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برنامج لتقويم اداء رؤساء الاقسام العلمية في الجامعات العراقية
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       لقد حدا بالمهتمين في الميدان التربوي، والادارة التربوية بصورة خاصة، ان يجدوا علاقات ايجابية بين متغيرات الميدان التربوي عامة والاداري بصورة خاصة وقد تمخض هذا عن وجود علاقة ايجابية بين اداء المديرين ورؤساء الاقسام ودرجة التقويم، ومن هنا يتضح انه كلما كان التقويم عالياً في درجته، يتضح ان هناك اداءً فاعلاً ولكن ليس بالشكل الحقيقي لمعنى التقويم ما لم يكن هناك تصور مسبق لمتغيرات التقويم، تنتظم تلك المتغيرات في انموذج يوضع لهذا الغرض (الراوي، 2000، ص52).

       وكذلك الحال في رفع كفاية العاملين في مجال تقويم الاداء واستخدام احدث وسائل التقويم وتعميق مهارات الاتصال لخدمة اغراض التقويم. (المؤتمر التربوي الثاني والعشرون،1996، ص7). ان العالم الان يشهد تجمعات وتكتلات لا بد للادارة التربوية من ان تدرك معنى ذلك لكي تعد العدة للمواجهة، وذلك من خلال احداث تغييرات جذرية في طريقة واسلوب اعداد القيادات الادارية العليا والوسطى في ادارة المؤسسة العلمية وذلك لاهميتها الواضحة في الانعكاسات على تحسين فاعلية الاداء بصورة عامة، وتقديم اداء العاملين بخاصة، بحيث يرتقي ذلك الى اتخاذ قرارات ايجابية تخدم اغراض تقويم الاداء في المؤسسة العلمية (الفخري،1990، ص165). واكد مؤتمر التعليم العالي الثالث المنعقد في العراق عام 1987 على انتشار مظاهر الضعف في اداء بعض القيادات التربوية الجامعية ودعا الى ضرورة اختيار الشخص المناسب لمن يتولى مهمة القيادة وتعزيز دور الجامعة والادارة الجامعية ودعمها لمتطلبات التجديد والتحديث والتطوير وللتأكيد على الدور القيادي لها (وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي، المؤتمرالثالث للتعليم العالي في العراق عام 1987). ان عملية التحديث والتطوير تتم من خلال النظر الى تقويم فاعلية الاداء على انها وسيلة للاتصال والتحفيز وتحسين القوى البشرية العاملة فضلاً على انها اداة رقابية لها علاقة بوظائف الاستقطاب والاختبار والتدريب واستمرارية العمل وليس بعكس ذلك حينما ينظرون الى التقويم على انه اداة لتصنيف الفاعلية لاغراض الترقية والفصل من الخدمة او التنقل (العقدة، 1999، ص22). وقد اكدت ندوة تحديث الادارة الجامعية على ضرورة اعداد وتحديث القيادات الادارية في الجامعات العربية، كما اكدت على اهمية المكانة التي تحتلها الادارة الجامعية والدور المؤثر الذي تؤديه في سير العمل الاداري التربوي (الدرة،1989، ص23).

       ان عملية تحقيق اهداف المؤسسة التربوية لا سيما في مجال التقويم لم تأتي من فراغ وانما هي عملية منهجية مدروسة تتطلب جهوداً في وظائف التخطيط والاعداد والمراجعة بحيث تشمل الامكانيات البشرية والمادية كافة، بحيث تتحق الدراسة في كيفية الوصول الى الاهداف واي تفسير في اهدافها (مركز البحوث التربوية، 2000، ص81) .

       ومن خلال اطلاع الباحث على واقع الجامعات العراقية ولقائه مع بعض هيئات التدريس فيها، لاحظ ان هناك تذمراً حول نمط سلوك بعض رؤساء الاقسام، كما وجد بعض الاخفاقات القيادية التي تعد مشكلة حقيقية تؤثر سلباً على رضا اعضاء هيئة التدريس مما يزيد لديهم الشعور بالاحباط، وربما الى عدم الرغبة في مهنة التدريس، او تغيير اماكن عملهم.

       ومما تقدم يمكن القول ان فاعلية تقويم الاداء على مستوى العمليات الادارية تمسك دفة النسيج التربوي بمدخلاته واذا ما ضعف التقويم حدثت فجوة في تحقيق اهداف المؤسسة الاكاديمية، واذا ما فشلت اكثر من جهة في تقويم الاداء احدث ذلك شرخاً كبيراً في المؤسسة التربوية الاكاديمية مما يدعو ذلك الى تفحص مسبق لعملية التقويم في المؤسسة لا سيما ان اتجاهات الدراسات في حل المشكلات الادارية بصورة عامة، والتربوية بصورة خاصة، هي ان ترتبط مباشرة في بناء الانموذج لانه الصيغة العلمية الملائمة وافضل من اي اجراء اخر يضع الحلول المؤقتة في كم هائل من المعلومات وسيل كبير من التفسيرات يصعب على رجل الادارة تصفحها او ادراكها (الراوي، 2001، ص3).

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluating the Science Experts Program at the Specialized Institute for Professional Training for Teachers in the Sultanate of Oman in Light of the Kirkpatrick Model
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This study aims to identify the degree to which the first cycle teachers use different feedback patterns in the E-learning system, to identify the differences in the degree of use according to specialization, teaching experience, and in-service training in the field of classroom assessment as well as the interaction between them. The study sample consisted of (350) female teachers of the first cycle in the governmental schools in Muscat Governorate for the academic year 2020/2021. The study used a questionnaire containing four different feedback patterns: reinforcement, informative, corrective, and interpretive feedback. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were verified in terms of validity

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Effectiveness of enrichment activities through using software program for second graders in Conversation article
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Today we are witnessing huge scientific and technical progress so we need more skills and methods of thinking that needs to be acquired by the teacher, as the importance of computers in education  there are  many teachers  suffering  of the difficulty in teaching for pupils . researchers tried to  find a good suitable way with the technological  interests for now which represent by  computer design software and the introduction of enrichment activities in the curriculum because it is one of a contemporary trends for the development of the Arabic language with various levels of education and knowing if this program has negative or positive impact.


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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the Organizational Service Orientation practices and its Impact in inhancing the employees performance (A Fiald Research in Baghdad Municipality)
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Recently, there is a widespread attention about the service at the level of each of the research and academic studies, and at the organizational level as well. The subject of orientation towards the service aspect is starting to be of this attention being of the modern subjects, relatively, which appeared at the end of the last century, as well as the link of this subject with the relationship between the organization and its customers, and how to provide high quality services to get their satisfaction. Thus, the specialists from researchers were interested in this field to develop an appropriate scale to measure the organizational orientation toward service, and it was the most prominen

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational commitment and its role in enhancing the performance of employees : exploratory search of the views of a sample of managers and employees of the General Company for Dairy Products
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Expected to The organizational commitment by employees increases their loyalty towards their organization and thus contribute to enhancing their performance , therefore this study aimed to discover the relationship and the impact between the organizational commitment (emotional commitment, standard commitment, continuous commitment) and the performance of employees in the company researched, additional to know the available organizational commitment levels of employees in the company researched and its impact on the performance of employees, Research was conducted at the General Company for products in the dairy to achieve the goals of research has been developed questionnaire conation (22 ) items to collect data from the study s

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Educational Program in Enhancing Nurses’ Knowledge about Occupational Health Hazards
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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of an Educational Program in Enhancing Nurse’s Knowledge about Occupational Health Hazards at Medical City Hospitals in Baghdad City.

Methodology: The present study employed a quasi-experimental design held at Medical City Hospitals in Baghdad City. A non-probability sample (convenience sample) consisted of (60) nurse. Data were collected by using a self-report questionnaire which consisted of six parts (a) socio-demographic characteristics (b) physical hazards knowledge (c) chemical hazards knowledge (d) biological hazards knowledge (e) psychological hazards knowledge and (f) mechanical hazards knowledge. Data were analyzed using the statistical packag

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The aesthetics of employing the Cap Cut program in the montage and effects of digital content on the Internet
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Traditional programs and the tedious and financially costly processes they require are no longer the best choice for content makers. The continuous development and development have led to the emergence of competitive software that offers capabilities that are more suitable for aesthetic needs, as it breaks down stereotypical frameworks from the familiar to the unfamiliar to be more suitable for graphic subjects in terms of dealing with the requirements of the digital content industry. Video for communication platforms, as it has more advantages than traditional software and the flexibility and high quality it offers at the level of the final product, All of this contributed to supplementing the image with aesthetic employments with data

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The obstacles that encounter a program of rehabilitating released prisoners as perceived by prisoners themselves in tubas' province
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The study intends to explore the obstacles that encounter a program of rehabilitating released prisoners as perceived by prisoners themselves in tubas' province. To this end, the researcher used a questionnaire as an instrument which was applied on (150) prisoner had chosen randomly to collect the study data. The findings revealed no significant differences among obstacles the encounter program regarding to the following variables: age, detention period, and number of detention, additionally, the findings found that there is a variance of obstacles mean according to the prisoners themselves, rehabilitation program, and the facility of that program.

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Using Air Guide Net in Front of the Condenser on the Performance of Automobile Air Conditioning System
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The work of this paper is an investigation to improve the condenser performance of the automobile air conditioning system by enhancing the air-side heat transfer from the condenser through the use of an air guide net installed in front of the condenser face which is basically an aluminum plate having a circular entrance shape for the air passage.  The A/C system was examined under two types of test. The first test was conducted the air guide net, while the second was done with the air guide net. The performances of the A/C system under these tests were compared. For the second type of test, the experiment was carried out with three different size of air guide net, three different circular diameters (2, 3 and 3.5 cm) a

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of a Training Program to Develop the Skill of Organizing Time for the Kindergarten Department Students
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The current research aims to identify the time-management skills based on the post-test of the experimental group as well as to examine the effect of a training program on developing the skills of managing time among the study sample. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher designed a scale of time management skill included (30) paragraphs. The research reached that the training program is significantly effective in managing and organizing time. There are statistically significant differences in pre-posttest between the experimental and control groups.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
guidance program Structured to address therapeutic cognitive emotional disorders (Anxiety and depression model)
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           Is one of the processes of educational guidance to help the individual to design educational plans that fit with the abilities and inclinations and goals.
And research aims the current instruction program heuristic therapeutic knowledge to deal with emotional disorders. And may the researcher instruct a program according to the theories of interested and competent guidance to education and has studied the large number of studies available in this field, as has been the program on a number of specialists in education and Psychology and took their views. And then was adopted the final version of the indicative program, consistent with the sample, which was built

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