشخصية في مواجهة الضغوط الخارجية وهي تأتي نتيجة لأمر صريح أو تعليمات من شخص يتمتع بسلطة أعلى تفرض التصرف بطريقة معينة والإذعان يتصل بحالة القبول الاجتماعي .وقد استهدف البحث الحالي ما يأتي:

1ـ تعرف مستوى الانتماء الاجتماعي لدى المسنين.

2ـ تعرف الفروق في الانتماء الاجتماعي بحسب متغير الجنس (ذكور/إناث)

3ـ تعرف مستوى الإذعان لدى المسنين

4ـ تعرف طبيعة العلاقة بين الإذعان و الانتماء الاجتماعي لدى المسنين

وتحدد البحث الحالي بالمسنين الساكنين في دور الدولة للمسنين  الواقع في حي الرشاد غرب مدينة بغداد من الذكور و الإناث ودار المسنين هو الدار الوحيد ضمن العاصمة بغداد.وقد شملت عينة البحث (160)مسنا ومسنة ،ونظرا لعدم توافر مقياسين احدهما لقياس الانتماء الاجتماعي والأخر لقياس الإذعان للمسنين فقد قامت الباحثة ببناء المقياسين،إذ استخرجت القوة التمييزية لفقرات المقياسين وأيضا تم استخراج مؤشرات الصدق والثبات لهما ،وبعد تطبيق المقياسين على عينة البحث تمت معالجة البيانات باستعمال الوسائل الإحصائية المناسبة،وقد أظهرت النتائج ما يأتي:

1-تتسم عينة البحث وهم المسنين بالانتماء الاجتماعي .

2-ظهر إن هناك فرقا ذو دلالة إحصائية في الانتماء الاجتماعي بحسب متغير الجنس ولصالح الإناث.

3-إن عينة البحث تتسم بالإذعان .

4-وجود علاقة ايجابية بين الانتماء الاجتماعي والإذعان لدى المسنين.

وفي ضوء النتائج المتحققة أوصت الباحثة ببعض التوصيات والمقترحات.


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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Forgiveness and its relation to the social intelligence among elementary school students
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The study aims to identify the relationship between forgiveness and social intelligence among elementary school students. The study employed a descriptive analytical approach, whereby a total of (500) elementary school student were selected randomly regarding the variable of gender and economical status. Two scales were prepared: one to measure the forgiveness depending on Albort’s theory that consist of (20) item, and the other to measure the social intelligence according to Tony’s theory which composed of (20) item as well. The result revealed that 6th grade students have interested level of the forgiveness and social intelligence, the girl showed significant differences according to the forgiveness variable, the sample

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الذكاء الاجتماعي وعلاقته باسلوب حل المشكلات لدى طلبة الجامعة
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      يعد موضوع  الشباب- في الوقت الحاضر -  من الموضوعات المهمة  التي  يهتم  بها  علم النفس  والتربية  والأجتماع  والصحة . بل أن الدول  المتقدمة  تهتم بشبابها  أيمانآ بأن تقدم  الأمة لايقوم الاعلى الأمكانيات البشرية من الشباب .

      ومما لاشك  فيه  أن  دخول الشباب  الى عالم  المجتمع  الجامعي  يطرح عليه وبشدة مشكلة التصرف م

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Prosoical Behavior and Its Relationship to Openness to Experience among University Students
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The aim of the present study is to identify the level of prosoical behavior of Baghdad University's students and to recognize the differences between male and female students. Moreover, it also aims to identify the level of openness to experience for these students. A random sample of (123) students has been selected; 77 males and 46 females. Two scales have been used in the study. The Prosocialness scale for adults by Caprara. Et al (2005) has been translated into the Arabic language and relies on four types of actions (Helping, Sharing, Taking care, and feeling Empathetic with others) and the other scale is the Openness to Experience Scale, which is one of the Big Five Inventory by John and Srivastava (1999). The main results showed a

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social Exclusion of People Infected with Coronavirus and Its Relationship with the Length of Incubation of the Disease Fatin sabaa khamas
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The importance of social exclusion lies in the psychological problems that cause problems in social relations and mental-physical health. For this reason, the researcher set three goals for the current research: identifying the level of social exclusion among people infected with the Coronavirus. The incubation period of the virus. Social exclusion and its relationship to the duration of incubation of the disease among people infected with the Coronavirus. The result showed that the research sample does not suffer from social exclusion. The mean value for the period from

(8-14) days is the highest value followed by the period (1-7) days and the period

 (14 days or more) comes at the end. There is no statistically sig

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تعلق المراهقين بالوالدين وعلاقته بالتفاعل الاجتماعي لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية
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     يرى الباحثون في علم النفس إن السنوات الأولى من حياة الطفل هي من أهم السنوات في تكوين شخصيته وتوجيهها وتنشئتها النشأة التي تبنى عليها أصولها من خلال مراحل النمو التالية.  ( الطحان، 1987، ص 17)

    إن من أهم أنواع السلوك التي يتعلمها الطفل في بداية السنة الأولى من حياته هي الاستجابات الاجتماعية للناس نتيجة تفاعله مع أمه وان هذه الاستجابات للام أو لمن ينوب عنها يتسع مجالها كل

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social Tolerance of Baghdad College students and its Relation With Parental Treatment Styles
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The social tolerance is one of the important variables in personality; it helps growth and development of individual's personality. Theories and the students affirmed that social Tolerance affects the society growth and development as well.
The presents study aims:
1. Estimating the social Tolerance for Baghdad College students.
2. Realizing how College students vary in social Tolerance according to:
Sex, (Male, Female) ٍSpecialization (Scientific, Humanity).
3. Realizing the nature of relationship between social Tolerance of College students and father and mother styles. To achieve this research goals the researcher established parameter (scale) for social Tolerance applied to sample of (500) students male and female. Th

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological adjustment and social relationship with the phenomenon of violence among children in pre-school stage
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The childhood is an important stage in building the character of the individual and where children acquire the most important experiences . providing proper growth requirements of the things follows assist them in achieving a stable and together Childhood is the violence of indicators that can determine whether personal or illness social .the social circumstances experienced community Iraqi and continues through crises successive wars and explosions and the displacement and that these events may lead to changes in the social behavior of individuals and may contribute to the spread of violence in Iraqi society and observed various forms in (home, school, street, and work), so it was natural that a child the first affected by these waves o

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
المناخ المدرسي وعلاقته بالتكيف الاجتماعي لدى تلاميذ الصف الاول الابتدائي في محافظة اربيل/ المركز
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The research aims at defining the level of the school environment and the social adjustment of the sample due to the sex and the relation among them. The two researchers have stated the school environment scale counting on the theoretical background and previous studies. As for the social adjustment scale, the researchers have used the scale of (Al-Kindy, 2001) and the school environment scale is implicated on (112) students. The schools and the students were elected in a random way. Whereas the social adjustment scale is implicated on (30) teachers in order to know their ratio of the student's adjustment. The results have appeared the satisfaction of the students on the private school environment within their school aspects (the directo

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship between Social Anxiety and Mindfulness In Iraqi Women Living In Iraq And The UK; A Comparison Study
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The continuous pressure of work and daily life and the increasing financial and social stress that Iraqi women are experiencing (both inside and outside Iraq) is one of the main causes of anxiety, particularly in those of working class women. This group of women carry the burden of carrying out multiple roles and responsibilities at the same time. All this collectively make them more prone to developing anxiety compared to men. In addition, the physiological and psychological nature of women, as females, on top of the other roles in life, like being a wife or mother or daughter or sister, all add extra pressure on women especially for those who are considered as productive working individuals in the society. In order to study the relatio

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Excessive Indulgence Of Parents and Social Consensus for Children Kindergarten
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Parental socialization trends impacting seriously on the growth of individual
personality and psychological health trends ,love, acceptance and on confidence help
children to grow as a person who loves other accept others and trust and negative parental
attitudes such as excess portents us or negligence . and the focusing and demonstrate a
negative impact on the growth of excess an mental health and family play a significant role in
a childes life we can see how many manifestation of compatibility or incompatibility thatappear on individual behaviors and achieve their success or failure in life be returned to the
of human relations that prevailed between the family members of children in various stages of
his life fi

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