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استحصال الخبرات اللغوية للأطفال في مرحلة الرياض
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تنبع أهمية البحث من أهمية الخبرات اللغوية التي يكتسبها الأطفال في مرحلة الرياض لما لها من أهمية بالغة في تطوير النمو اللغوي لطفل الرياض وزيادة ذخيرته اللغوية في المرحلة المستقبلية القادمة.

أن ما يكتسبه الطفل في مرحلة الرياض من ألفاظٍ وكلمات تساعد على تنمية محصوله اللغوي وتمكنهُ من النطق اللغوي السليم وتطوير قابليتهِ على تكوين الجُمل والعبارات السليمة التي تُمهد لدخولهِ المرحلة الابتدائية في السُلم التعليمي بتعريفهِ على ألفاظ وكلمات جديدة أساساً وحينا ً سليما ًعند دخولهِ المدرسة الابتدائية.اذ لا يجد غرابة ً عند سماعه ِ من المعلمة أو أي شخصٍ بالغٍ آخر لأي لفظ ٍ أو كلمة أو عند قراءته ِ لهذه الكلمات والعبارات في المرحلة الابتدائية.

لذلك وجدت الباحثة ضرورة للقيام بالتعريف على ما يكسبهُ طفل الرياض من ألفاظ ٍ وكلمات ٍ وما لديهِ من محصول لغوي يُشكل أساسا ً للمرحلة المستقبلية القادمة، لما لهذا المحصول من أثر ٍ بالغ الأهمية في النمو الإدراكي للطفل وإغناء ذخيرته اللغوية بمفردات ومعاني لغوية سليمة وصحيحة النطق واللفظ.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Propaganda speech in the Gulf press articles about the Qatari crisis An analytical study in the political articles published in the newspapers (Riyadh) Saudi Arabia and (Al-Ittihad) UAE from 5/6/2017 to 5/9/2017
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Propaganda speech in the Gulf press articles about the Qatari crisis, an analytical study in the political articles published in the newspapers (Riyadh) Saudi Arabia and (Al-Ittihad) UAE from 5/6/2017 to 5/9/2017, University of Baghdad, College of Media, Press Department, 2019. The problem of the research was to monitor the contents of propaganda messages to Saudi Arabia and the UAE regarding the Qatari crisis, especially with the escalation of propaganda media campaigns between the four boycotting countries on the one hand and Qatar on the other hand, in light of crises and conflicts in the Gulf region and the Arab region in general. The researcher used the survey method to answer the research questions and achieve its results. This res

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Principles of modeling a dictionary article in the «Dictionary of the Russian Folklore: lexicon epics» (M.A. Bobunova, A.T. Khro: Принципы моделирования словарной статьи В «словаре языка русского фольклора: Лексика былины» (М. А. Бобунова, А. Т. Хроленко)
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The article describes the basic principles of modeling a dictionary article in the “Dictionary of the Language of Russian Folklore Lexicon epics” (M. A. Bobunova, A. T. Khrolenko). Among such principles are the principle of linguocentrism (representation of universal cognitions in strict observance of the traditions of lexicographic science), the principle of anthropocentrism (language learning as a means of human consciousness / subconsciousness), the principle of expansionism (attracting material from various knowledge bases), the principle of explanatory ("explanatory moment"), and fractal principle (synergistic potential of the presented material: nonlinearity and self-similarity; hierarchical organizati

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Kurdish experiment in the process of translation (1898-1991): ئةزمووني كوردي لة ثرؤسةي وةرطيَرِاندا (189 – 1991
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Translation as a human endeavor has occupied the attention of nations since it bridges the gab between cultures and helps in bringing out national integration. The translation of Kurdish literature started with personal efforts in which newspapers and magazines had played a vital role in supporting translation and paved the way for promoting the publication of Kurdish products.

      The bulk of the materials translated from Arabic exceeds that translated from other languages owing to the influence of religious and authoritarian factors.

The survey of the Kurdish journals was limited to the period 1898-1991 since it marked a radical and historic change represented by the birth of Kurdish journalis

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Logical Semantic and Figurative Modeling of Phraseological Units in Arabic: Логико-Семиотическое И Образное Моделирование Фразеологизмов В Арабском Языке
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The present article is devoted to the analysis of Arabic phraseological units with a component hand, selected by continuous sampling from the “Training Russian-Arabic phraseological dictionary: about 900 phraseological units” by G. L. Permyakov. Arabic phraseological units with a component hand are modeled as invariant situations (by logical-semiotic models) and figurative statements are expressed by phraseological variants (according to the figurative characteristic of the hand component). The artical focuses on the fact that somatism in Arabic phraseology has a symbolic and symbolic nature, marking various situations of Arabs' behavior, their actions, deeds, rituals, emotional and psychological states, etiquette, in

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Semantics of the Russian Verbs of Destruction in Contemporary Linguistics: Семантический Анализ Глаголов Деструкции Русского Языка В Современной Лингвистике
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The article states that the Russian verbs of destruction belong to the lexical-semantic group of physical impact. They include verbs with the meaning of “damage” and “destroy”. It is emphasized that each of these groups is relatively independent; the cut line between them is fuzzy and arbitrary. It is postulated that when the object is completely destroyed, then the verb has the meaning of “destruction”,  and when the object is partially destroyed, then the  verb has the meaning of “damage”. It is this feature that individualizes the meaning of verbs. The study distinguishes between the groups and the nature of the object as- animate / inanimate. The object of the action of the “destruction” can only be inan

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Degree of Using Augmented Reality Technology among students of the Optimum Invesment Project fot Teaching Personnel Program and the difficulties they face at Al-Shaqra University
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Augmented reality technology is a modern technique used in all fields, including: medicine, engineering and education, and has received attention from officials in the educational process at present; The focus of this research is on the degree of use of augmented reality among field experience students in the project's optimal investment program for teaching staff and their difficulties, applied to a sample of 75 students, through a questionnaire prepared by the researcher as a tool to determine the degree of use, as well as difficulties. The researcher addressed the subject through two main axes to determine the degree of use, as well as the difficulties preventing teachers and learners from using this technique. The results of the rese

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The article deals with the marked vocabulary of Russian and Arabic language, extrapolated to the phraseological: Маркировка арабского и русского языков: На примере фразеологии
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  The paper deals with the marked vocabulary of Russian and Arabic language, and the extrapolated to the phraseological layer of the mentioned language systems. Specificity of the functioning of this process is presented against the backdrop of the peculiarities of the existence of Russian and Arabic languages. Attention is focused on the fact that linguistic markers should be considered as a kind of keys that represent the specificity of the experience of being experienced by an individual in ontological reality. It is asserted that marking can be revealed practically at all levels of the language polysystem, but it is especially productive on its lexical layer, in particular, on the basis of lexicology and ph

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 06 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Linguistic deposits in the Arabic language
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Abstract of the research:

     This research sheds light on an important phenomenon in our Arabic language, which is linguistic sediments, and by which we mean a group of vocabulary that falls out of use and that native speakers no longer use it, and at the same time it happens that few individuals preserve the phenomenon and use it in their lives, and it is one of the most important phenomena that  It should be undertaken and studied by researchers;  Because it is at the heart of our huge linguistic heritage, as colloquial Arabic dialects retain a lot of linguistic sediments, and we usually find them at all levels of language: phonetic, banking, grammatical and semantic.  In the

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Evaluating Teacher Preparation Programs in Scientific Disciplines at the Faculty of Education in Al-Aqsa University in Light of the Requirements of the Labor Market
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The current study seeks to evaluate teacher preparation programs in the scientific disciplines at the College of Education in Al-Aqsa University in the light of the requirements of the labor market. It further aims to reveal the significance of the differences in the sample members’ response averages of to the availability of labor market requirements in the program that prepares the teacher of scientific disciplines at the Faculty of Education in Al-Aqsa University taking into account the (gender, program) variables. The study followed the descriptive analytical approach, and so a questionnaire was distributed to a sample of scientific discipline students in the teacher preparation program adopted in Al-Aqsa University, (200) male and

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The adaptation and the different modifications of borrowed Arabic Plurals in Modern Turkish: Kökende Çoğul Olarak Kullanılan Arapça Kelimelerin Türkçe’ye Geçmesi ve Türkiye Türkçesinde Kullanım Şekilleri
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In the tenth century, Turks began to convert into Islam and adopted for official and literary use the Arabic language to study the teachings of the new religion they believed in. The use of  many of the loanwords have become absolute in the Ottoman period, but even in Modern Turkish a large number of loanwords from Arabic can be often recognized because they are not subject to the strict rules of Turkish. Yet, some of these words lost its original meaning and acquired new different Turkish meaning. Moreover, some of the Arabic nouns of singular form in Turkish, modified the plural Turkish form. The present study entitled “the adaptation and the different modifications of borrowed Arabic Plurals in Modern Turkish” sheds light on

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