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اثر أنموذج برونر في تنمية التفكير الناقد لدى طلبة المرحلة الثانية كلية التربية الأساسية في مادة الأدب
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التعريف بالبحث

اهمية البحث والحاجة اليه :.

           اللغة وظيفة اساسية الا وهي التواصل ولقد زدادت الحاجة في هذا العصر الى تعلم اللغات والاحاطة بها اكثر من اي وقت مضى يوصفها الاساس الذي يعتمد عليه في تعلم المواد الاخرى .

         فاللغة اداة التفكير ونشر الثقافة في بلدان كثيرة مثل بلاد الاندلس التي اشرقت منها الحضارة في اوربا فبددت ظلماتها  وقشعت عنها سحب الجهالة ودفعتها الى التطور والنهوض ( الدغمة 1980, ص1 )

كما انطلق "دي سوسير " من ان اللغة جهاز من العلامات تنتهي الى شكل نظام او منظومة متكاملة من الاليات اللغوية ( نظام - منظومة ) اذ يقول " ليس الكلام المنطوق هو الطبيعي بالنسبة الى الانسان بل ان الطبيعي انما هو ملكه تأسيس نظام من الدلائل المتميزة المطابقة لافكار متميزة حيث درس اللغة لاعلى انها مجموعة من الكلمات وانما على اساس انها مجموعة من عناصر تربطهاعلاقة تحول هذه العناصر من عناصر لامعنى لها في ذاتها وانما معناها في ارتباطها ببعضها فهي الملكة اللسانية المتمثلة في تلك القدرات التي يمتلكها الانسان التي تميزه عن الكائنات الاخرى فهي مؤسسة اجتماعية ونتاج يتقبله المتكلم  ( نور الهدى,2001,ص37- 903 ) .

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Magazine Aldhakwat Albedh
The impact of atheism on the individual and society, Iraq as a model
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Atheists have spread in the modern era, so that atheism has become a bad phenomenon in the world in general and in Islamic societies in particular, so the research aims to study the individual and social effects left by atheism on the atheists themselves, and the research included multiple axes: atheism linguistically and idiomatically, atheism in the Qur’an Noble and Modern (and Contemporary) Atheism Statistics: and the reasons for atheism: Studying the phenomenon of atheism in Iraq as a model, then studying the effects of atheism: on the individual first, then atheism and its impact on society, then the conclusion, recommendations, sources and references

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Financial policy in the caliphate of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)
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Praise be to God who has guided us, and we would not have been guided had it not been for the guidance of God Almighty. The life of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, represented the highest meanings of sacrifice, redemption, courage, heroism, patience, altruism, and truth, which were embodied in his unique personality, whose counterpart is rare, if not unparalleled in history. Except for the person of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace). In this research, we have presented pictures from the life of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him), as we have clarified his life, upbringing, conversion to Islam and his ma

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational values prevailing in small games for kindergarten
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The research aims to identify the educational values prevailing in the small kinetic games for the children of Riyadh, and to categorize the educational values of the kinetic games small children Riyadh. The research analyzed the content of a number of small kinetic games that included studied physical education at the two pre-kindergarten and stipulated by the Platform for kindergartens, which is being applied. The content analysis was used by analysts agreement with themselves over time (21) days. The agreement between the external researcher and analyst. The researcher used the Cooper to extract equation lab agreement between the researcher and the outside analyst, has reached agreement on determining factor idea and label values (0.8

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Hepatitis C Patients in Wazirabad Tehsil of Gujranwala District of Pakistan: hepatitis C in Diabetic patients
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Hepatitis, a condition of liver’s inflammation that can be self-limiting or, in certain chances, it may lead to liver cancer, fibrosis or cirrhosis. Hepatitis viruses mainly cause hepatitis in the world. People with hepatitis C have predominant chances to develop diabetes as HCV virus participates in causing type 2 diabetes. HCV virus causes pathogenesis in two ways: it either directly destroys the β cells of pancreas or contributes to the specific autoimmunity of β cells. The present cross sectional study was done in Wazirabad Tahsil of Gujranwala District to analyze the percentage of patients suffering from hepatitis C who had the risk of diabetes mellitus. For this research work, demographic information and data about any other me

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Scopus (5)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The importance of cash flow statement in reducing credit risk and liquidity: بحث تطبيقي في مصرف الرشيد
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Banks face different types of banking risks that limit the performance of its functions and achieve its objectives, including the financial risk that is based on current research into two types including a credit and liquidity risks. And established credit risk due to the possibility of delaying the borrowers to fulfill their obligations to the bank when due or non-payments on according to the terms agreed upon, while liquidity risk arises as a result of the inability of the bank to fund the financial needs, any inability to provide cash to pay its obligations short on credit without achieving tangible loss or the inability to employ the funds properly and show the liquidity risk in the event of inadequate cash inflows to the bank for an

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Workplace Fun as Moderator Variable between Leadership Virtuousness and Organizational Brilliance (Applied study at the University of Kufa)
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    The current research tested the interactive role between the workplace fun and the leadership virtuousness in the organizational brilliance, in a sample of the teaching staff at the University of Kufa reached (325 staff) out of (2069) professor. The research based on hypothesis model which reflect the research hypotheses from main variables presented  the leadership virtuousness (optimism, forgiveness, trust, compassion and  integrity) for moderating affect with the workplace fun (fun activities, Coworker socializing, manager support for fun). The organizational brilliance will increase in case of providing sub-variables which (leadership brilliance, service & innovation brillianc

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
وقائع مؤتمر
واقع تطبيق خصائص الحوكمة في ميدان الإدارة العامة دراسة تحليلية في المنظمات العامة في العراق
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Alternative Sanctions and their Impact on Societal Security: A Field Study in the Directorate of Juveniles Reformatory in Baghdad
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Crime is one of the most severe challenges facing States, and strives to find preventive measures, reduce its seriousness, and prevent them; due to developments, crimes have increased, and emerging new patterns of crimes, there is an urgent need to prevent crimes and reduce their effects. Modernizing its punitive system and diverting it to correctional rehabilitative justice to redress the prejudice caused by the crime and rehabilitate the convicted person by using alternative measures to short-term imprisonment. This research emphasizes alternative sanctions' value to minimizing short-term imprisonment penalties and their impact on societal security through several goals like, the negative consequences, justifications, and alternatives

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Organiational challenges and thier effect of organiational rituals
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Administrative leaders conserned to understand the challenges which are faced their organizations and try to assimilate and adapt with the extent that achieves to it efficiency and effective- ess, and standing face to face to faceing any challenge.that threaten it’s existence thro- ugh using modern inputs reached to that level of these  challenges and applied the study on a sample deliberate random from teaching hospitals of the Directorate General for Health Baghdad Karkh, and the Directorate General for Health Baghdad Rusafa and the City of Medicine , The importance of t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
the marketing strategies and their role in increased productivity of the insurance companies: دراسة تطبيقية في شركة التامين العراقية
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Search procedures on the treatment research has tended include what cam followers Astaratejaat available to the business organizations to achieve competitive advantage and continued benefits of the form in which the organization can maintain its success in the race competitive and increase production efficiency. 

The objectives of the study , the study came with  the number of goals and the most important one the  knowledge of the relationship and the influence between the variables of the study and review of the latest literature frameworks intellectual and philosophical to the variables of the study and come up with recommendations that could help the organization improve its performance .

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