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اثر الإتجاه التكاملي في التفكير المنظومي لطلبة أقسام القرآن الكريم والتربية الإسلامية في مادة الإعجاز القرآني
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أولاً: مشكلة البحث:

لاحظ الباحث عن طريق خبرته – المتواضعة- في أثناء عمله في ميدان التدريس في أقسام القرآن الكريم والتربية الإسلامية ان هناك ضعفاً في المستويات وتدنياً واضحاً في التفكير المنظومي للطلبة في مادة الإعجاز القرآني، ويرى الباحث أن هذا التدني يعود إلى أسباب عديدة من أبرزها: طرائق تدريس المادة، وغزارة المادة الدراسية، وصعوبة استيعابها في الوقت القصير المخصص لها، وان مادة الإعجاز القرآني افتقرت تماماً للدراسات التجريبية في ميدان طرائق تدريس القرآن الكريم والتربية الإسلامية.

وقد شخص بعض الباحثين هذا الضعف منذ أكثر من عقد من الزمن ولكن المعالجات الفعلية والعملية لهذهِ المشكلات ما زال دون المستوى المطلوب، إذ اقتصرت على الدراسات النظرية فقط (يونس وآخرون، 1999، ص7- 8).

ولذا فان مادة الإعجاز القرآني تحتاج إلى أساليب فاعلة لتدريسها، وان التدريسي الذي يفتقر إلى أسلوب ملائم في التدريس قد يلحق ضرراً بالغاً بمنهاج يتصف بالصدق والشمول (مدكور، 1991، ص9).

ولهذا، فان الإلمام بعلوم التربية الإسلامية وحدها من دون الاهتمام بطرائق تدريسها يُشّكل عقبة كبيرة في تحقيق الطموحات التي تسعى التربية الإسلامية إلى تحقيقها في شخصيات الطلبة، إذا ما علمنا ان الطريقة في التدريس تعد همزة الوصل بين الطالب والمنهج، وهي من المكونات الأساسية في نجاح عملية التعليم والتعلم (الحديثي، 2004، ص5).

وان تحقيق أهداف التربية الإسلامية لا يتم إلا بوجود طرائق وأساليب مناسبة أكثر فاعلية وإنتاجاً من الأساليب والاتجاهات التقليدية حالياً التي يكون فيها موقف الطالب سلبياً، وغير فعال في العملية التعليمية (أبو جلالة، 1999، ص125).

وقد ظهرت في العقود الأخيرة تداعيات ونداءات إلى ضرورة إعادة النظر في المنهجية التي تعتمد على المنحى الخطي (Linear Approach)، ودعت إلى روى جديدة تنادي بحتمية الأخذ بالاتجاه التكاملي والمدخل المنظومي في تقديم الخبرات المختلفة في صورة منظومية، تظهر وتؤكد الترابط والتفاعل والتداخل والتكامل بين هذهِ الخبرات، وتعمل على ربط ما لدى الطالب من معرفة سابقة في بنيته المعرفية بما سيتعلمه من خبرات جديدة، مما يجعل تعلمه ذا معنى (فهمي وعبد الصبور، 2001، ص36).

وهذا ما أكدته عدد من الأدبيات والدراسات الحديثة التي دعت إلى ضرورة إجراء دراسات تتعلق بالتفكير المنظومي في القرآن الكريم والعلوم الإسلامية (حوامدة، 2003، ص575- 576) (حجو، 2004، ص39).

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 11 2022
Journal Name
جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة - ابن الهيثم
التفكير التخيلي وعلاقته بالقراءة الستراتيجية والتحصيل في مادة الرياضيات لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The effect of technology on achieving contemporary levels in the space of Arab Islamic architecture “Mosques is a case study”
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Arab-Islamic architecture has undergone a change at multiple levels affected by modern technology, so the research sought to address the role of contemporary technologies on a fundamental and fundamental component of architecture, which is the architectural space, what is known as the essence of architecture and its ultimate destination, with a focus on the architectural space in the architecture of the contemporary Arab Islamic mosque, because the mosque’s architecture is so important in Islamic law and the belief of the Muslim person himself, where the mosque is the functional style produced by the Islamic faith and embodied in it, whereas, knowing the levels of influence of contemporary technologies in the architectural spac

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر إستراتيجية التعلم التنافسي في التحصيل لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الأدبي في مادة التربية الإسلامية
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Aim of the research

The current research is aimed to know the effect of competitive education strategy at the fifth-grade students in the preparatory Islamic Education .

Search procedures

To achieve the goal of research researcher Qsidia chose a middle channel of the daughters of the breeding Baghdad Rusafa , The research sample has been reached (69) student -Bois Qa (34) in the control group , And ( 35) in the experimental group , Researcher Strategy competitive education that was applied to the experimental group were used , the traditional way to the control group .

search result

Search result yielded superiority of the expe

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Barman's Model on acquiring the Concepts of Fiqh of Worship among Students of Departments of Qur'anic Sciences
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The current research seeks to identify the impact of Barman's model on acquisition of the concepts of jurisprudence of worship among students of the departments of Qur'anic sciences. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher relied on the experimental method through a design with partial control by relying on two experimental groups receiving teaching by using the Barman model and a control group receives teaching through the normal method. After applying the experiment, the study reached the following results: Students of the Department of Qur’anic Sciences in general need educational programs linked to the curriculum and built on scientific foundations, according to their needs and problems (psychological, cognitive, and soc

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر استعمال انموذج ديك و كاري في تحصيل طالبات الأول المتوسط في مادة جغرافية
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Occupies an important geographical position, and instructional material is distinctive among the various course materials, as covered in the study of human and surrounding environment, and interaction happening between them, and the problems that arose as a result and a lot of reliable in achieving educational purposes. Through the monotony and tradition in the methods used in our schools in the teaching of geography, which prevails in teaching nature conservation and indoctrination with poor educational qualification as a teacher geography, and the fact that this article need to be effective methods for teaching, such as the use of teaching models modern-dependent student at the center of the process education, and this is confirmed by

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Bayer effective strategy in the development of deductive thinking when students fifth grade literary material in history
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Supervised By : Prof. dr. Shaker Jaseem Mohammed This research aims to identify the (effectiveness of Bayer's strategy in the development of deductive thinking among students in the fifth grade literary material European history) and to achieve the goal set researcher null hypothesis of the following: • There is no statistically significant difference between the average scores of the experimental group which studied the use of Bayer's strategy and the control group, which studied the use of the usual way in the development of deductive reasoning. The study sample consisted of (84 students) of the students in the fifth grade literary breeding Baghdad / Karkh second Directorate for the academic year 2015-2016 were distributed Aanhaldras

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
بعض وظائف النبي صلى هللا تعالى عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم الواردة في القرآن الكريم
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The research included an introduction, and three functions
of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), a
machine and a companion, and a conclusion , the first function,
which is zakaah, and began with it because it is the basis of every
work, no work is accepted by Allaah except what was sincere to
him, as well as sincere intention, because accepting works is
entrusted with the

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Phenomena (submission delays) and (deletion) and Dalalthma on the social meanings in part (28) of the Holy Quran
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Arabic language , like any other living languages grow and evolve ; social phenomenon
it is subject to the law of life ; therefore resemble organism also touted as the most eloquent
language and the ability to meet the needs of people in every time and place.
The contemplation of the verses of the Koran reveals a lot of means of expression
leading to the grammatical meaning of the social.
I have tried in this research that investigated the social meanings through the phenomena
of deletion and delivery delays and capture semantic landing through the meanings that lead
to psychological persuasion to comply with the orders after the rights of the divine in which
social directives.
It remains the greatest mystery o

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Active Reading Strategy on the Achievement of the Second Year Middle School Students in Biology
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The aim of the current research is to identify the effect of the effective reading strategy on the achievement of second-middle students in biology, as well as the imaginative thinking skills of students. The researcher adopted the experimental design with partial control to achieve the goal of the research. The current research community identified the second-middle students in the government schools of the Baghdad Education Directorate / Rusafa I for the academic year (2021-2022 AD). The Safina Intermediate School for Girls was chosen to be the research sample in the form of intentionally, two classes were randomly selected from a total of four classes, one of them is experimental and the other is con

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Common Origin of Languages: A Comparative Study between the Holy Quran and the Heavenly Religions
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This research is a new reading of some of the words in the Holy Quran, which is very old. It is a human reading in which religions are intertwined by recognizing the relationship between man and his fellow man in the unity of existence and the unity of the source of religions and the unity of language. The importance of this research in comparing some of the Arabic words has been contained among books believed by followers that it is from the one God Sunday.

When words are spoken in one way in the form of one creature, from the beginning of creation to the present day, this indicates the single origin of the languages..

The research tools were books of heavenly religions, the Quran, dictionaries and interpretations.

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