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اليأس وعلاقته بتقدير الذات لدى طلبة الجامعة
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Hopelessness can be consider as a subtype of depressions, it can be defined as having no expectation of good or success, giving no ground for hope, incapable of solution management or accomplishment .

Hopelessness is one of psychological variables that distinguish negative personalities because there are positive correlation between hopelessness and variables such as : anxiety, depression, suicide thought and so on .

One of the important variables correlate with hopelessness is low self-esteem, many studies indicate that there are statistically significant inverse relationship between the two variables, the present study aimed to :

  1. Measures hopelessness for university students.
  2. Acquaint to the significant of differences between males and females and scientific college students and humanistic college students .
  3. Measures self-esteem of university student .
  4. Acquaint to the significant of differences between males and females and between scientific college students and humanistic college students .
  5. Acquaint to the relationship between hopelessness and self-esteem for university students .


To a chive this aims is should used two instruments, the first to measure hopelessness that is Al-Jaberi scale ( 2007 ) consist of ( 20 ) items, the face validity of this scale in this research obtained, also reliability in internal consistency ( Alph coefficient ) method at value ( 0.77 ).

The second scale for measure self-esteem it was Al-Ubaide scale ( 1999 ), consist of (  36 ) items, the face validity of this scale in this research obtained as well as reliability in internal consistency ( split – half ) at the value of ( 0.64 ) .

The two scales applied on sample consisting of ( 138 ) student ( males and females ) from Baghdad university for academic year 2008 – 2009, after the data have been statically treated by adopting the appropriate means such as t – test for one sample and for two separate samples and Pearson correlation coefficient, the result was:

  1. There are no hopelessness for university students in this research, and this is a positive indicate of psychological health.
  2. There are no statistical significant differences between males and females and between scientific college student and humanistic college student in regard to hopelessness.
  3. The total level of self-esteem for university students in this research is high, this is a positive indicate of psychological health for them.
  4. There are no statistical significant differences between males and females and between scientific college student and humanistic college student in regard to self-esteem.
  5. There are statistically significant inverse relationship between hopelessness and self-esteem for university student.


According to the above results, number of recommendations and suggestions have presented.


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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الذكاء الاجتماعي وعلاقته باسلوب حل المشكلات لدى طلبة الجامعة
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      يعد موضوع  الشباب- في الوقت الحاضر -  من الموضوعات المهمة  التي  يهتم  بها  علم النفس  والتربية  والأجتماع  والصحة . بل أن الدول  المتقدمة  تهتم بشبابها  أيمانآ بأن تقدم  الأمة لايقوم الاعلى الأمكانيات البشرية من الشباب .

      ومما لاشك  فيه  أن  دخول الشباب  الى عالم  المجتمع  الجامعي  يطرح عليه وبشدة مشكلة التصرف م

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family Neglect and Its Relationship with Internet Addiction among University Students
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The research aims to measure family negligence and its relationship with internet addiction among university students. The researcher has developed a scale of (20) items to measure the negligence of family, which was applied to (308) male and female university students in the first and fourth stages. The research concluded that University students suffer from family negligence. The research sample has an addiction to the Internet. There is a relationship between family neglect and addiction to the Internet among university students. The researcher came out with a number of suggestions and recommendations.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
ما وراء الذاكرة وعلاقته بوجهة الضبط لدى طلبة الجامعة
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The research aims to identify the level meta the memory as well as the point of control and their relationship with the university students and for the purpose of verifying that these of a scale meta the memory prepared by Brewer and British as well as testing and point of control, prepared by the Nawski where the number of items of a scale meta the memory (57) ,Items The test point of the control setting, the number of items (40) items has been to make sure _ psychometrical characters have been applied instrumentson a random sample amounted to (200) students were selected in a stratified random and showed the results of research show that members of the research sample have awareness of how to work their memories, where the average grad

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Peripheral Perception And its Relation With The Need for Cognition for The University Students
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The most important topic for psychologist generally is factor of education and it's active tools because learning needs active perception for stimulus that recived by the educator and give it avalue and meaning , Need for cognition is
very important in the various daily fields of life , especially in learning and teaching and the academy work , it help with shifting the learning level for people , and icreas the intense and challenge between them
The research endeavored to achieve the following aim :
1- Measuring the level of peripheral perception for the university student .
2- Measuring the level of need for cognition for the university student .
3- Measuring the level of peripheral perception for the university student

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاجهاد الذهني وعلاقته بالذاكرة قصيرة المدى لدى طلبة الجامعة
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Mental stress occurs due to the effect of time that passes at an accelerated pace and doing business imposed by the speed of the match with his speed in light of the vast amount of audio and visual information through scientific progress and media workers, as well as the impact of physical factors associated with doing business, such as noise and congestion .... . etc.. The relationship of the individual to take a negative surroundings have devastating effects on the cognitive process as a whole dimension. This creates a sense of helplessness with the depletion voltage to a state of mental stress, so The problems from the standpoint of Aljhtalt scientists are basically cognitive problems appear to exist when it happens to the ind

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاتجاه نحو العولمة وعلاقته بالانفتاح نحو الخبرة لدى طلبة الجامعة
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أستأثر الاتجاه نحو مفهوم العولمة اهتمام العديد من الباحثين والدارسين رغم حداثته نسبياً ، فهي كظاهرة ما زالت في طور التكوين ، الا انها غزت كل المجالات وتناولها الجميع بمختلف اهتماماتهم فتصدى للحديث عنها المثقفون والسياسيون والاجتماعيون والاقتصاديون الا انه في الوقت نفسه الكتابات والبحوث المعمقة في هذا الجانب ما زالت قليلة ويظل بذلك هذا المفهوم من اكثر المفاهيم المتداولة جاذبية واثارة للجدل عند العام

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Satisfy of life and it's relationship; with the bige factors of character in the university student
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This research aim to recognize
satisfy of life in the university's student and balance in satisfy of life
according to two type aveirable sex specific and find type and
relationship's director between satisfy of life and character big factors.
and known hom much that Factors in satisfy of life, the research sample
consist of (401) student male and female and from both specified in
Baghdad's University, researcher bult scale of Costa &McCrae Fore the
fire big Factors to Personality, research result That the university's
student low level of satisfy of life and there are no different statically if
they are scientific or human in their study. And there is positive and there
is positive and indicate relation

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological stability and its relationship to Integration University and spiritual intelligence among University students
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The current research aimed to identify psychological stability and its relationship to university integration and spiritual intelligence among university students. The research sample consisted of (158) students from the College of Education - Al-Mustansiriya University.

A scale was applied: psychological stability, university integration, and spiritual intelligence,   and by using the (Pearson) correlation coefficient, and the t-test, the results showed: the sample members enjoy psychological stability, university integration, and spiritual intelligence, and there is a positive, statistically significant correlation between the research variables, and the results resulted in some recommendations and proposals.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The exact location and its relation to cognitive method (risk-caution) of University students
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The present study aimed to identify the exact location and its relation to cognitive
method (risk_caution) to university students. The sample consisted of (300) students who
were chosen randomly and equally. The study results indicated that students possess an
internal exact location and they also use risk cognitive method. The study also indicated that
there is a prophesies which is an exact location for others to reach to caution cognitive
method. Depending on these results, the study recommended to benefit from the results of the
study variables and from the measurement of the exact location and method of cognitive
(risk_caution) to identify male and female students and especially by consulting units at

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Prosoical Behavior and Its Relationship to Openness to Experience among University Students
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The aim of the present study is to identify the level of prosoical behavior of Baghdad University's students and to recognize the differences between male and female students. Moreover, it also aims to identify the level of openness to experience for these students. A random sample of (123) students has been selected; 77 males and 46 females. Two scales have been used in the study. The Prosocialness scale for adults by Caprara. Et al (2005) has been translated into the Arabic language and relies on four types of actions (Helping, Sharing, Taking care, and feeling Empathetic with others) and the other scale is the Openness to Experience Scale, which is one of the Big Five Inventory by John and Srivastava (1999). The main results showed a

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