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The effect of two treatment methods in the gaining of fourth grade students in geography object.

research aim :
- The research aimed to investigate the effect of two treatment
methods in the gaining of fourth grade students in geography
- Research hypothesis
 there are no statistically significant differences at the level of ( 0.05 )
in the average level of achievement in geography between the first
experimental group ( strengthening lessons ) and the second group
( re- teaching )
 no individual differences statically significant at the level of ( 0.05 )
in the average level achievement in geography object of the second
experimental group ( re- teaching ) and the first experimental group
( strengthening lesson )
 the research sample : the researcher selected randomly Baghdad
secondary for girls to represent the research community , which
return to the second directorate of Rusafa , and the number of
students assembled for the two research groups (67 ) student the
experience applied on them .
 the result cause a rejection of hull hypothesis this means that the
student of first experimental group were succeeded , which were
studied by strengthen lessons on the second group which used the
method of re-teaching . These results are attributed to one or more
of the following reasons:
1- The steps that followed in teaching geography in the method of
strengthen lessons had attracted the minds of the first experimental
group and increased their interest in the article and to follow up the
2- the use of the technique has move the psychological motives toward
the object which make them thinking , remembering and working
on production ideas reach them to the right results , and
deportation them of concern and collective laziness and walk
together in lesson .

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Income Tax in Iraq and the Treatment of Married Women in Charge

   Iraqi legislator taxation  married women in charge of the income tax treatment of the man in charge of tax and the application of the principle of equality of individuals to bear public burdens. The factor legislator women in charge of special treatment in some cases, taking into account the circumstances family allow  tax in the case of whether she was married to a man is unable to completely work and does not have a resource, as well as giving the legislator allow for her children. it observed that the amount of allowing still little is notcommensurate with the high cost of living in addition to limiting the tax allowances granted within the limits of the taxpayer and his immediate family did not take the legisla

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Personality traits of gifted students in the schools of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Current research aims to know the personality traits of gifted
and has been the preparation , students in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
pedagogy of talented ) 60 ( views of a sample of of the search tool of the
And has been applied to the . items ) 52 ( formed from the search tool , teachers
sample, and after treatment results reached statistical research results and the
researcher presented a number of recommendations including:
: Recommendations
1. Need for the development and rehabilitation of mentally gifted and structure
their characters in line and mental abilities and knowledge.
ams and psychological guidance for personal Preparation of scientific progr . 2
. development for the gifted
3. Work to

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Leadership Ability Scale Among Female University Students

Find out the leadership ability among female university students.
The researcher made aquestionnaire consisting ofone open question for (50) female students of education college for women\ Baghdad university to mention main leadership abilities with leader student.
To achieve the aims of this study, the researcher made the following steps: 1- Collection and finalization the items of the scale Through literature review and previous studies and aquestionnaire consisting where (3) items have been extracted to make this questionnaire. 2- The test has been submitted to proffesionals of psychology to judge the valiidety of items of the scale where their opinion was they are good at (100%).The scale has been applied on statistical analysi

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر العصف الذهني في تحصيل طلبة الصف الثاني متوسط بمادة التاريخ


أولاً : مشكلة البحث :

أن مشكلة البحث تتمثل بوجود حاجة لتحسين الطرائق والأساليب المتبعة في التدريس ولذلك اتجهت البحوث في مجال التربية وعلم النفس إلى تحديد طرائق التدريس المناسبة لتطوير التفكير.         

ومن هذه الأساليب الحديثة  العصف الذهني بوصفها من اكثر الطرق التي قد  تؤدي إلى تحفيز الطلبة وأثاره القدرات الإبداعية لديهم في حقول التربية والتعليم وا

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The effect of urban obsolescence on the quality of the built environment for historical quarters

             The centers of cities and historical quarter are exposed to a severe threat to the values of the physical and legal urban environment as a result of the value deterioration and the emergence, emergence and spread of new values on the intellectual and urban context, which generates the loss of the urban environment for its spatio-temporal continuity, flexibility, adaptation and continuity, and thus urban obsolescence, Hence the problem of the research in “the lack of comprehensiveness of studies on the phenomenon of urban obsolescence and its impact on the decline in the values of the quality of the built environment in historic

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Ibero- American Journal Of Exercise And Sports Psychology

Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Integration of international issues in Saudi social studies and citizenship books in the light of international education principles

The study aimed to reveal the level to which the international issues are integrated into the books of Saudi public education social studies and citizenship in the light of the principles of international education, and to know the level of continuity and integration of these issues in the books, to build a range and sequence matrix of international issues through it. The study followed the descriptive and analytical method that used the content analysis card as a tool for study when the tool achieved the necessary validity and reliability characteristics. The data of this study has been processed using the SPSS statistical program according to a set of appropriate methods of descriptive and inferential statistics.

 The resu

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 11 2021
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De PsicologÍa Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte

The modern teaching methods, and their importance in achieving the desired learning goals for the individual and the society, have been addressed, as it is necessary to develop the methods, ways and strategies used in the process of teaching the intermediate stages in the various fields in general and the field of physical education in particular, the importance of research is the effect of using the strategy of similarities in teaching some basic skills of basketball for students of the second intermediate. As for the problem of research, the researcher mentioned the lack of use of teachers’ strategy method similarities in the educational units because of its importance, and after study and analysis the researcher found it necessary to i

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Statistical Methods for Controlling the Quality of Crude Oil Products in Iraq

The purpose of this study is to measure the levels of quality control for some crude oil products in Iraqi refineries, and how they are close to the international standards, through the application of statistical methods in quality control of oil products in Iraqi refineries. Where the answers of the study sample were applied to a group of Iraqi refinery employees (Al-Dora refinery, Al-Nasiriyah refinery, and Al-Basra refinery) on the principles of quality management control, and according to the different personal characteristics (gender, age, academic qualification, number of years of experience, job level). In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire that included (12) items, in order to collect preliminary inform

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Management by Walking Around on the Strategic Renewal of Business Organizations (Field Research in a Sample of Excellent grade hotels - in Baghdad)

This work aims to show the nature of the relationship between management by walking around  (the independent variable) and strategic renewal (the dependent variable), as well as it shows the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Questionnaire items were considered the main tool for data collection by three basic aspects. The first involved the personal data of the respondents, while the second included items related to management by walking in five dimensions, and the third is strategic renewal items by addressing four dimensions. The tourism sector, while the community has six Excellent grade hotels was taken into account in this wor

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