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قلق المستقبل عند الشباب وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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At the present time, human lives in a changable world. Complexity of life effects human who became unable to achieve his goals. For him, goals are no longer able to provide him with calm and psychological safty. Anxiety about indefinite future and any changes which transend his ablity to cooperate with affeets his life in general aspeets.

     All these things bring him a very sever tention, then he becomes extremace in his cooperation with these situations. He tends to live a lone in order to be a way from sequenees of changes. Starting from this urgent point, future compnses the core in youth's life, then so many theories and studies affirm this point, and the necessity for mahing scientific studies appear to in cover the effect of these changes on the most important Layer in society which is young people .

     The research aimes at:

  1. Measuring the level of anxiety towards future in young people .
  2. Measuring the level of anxiety towards future in young people allording to sort (female, male), social status (married, single), job (student, employer) and age (18-24) and (25-30).

For practical side, the research is limted to a sample of young people whose age (18-30) years old.

For theoritical side, the researcher presents theories that are related to the present study are the earilier studies.

To achieve the goals of this research, the researcher depends on anxiety toward future scale which is presented by (Masu'd,2006).

This scale shows high validity and stability  has got a constant (97.0) by using retesting and (71.0) by using the method of alpha and (78.0) by using split-half.

The high stability of the scale proves its applicability for use. The  sample  of the theortical research consists of (151 young) female and male. The  tools of the present research are represented by anxity future scale which is applied on the members of the sample.

The data is treated satistically by using T-test for one specimen and T.test foe two specimen.

         The findings of the invistigation show that:

  1. The sample shows anxity towards future.
  2. There are statistical differences allording to social status (married, single) at single young.
  3. There are no notable statistical diffrences allording to jobs (students, employers).


          In the light of the findings, the researcher present the following recommendations, provide young people with full a wareness about their future throughout letting them be a ware of their real ablities and helping them with planning skills.

      The researcher suggests applying another types of research about other psychological variables such as psychological pressure, in conscious ideas, psychological health.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Imaging and clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer among women under the age of 40 years
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Background: although breast cancer in young women is less common and often overlooked, it is still considered a major health concern.
Objectives: to evaluate the demographic, clinical, radiological and histopathological characteristics of breast cancer among a sample of Iraqi women diagnosed under the age of 40 years.
Patients and methods: a retrospective study enrolled 73 females below the age of 40 years with a history of breast cancer. All data was extracted from an established information system database designed by the Principal Investigator of the Iraqi National Breast Cancer Research Project under supervision of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) over a 4-years period from 2011 to 2014.
Results: sevent

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Imaging and clinicopathological characteristics of breast cancer among women under the age of 40 years
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Background: although breast cancer in young women is less common and often overlooked, it is still considered a major health concern.
Objectives: to evaluate the demographic, clinical, radiological and histopathological characteristics of breast cancer among a sample of Iraqi women diagnosed under the age of 40 years.
Patients and methods: a retrospective study enrolled 73 females below the age of 40 years with a history of breast cancer. All data was extracted from an established information system database designed by the Principal Investigator of the Iraqi National Breast Cancer Research Project under supervision of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) over a 4-years period from 2011 to

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Scenario theory philosophy and methodologies
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to clarify the basic dimensions, which seeks to indestructible scenarios practices within the organization, as a final result from the use of this philosophy.

Methodology: The methodology that focuses adoption researchers to study survey of major literature that dealt with this subject in order to provide a conceptual theoretical conception of scenarios theory  .

The most prominent findings: The only successful formulation of scenarios, when you reach the decision-maker's mind wa takes aim to form a correct mental models, which appear in the expansion of Perception managers, and adopted as the basis of the decisions taken. The strength l

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 20 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Laser Biostimulation Effect on Human Sperm Motility
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Background: Sperm motility disorder is an important cause of infertility in male, and one of the causes of reduced motility of the sperm is the disorders of the mitochondria because it provides the required energy for sperm motility, Laser biostimulation or low-level laser therapy has a positive effect on the mitochondria and led to increasing the synthesis of ATP. Method: Twenty fresh human semen samples were used in this research study, each sample was separated into two portions, one was used as control which is not exposed to the laser beam and the other was irradiated with the wavelength of 410 nm diode laser with an output power of 100 mW and an exposure time of 60 seconds, then the measurement of

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The strategy of spreading extremism and its impact on Egypt regional role
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ABSTRACT The importance and objectives of the study were an attempt to understand the methodology of disseminating radical thought and the reasons of social acceptability that make young people embrace this thought. It also sheds light on the impact of this phenomenon on the regional role of Egypt and examines the strategic means and standards that the Egyptian state focuses on in immunization and prevention of extremism.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
استشعار وحفز مفهوم "التنمية المستدامة" لدى طلبة مدارس اعدادية منتخبة في بغداد
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Morning blood pressure surge and dipping profile in non-hypertensive obese subjects.
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Background: Obesity is an evolving major health problem in both developed and developing countries. Non-hypertensive obese may have an elevated Morning Blood pressure surge (MBPS), which is associated with increased risk for cardiac events (CE) independently of office and ambulatory blood pressure (BP). Non-hypertensive obese also may have a blunted nocturnal decrease in BP during the night, while healthy normotensive non-obese individuals have a 10%–20% nocturnal decrease in blood pressure (BP) during the night or dipping. Thus, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitor (ABPM) is the gold standard to evaluate MBPS and dipping profile in non-hypertensive obese individuals.


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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Effect of Recruitment Maneuvers on Oxygen Saturation, End Tidal Carbon Dioxide and Lung Mechanics in Pressure Control Ventilation Versus Volume Control Ventilation for Patient Undergoing Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
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Background: Atelectasis occurs regularly after induction of general anesthesia in bariatric surgery, persists postoperatively, and may contribute to significant postoperative morbidity. Intraoperative recruitment maneuver improve lung ventilation, oxygenation and lung mechanics.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of recruitment maneuver on oxygen saturation, end tidal carbon dioxide and lung mechanics in two Groups; the volume control group and pressure control group with fixed level of PEEP.

Patient and Method:  Forty patients, BMI >35 kg/ m2, who have no major obstructive or restrictive respiratory disorders where allocated in two group

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Students Dropout on Human Development in Iraq For Period ( 2001 ــ 2011 )
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Students dropout from the Education has a negative phenomena on individual and society and even on different aspects of life especially on the economic aspect , Thus our research tries studying and analyzing the relation between the size of dropout and human development level in Iraq and as (research sample) the first decade of this century as a studying period, the study includes the dropout in Secondary schools and depending the formal records as a main source to evaluate the size of this problem in Iraq , which shows an increase in the size of dropout in this period in comparison with the last decades of the twentieth century, this produces a negative effect on human developme

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Requirements for the application of quality management in the work of medical laboratories within the standard 15189 "A Case Study at Alawiya Women's and Childbirth Hospital"
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It is essential to provide health care directly or indirectly based on laboratory tests in order of diagnosing diseases. There is an urgent need for the results of such tests to be accurate and reliable. Therefore, the International Organization for Standardization has prepared special standards for medical laboratories to prove their efficiency, presented in standards 15189: 2012. The aim of the research is to determine the possibility of the Al-alwiya Women's Hospital in meeting the requirements of the standards 15189: 2012, which includes administrative requirements consisting of fifteen items and technical requirements consisting of ten items. The research is important because laboratories shou

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