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توظيف الخبر الصحفي في أنشطة العلاقات العامة
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مما لاشك فيه إن من أهم الأساليب التي تعتمد عليها أقسام العلاقات العامة في تحقيق أهدافها هو توظيف الخبر الصحفي ويشمل ذلك اهم أهداف العلاقات العامة ومنها التواصل مع الجماهير داخليه وخارجية ، بناء الصورة الذهنية الايجابية ، الإعلان ، الترويج ،..... الخ وفي اطار التطور الكبير الذي شهده علم العلاقات العامه في العقود الزمنية الاخيرة تزايد وتوسع الاعتماد على التوظيف الإخباري عن طريق بناء وتشكيل ومعالجة مضامين الخبر الصحفي بما يتلائم مع السياسة المرسومه لجهاز العلاقات العامه في أي مؤسسه وفي ضوء ذلك اصبح هذا التوظيف فعالية يوميه لتلك الاجهزة ، وفي هذا السياق فان البحث يتناول توظيف الإخبار التي تخص المؤسسة لصالح تحقيق اهداف العلاقات العامة ، فيما تتجسد مشكلة البحث في التعرف على ابعاد هذا التوظيف والمديات التي يحققها ومدى استخدامه كاحد اساليب العلاقات العامه في المؤسسات .

اهمية البحث

 اذ يعد علم العلاقات العامة من العلوم الحديثة الولوج الى المجتمع فان ذلك ادى الى وجود شيء من الغموض والضبابيه واللادرايه في الممارسة الفعلية للاساليب والوسائل المتبعة في العلاقات العامه ومن ضمنها التوظيف الاخباري لانشطتها ، اذ ان عدم وجود معايير مهنية دقيقة ومنتظمه ثابته للصياغات الخبرية في ظل التنافس الكبير والهائل بين وسائل الاتصال المختلفة ادى الى ان تكون عوامل تشكيل العناصر والقيم الاخبارية متباينه ومختلفة وتكاد تكون مشتته لا يستطيع ممارس العلاقات العامة تحديد اولوياتها التي يعتمد عليها في التوظيف الاخباري وبذلك تتصدر نقاط الاهمية في هذا البحث التطلع الى تحديد الاطار العلمي لتوظيف الخبر في مجال العلاقات العامه وتوضيح الاسس والقيم المفترضة والعناصر المشكله للخبر .

أهداف البحث

  • بيان الرؤى المعرفية النظرية حول التوظيف الإخباري في العلاقات العامة .
  • تسليط الضوء على مديات توظيف الخبر في تحقيق أهداف العلاقات العامة في المؤسسات .
  • التعرف على الصياغات الخبرية واهم القيم المستخدمة في التوظيف الإخباري لنشاط العلاقات العامة في الأساليب الصحفية .
  • تحديد الأطر العلمية والعمليه في توظيف الخبر في مجال العلاقات العامة.

منهج البحث

 المنهج العلمي في البحث هو إتباع خطوات منطقية في تناول المشكلات او الظواهر او معالجة القضايا العلمية، وتوجد هناك مداخل مختلفة تستعمل في معالجة قضايا مختلفه كل حسب طبيعته،([i]) ويعد هذا البحث من حيث النوع بحثا وصفيا في حين اعتمد المنهج المسحي كاساس لجمع المعلومات النظرية والميدانية مستخدما الأدوات العلمية التي يوفرها هذا المنهج عن طريق خطوات منهجية .

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Organizational Relaxation of Employees of the Educational Directorates in the Sultanate of Oman
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The current research aims to identify the level of organizational relaxation among the employees of educational directorates in the Sultanate of Oman. The descriptive approach was used, as well as a questionnaire of two parts to collect data. The questionnaire consists of (15) items divided into three themes about the relaxing level. It was applied on a sample of (406) male & female employees of the educational directorates who were randomly selected. The results of the study showed that the level of organizational relaxation was low. The study results also found that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α ≤ 0.05) of the study sample in the level of org

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Measuring and analyzing the impact of financial crises on the main source for financing the public budget in Iraq) *
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    Form recurrence of financial crises phenomenon disturbing and attention , and returns the reasons so that its negative effects were sharp and dangerous , because of the nature and cause of Ncaha , threatened political and economic stability of the countries in which they occur these crises , in addition to Machmlh these crises spread of contagion across multiple channels to include other countries many developed and developing , and the reason for this to the openness of the economic and financial witnessed by the countries affected by crises and other countries concerned, the financial crisis is a case of financial turmoil appears in one of the sections of the financial system one and extends to

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Knowledge Management and Developing Human Resources in the Secretariat of the Central Library- Baghdad University
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Knowledge management contribute to the overall private university libraries to develop libraries for the purpose of creating human and technological resources by investing research and development, as well as education and training for life.
This study followed the methodology of the descriptive and historical pillars of knowledge management for the years 1990 to the present day in 2017, depending on statistical figures obtained by the researchers from the General Secretariat of the Central Library at the University of Baghdad, and the Human Resources Division, which specialized human resources training after 2004 (and before those years from 1982 until 2002, where the continuing education was committee of the fixed committees are wor

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Abu Ghraib Urban Growth An Analytical Study in General Characteristics
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The Results Of Interest In Capitals And Major Cities Have Become Major Attraction Centers For People In Rural Areas And Different Regions, Especially With The Concentration Of Industrial And Commercial Establishments And Public Services, Which Helped To Find The Wide Differences Between Them. Recently, The Trend To Develop Small Urban Centers In Rural Back Areas Great And Serious Attempt To Reduce Inflation. The Suburb Of Abu Ghraib Is One Of The Important Suburbs Near The City Of Baghdad And Through The Study Of The Reality Of The Suburb Shows That The Outcome Of Its Career And Urban Development Lies In Its Mutual Relationship With The City Of The Mother In The Light Of Considerations And Measures Of The Most Important Accessibility And

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
strategic Vigilance and their impact in Organizational success: Exploratory Research General AL-Faris company
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The present search addressed the "strategic Vigilance and their impact in Organizational success "Where has the objective of strategic Vigilance and Organizational success of increasing importance at the present time, for being fairly modern topics, which have a tremendous impact on the success of organizations.                                                                  &

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of cognitive processes in the areas of organizational changeApplied Study in the Directorate General of Training and Development / Ministry of Electricity
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Centric study on the interest of the Directorate General of Training and Development / Ministry of Electricity to consolidate the concept of process and enhancement of knowledge in the areas of organizational change، it reached a sample of the study (44) people who are highly heads of departments، technicians and administrators in different sections of the Directorate and by using the correlation coefficient (Spearman) & coefficient of simple regression been tested correlations between variables and the impact of the study، as has been reached to integrate the role of cognitive processes with the areas of organizational change and relationships that were significant at the level of overall dimensions and subsidiary organs.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
دور الموازنة المرنة على أساس النشاط في الرقابة على التكاليف (دراسة تطبيقية في الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية)
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The research aims to identify the level of increase or decrease the product cost through the activity based flexible budgeting that gives us the chance to follows the cost since the product is planed to be made till it appears in the market and it also helps to fined out any problems that are expected to happen in the future and to put the costs under control, also to know much the surveying affects the perfect use for the complete resources in order to be used in the demanded way, the research is divided in to three sides ,the first is specialized for the theoretical side, the second is for the partical side, while the third side is specialized for the conclusions and recommendations.        &nbsp

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Selling the real estate securing the privilege of the public treasury in a public auction A study in the UAE law
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The concession rights established for the public treasury are returned to the debtor’s funds, whether they are real estate or movables, and they may be returned to a specific amount of these funds, in accordance with the relevant laws. The legislator in the United Arab Emirates, according to the general rules, did not stipulate that this right be registered with the competent real estate registration department. This may lead to the sale of the property securing the concession right of the public treasury without the knowledge of the competent department of the treasury department to claim this right.

In selling by judicial public auction, the legislator requires certain procedures through which the real estate is purged of acc

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 25 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The role of green taxes in the reduction of environmental pollution- exploratory search- in the GCT.: The role of green taxes in the reduction of environmental pollution- exploratory search- in the GCT.
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The research aims to identify the concept of green taxes and their role in reducing environmental pollution through the poll of Abnh of taxpayers and employees of the General Authority for taxes totaling 200 individual .autam adoption of the resolution as a tool head for the collection of data and information from the sample and analyzed their responses using a statistical program (spss - 10), and calculating the percentages and the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and research found to a number of conclusions, notably the lack of legislation with the challenges and the difficulty of the existence of a measure or a standard lack of planning for the application of environmental taxes that the state taxation application between the Gene

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Employment cost management tools in the fast-track method Of the constructionindustries for the purpose of rationalizing costs: An applied research in the Shatt al-Diwaniya transference project General Authority for projects of irrigation and reclamation
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The important factor in the success of construction projects is its ability to objective estimate of the cost of the project and adapt to the changes of the external environment, which is affected by a lot of elements and the requirements of the competitive environment. The faces of those projects are several problems in order to achieve particular goals. To overcome these difficulties has been the development of research in the last two decades and turn the focus on the role of the cost of project management, by providing information and assist management in planning and control of the budget among the main elements of the project, namely, (time-cost-quality),The research aims at the possibility of developing and implementing mechanisms

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