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تطور مفهوم ألذات وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات العقلية
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تظهر اهمية مفهوم ألذات من حيث انه احد دوافع الفرد الداخلية التي لها تأثير معين على التحصيل الدراسي لدى التلاميذ وعلى تكيفهم مع بيئتهم التربوية أثناء الدراسة، لذلك فان معرفة كيفية قياس مفهوم ألذات وأدراك الفرد لذاته تساعد في عملية تقويم الفرد من حيث قدرته على التكييف وثقته بنفسه كما تفيد في التخطيط عن طريق وضع برامج تساعده في زيادة مفهوم ذاته عن نفسه.

ومما لاشك فيه ان مرحلة الطفولة لها اهمية في تكوين مفهوم ألذات وتحديد أبعاد الشخصية ولهذا فان البحث الحالي قد أولى اهمية خاصة الى الجزء المتمثل بالطفولة المتأخرة، التي تتغير الحد الفاصل بين الطفولة والمراهقة حيث ان صورة ألذات في هذه الفترة تتبلور وتتضح نتيجة النمو والتفاعل الاجتماعي عندما يوضح الطفل في سلسلة الأدوار الاجتماعية ضمن أطار البيئة التي يعيش فيها.

أذان الهدف من مفهوم ألذات هو تحقيق ألذات كما هو الهدف من كل سلوك إنساني، أذان الشخص المحقق لذاته هو ذلك الشخص الذي يستخدم امكاناته وقدراته وقالياته ويحيا حياة أغنى وأمتع من تلك التي يحياها الشخص العادي وهو بذلك يحقق توافقاً نفسياً خالياً من الصراعات الانفعالية ومن عوامل التثبيط التي يعيشها الشخص الذي لم يصل الى درجة تحقيق ألذات.

وعليه يهدف البحث الحالي الى ماياتي:-

1.تعرف مستوى مفهوم الذات لى طلبة المرحلة الابتدائية

2.تعرف العلاقة بين مفهوم الذات والقدرات العقلية لى طلبة المرحلة الابتدائية.

ولتحقيق اهداف البحث اختار الباحثان عينة البحث بالطريقة العشوائية، وقدبلغت العينة (400)طالب وطالبة وللصفيين الخامس والسادس الابتدائي، ولقياس مفهوم الذات قام الباحثان باعداد اداة لقياس مفهوم الذات تكونت من (108) فقرة،

وقد استخرج الباحثان التحليل الاحصائي للفقرات المقياس والقوة التميزية من خلال ارتباط الفقرة بالدرجة الكلية حيث كانت جميعها دالة عند مستوى (0.001) ودرجة حرية (398) واستخراج مؤشرات الصدق الظاهري من خلال عرض المقياس على مجموعة من الخبراء والمحكمين، وقد تم استخراج مامل الثبات بطريقة التجزئة النصفية فبلغ (0.85) وبعد تصحيحه بمعامل (سبيرمان – براون) بلغ (0.89) وبطريقة (الفا كرونباخ) (0.90)                                   

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الذكاء المكاني وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات لدى طلبة الجامعة
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The great scientific evolution and the expansion of the demands of life, especially in the field of architectural design make human's need increased to use his abilities and all possibilities in active way to have a main role in this progress. To achieve his role in this progression which is can not be achieved and accomplished only by depending on  the mental capacity including intelligence spatial / visual, which is one of the branches of the theory of multiple intelligences. This theory is one of the most important theories which we strongly need it to reveal this type of intelligence in order to know the teachers on learners' abilities to put appropriate methods to deal with them.of this current research as follows:

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Negotiation Behavior and Its Relationship to Some Variables of Administrative Teachers
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The current research aims to identify the negotiation behavior of administrative teachers, as well as to identify the significance of the differences in negotiation behavior according to the variables (gender, scientific title, length of service). After confirming the psychometric characteristics of (20) items, the researchers applied the scale to (400) male and female administrative teaching staff who were randomly selected from the University of Baghdad for the academic year 2021/2022. The results showed the following the research sample has a negotiating behavior. There are no statistically significant differences between gender, scientific title, and length of service in the means of negotiating beha

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التحمل النفسي لدى المرشدين التربويين وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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إستأثر مفهوم قوة التحمل النفسي (Psychological Hardiness)      رغم حداثته نسبياً بأهتمام العديد من الباحثين والدارسين . وحاولت الدراسات إبراز دوره المهم والفاعل في منع حدوث التأثيرات السلبية المتوقعة التي تحدثها ظروف الحياة الضاغطة على قابلية الفرد بصورة عامة ولا زال الاهتمام مستمراً في التحقق من هذا الدور . وتحاول الدراسة الحالية أن تلقي مزيداً من الضوء على هذا المفهوم وطبيعته مما يز

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Impulsive behavior among Kindergarten children and its relation ship with some variables preparation
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Quite anumber of parents and educators of this behavior,which is characterized by exaggerating locomotor activity and impulsivity and recklessness and the difficulty of continuing the status of certain bodily more than one minute ,and the difficulty of waiting to meet aparticular need or desire,it also characterized by thos meddling children the affairs of others and increased their  chatter does not seem the case when you listen to talk to them and they characterized by  weak self-confidence and are more solid and seem un able to keep ther responses because of the severity of anxiety .The research aims to know impulsive behavior among kindergartens children and its relation ship with some variables, and the sa

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family Violence Directed Against the Kindergarten Child and Its Relationship to Some Variables
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The research aims at identifying the level of family violence directed against the kindergarten child, as well as to identify the significance of the difference in family violence directed against the kindergarten child according to the gender variable

(male-female). It aims also to identify the significance of the difference in family violence directed against the kindergarten child according to the Stage variable (kindergarten-pre-primary). The researcher employed the descriptive correlative approach to conduct the study. The research sample was chosen in a simple random way, as the number of the participants was (130) boys and girls, with (70) males and (60) females, distributed according to the stage with (66) participants in

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الوعي الغذائي لدى أمهات أطفال الرياض وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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Lack of awareness of food for mothers of children Riyadh of the factors affecting the nutritional status of the child, and that child health is closely linked to the nature of the child as much as the quality and quantity of food, so current research aims to identify:

- Food awareness among mothers of children Riyadh.

- Statistically significant differences in nutritional awareness depending on the collection of the mother.

- Statistically significant differences in nutritional awareness depending on the age of the mother.

- With statistical significance in food awareness of the mother differences being an employee or non-employee.

So researchers randomly chosen sample of (200) or from mothers chil

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 09 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Nutrition Awareness among Middle School Students and its relation to some Variables
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    The aim of the study was to identify the nutritional awareness of middle school students and its relation to some variables of the sample of the research according to the gender variable (male and female), the variable type of family and the variable achievement of the parents.       

      The descriptive approach was adopted and the sample of the study consisted of (795) male and female students who were selected by the random stratified method. The research tool was prepared based on the literature and previous studies. The food awareness measure in its final form was (25) after the data collection was processed using the appropriate statistical met

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الرضا الوظيفي لدى معلمات رياض الأطفال وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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لما كان احد الأهداف الأساسية لرياض الأطفال هو المساهمة في إعداد الطفل وتنشئته تنشئة سليمة ، تحقق له النمو المتكامل ، من خلال توفير البيئة الملائمة له التي تحفز شخصيته على النمو في جميع جوانبها العقلية والاجتماعية والوجدانية والحركية ، وتلعب معلمة الروضة الدور الواضح والمتميز من خلال نقل الخبرات للأطفال والتي ترمي إلى تنمية قدراتهم واستعداداتهم وتشكيل الاتجاهات والسمات الايجابية في شخصياتهم  لذا ي

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self-control of kindergarten teachers and its relationship to some variables
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The aim of the current research is to identify the self-control of kindergarten teachers as well as to identify the significance of the differences according to a variable (years of service, academic achievement, specialization). Its final paragraphs consist of (35) paragraphs, and its psychometric properties were verified and the tool was applied to a sample of (400) teachers chosen randomly from kindergarten teachers affiliated to the General Directorates of Education in Baghdad, Rusafa, and Karkh for the academic year 2019-2020

In light of the objectives of the current research, the following results were reached

  1. The current research sample is from kindergarten teachers with self-contro
  2. There are diffe

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Physical Growth Retardation Among Kindergartens And Its Relation With Some Variables
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    Which children infected with physical growth retardation at childhood it will be the largest problems effecting the child and his parents together. So , at the period of early childhood, there must be a state of satisfactions of need because if they didn’t satisfied it will be very hard to be satisfied or replaced at another period because it will be busy with satisfaction of another need of new period, and even it will be satisfactions it still weak and didn’t be am efficient as the matter of if it be satisfied at the exact time      Looking at physical growth and its indicators as length and weight and making a comparison with world indicators at peer  age phases helps in spe

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