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قياس الاتجاه نحو البحث العلمي وأسباب قلة ارتياد المكتبات الجامعية
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يعد موضوع الاتجاهات ((Attitudes)) من الموضوعات الهامة في مجال علم النفس الاجتماعي، فالاتجاه هو المحرك للسلوك، ويرى البورت أن مفهوم الاتجاه يمثل حجر الزاوية في علم النفس الاجتماعي وتحتل دراسة الاتجاهات مكاناً بارزاً في دراسات الشخصية وديناميات الجماعة وتوجيه الرأي العام، وان العلاج النفسي ما هو إلا محاولة لتغيير اتجاهات الفرد نحو ذاته ونحو الآخرين ونحو عالمه الذي يعيش فيه.

ويستعمل علماء النفس الاجتماعي مصطلح الاتجاه بمعناه العام الذي يشتمل المشاعر الايجابية والسلبية تجاه الأشياء الاجتماعية التي تتضمن الناس والأحداث والأفكار المجردة.

                                                                    (معوض، 1999، ص 231)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

إن الجماعة قادرة على التأثير الاجتماعي وتعديل الاتجاهات من خلال العمليات النفسية داخل الجماعة، ويلجأ الأفراد من خلال العلاقات والروابط الاجتماعية التي تربط بعضهم ببعض

                                                        (Saks & Krupat, 1988, P. 183)

لقد شغل موضوع الاتجاه اهتمام علماء النفس الاجتماعي الذين حاولوا أن يجدوا إجابات علمية شافية للتساؤلات الآتية:-

كيف يمكن قياس الاتجاهات؟

كيف تكون الاتجاهات؟

وهل تخضع الاتجاهات إلى ثبات أو منطق ذاتي؟ (صالح، 1988، ص381)

إن أي مجتمع ينشد التقدم ويطمح إلى تحقيق نهضة فكرية واجتماعية واقتصادية لابد له من الاهتمام بالبحث العلمي باعتباره أهم مصادر المعرفة، فضلاً عن اضطلاعه بدور كبير في تحقيق التنمية الشاملة لتكوين مجتمع يسوده الرخاء والتقدم ويحقق تكافؤ الفرص بين المواطنين ليكونوا أداة للتغيير والتطوير في المجتمع.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 28 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أهل الذمة وأثرهم العلمي في العصر العباسي
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    The dhimmis scholars of the Jews, Christians, Sabians and Magi excelled in various pure scientific and human sciences because they are the owners of civilizational inheritances

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اتجاهات طلبة جامعة بغداد نحو الديمقراطية
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مشكلة البحث واهميته


      نعيش حالياً في عصر تتردد فيه اصداء الدعوة الى الحرية والديمقراطية في ارجاء الوطن العربي بشكل عام والعراق بشكل خاص، رغم التحديات التي تواجهها هذه الدعوة، وبما ان دور الجامعة لم يعد اليوم محددا بتزويد الطلبة بالمعلومات والمعارف، فقد وسعت نطاقها وعددت اغراضها وتنوعت اتجاهاتها, واصبح للطالب الجامعي ح

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Publication Date
Mon May 21 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Towards a decentralized planning policy in Iraq
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Iraq is changing from the centralized system of governance to the decentralized system, which assumes devolution of more authorities to the local governments of Iraqi provinces and cities. This puts a responsibility on the academics to produce more research work on the best framework for this change, to ensure the best results. The main objective of this research is to suggest a policy for the decentralized transformation in domain of Urban and Regional Planning in Iraq. A suggested program for the transformation is involved in the paper as well, with analysis for the new relationships between different levels of planning authorities depending on democracy. In addition, a description for planning process flows from bottom to top.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Agreeableness and Its Relation with Orientation towards Voluntary Work
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The current study aims to identify agreeableness and orientation towards voluntary work of officials in public facilities, as well as to identify the nature of the correlation between agreeableness and orientation towards voluntary work of officials in public facilities. To achieve the aims of the research, the researchers designed the agreeableness scale, which consists of (28) items in its final form. The researchers also built a scale of orientation towards voluntary work, which consists of (29) items in its final form. Psychometric properties of validity and reliability of the two scales were extracted in various ways. The researcher applied the two scales on a sample of (400) officials, the results indicated that the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The attitudes of Iraqi youth towards volunteering work
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The aim of the research is to identify the attitudes of Iraqi youth
towards volunteering work by using the survey method and the scale
tool to identify what young volunteers can carry from the attitudes
towards volunteering work because the phenomenon of volunteer
work is of great importance in society. The scale was applied to
(525) volunteers among Iraqi youth. The research reached a set
of results, the most prominent of which is the existence of positive
trends among young people towards volunteering work, meaning
that Iraqi youth volunteers have awareness of the concept of
volunteering correctly. As for their goals of volunteering, they are
humanitarian and social goals for the advancement of society, an

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Trends of College Faculty Towards Psycho-lab
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1. Building an analysis tool that determines the strength of a relationship in a psychological experiment. 2. To identify the degree of direction of the research sample on the lab psychological variable according to gender (males - females). 3. Recognize that there are no statistically significant differences about the psychological laboratory variable according to gender (males - females). To investigate the goals of the current research, seek to develop a tool to measure attitudes towards laboratory psychological variables that are scaled according to a range of 24 items including paragraphs ranging from positive to negative attitudes that gradually change from significantly agree, moderately agree, slightly agree, not agree, and I do

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Toward a stereotype specification for measurement of university women
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A- The research problem: the research problem which is the garments industry, as a
whole it does not rely on a single system in the sizes of the clothing and the working
companies, see that it is not plausible that the sizes be unificd and consistent in all companies.
The current sizes in the domestic Iraqi markets are not suitable for some females ,on the other
hand the Iraqi industry suffers the lack of a modern standard for some Iraqis female bodies.
B- The Signifiance of the research: lies in the study of the diversity of the human body
sizes and naming them to reflect the desires and requirements of the consumer and try to find
a method to meet their expectations as well as to raise the level of garments industr

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Gracq : aspiration vers une écriture picturale
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Entre le dessin et l’écriture, le rapport est très fort, les deux techniques sont par excellence des moyens d’expression de l’homme sur la toile ou la page. Ainsi les genres romanesques et poétiques connaissent-ils en peinture depuis longtemps une bonne source d’inspiration : des poètes (comme Baudelaire et René Char) et des romanciers (Balzac et Proust) ont, chacun à leur manière, réfléchi et interrogé les œuvres des peintres. La description d’un tableau demeure très fréquente non seulement dans la littérature moderne, voire dans celle de l’époque classique ; en revanche, le Moyen Age connaît la pratique de l’illust

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 04 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
علاقة فاعلية الذات والفرع الأكاديمي بدافع الإنجاز الدراسي لدى طالبات كلية عجلون الجامعية
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هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على علاقة فاعلية الذات والفرع الأكاديمي بدافع الإنجاز الدراسي لدى طالبات كلية عجلون الجامعية. تكونت عينة الدراسة من (200) طالبة ممن درسن في أحد الفرعين العلمي أو الأدبي اختيرت بالطريقة الطبقية العشوائية، وشكلت ما نسبته 10% من مجتمع الدراسة.

ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تطبيق مقياس فاعلية الذات على عينة الدراسة، كما تم تطبيق مقياس دافع الإنجاز الدراسي على العينة نفسها

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The healthy personality and its relation to the academic achievement of school and university teacher
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Personality regard as one of the human soul pillars that has been built throughout the life of people, starting from the fertilizing process to different stages of people ages. Over time, numerous scientific studies have shown that fetus has the ability to hear and feel and he is being stereotyped since the first stages of formation. Accordingly, the process of forming human personality set up since that date. Besides, the socialization means that take different resources to enhance human personality such as holy Quran, school, social media, and social environment. The emergence of social media made the world as a small village which gives the chance for all people, over the world, to obtain the knowledge easily and limitless. Thus, the

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