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The necessary characteristics of the kindergarten teachers who have been recently appointed from the point of view of the kindergarten managers.
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One of the difficulties that the kindergarten institution face is the lack of specialized teachers to work with the children at the kindergarten age for the majority  of this stage teachers were prepared to teaech in the elementary stage while the kindergarten child needs ateacher who is aware of the characteristics  and the demands of his growth and his behavioral emotional and social problems.

Therefore the best teacher must be chosen for the kindergarten and qualifying  her educationally in all that this qualifying  includes of  knowledge's.

The aims of the research:

The present research aims at the identification  of the necessary professional characteristics of the kindergarten teachers who have been recently appointed from the point of view of the kindergarten managers.

The limits of the research:

The research is limited to the kindergarten teachers who have been recently appointed in 2007 in bagdad.

The specification of terms:

The professional characteristics are identified as agroup of charaetereristics  that help the person who is working on completing the demands  of the  work and its needs successfully.

The statistical means:

                     The t- test of two independent samples     1

Pearson correlation coefficients.     2

  Alfa formula.    3

4    Fischer's equation which is used to deduce the intensity of the degrees of the items of the professional characteristics measure.


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Publication Date
Wed Jun 10 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The performance of a passively Q-switched Cr:YAG4+ in an end- pumped laser system
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A characteristic study of a passively Q-switched diode pumped solid state laser system is presented in this work. For laser a comparison study for the theoretically calculated results with a simulation results using a software which calculates the Q-switched solid state laser parameters was such as energy, peak power and pulse width were performed. There was a good agreement between our theoretical calculations and the simulation values.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Association of Prothrombin Gene Mutations and Cytomegalovirus Infection with Abortion Among Iraqi Women
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Abortion is categorized as the termination of conception caused by the failure or removal of the embryo from the uterus before the conclusion of pregnancy. Microorganisms and genetic factors are two of the many factors associated with abortion. Cytomegalovirus is a widespread congenital virus infection pathogen that affects a wide variety of people. The prothrombin gene is one of the essential causes that trigger blood clotting and the function of abortion women, therefore the aim of the study is to detect and associate Cytomegalovirus and prothrombin gene mutation (Gene ID: 14061 in NCBI) with abortion through genetic and immunological methods. Five ml of whole blood was collected from an intravenous puncture and divided into two tubes,

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Birth Order and its Relationship to the Lifestyles of Adolescent Students: رحاب عارف السعدي
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This study aims to know the relationship between the birth order and lifestyles among a sample of adolescent students. The sample of the study consisted of (200) students selected from the governmental schools in the Directorate of  Education of Qabatiya, in the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021. The results of the study have revealed that the most common lifestyles among the sample of the study are represented by: (the belonging) style, (the submissive) style, (the avenger) style, (the pampered) style, respectively. The study has also found that there are statistically significant differences in the lifestyles of: (the victim, the domineering, the avenger, and the harmful) which are ascribed to the gender variable. Mor

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Thermal Properties of Gliding arc Plasma Produced by Laboratory Reverse Vortex Flow System
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A low-cost reverse flow plasma system powered by argon gas pumping was built using homemade materials in this paper. The length of the resulting arc change was directly proportional to the flow rate, while using the thermal camera to examine the thermal intensity distribution and demonstrating that it is concentrated in the centre, away from the walls at various flow rates, the resulting arc's spectra were also measured. The results show that as the gas flow rate increased, so did the ambient temperature. The results show that the medium containing the arc has a maximum temperature of 34.1 ˚C at a flow rate of 14 L/min and a minimum temperature of 22.6 ˚C at a flow rate of 6 L/min.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A total of 215 sheep and 87 goats were carefully searched for ixodid ticks from January to December 2015 at different regions of the middle and south of Iraq. The detached ticks count 1533 ticks from sheep with intensity of 8.4 and count 332 ticks from goats with intensity of 6.8. Tick species recovered from sheep and their incidence rates were: Rhipicephalus turanicus (39%), Hyalomma anatolicum (28%), R. (Boophilus) annulatus (11%), Hyalomma sp. (9%), H. turanicum (6%), H. excavatum (6%) and R. leporis (1%) while the tick species recovered from goats and their incidence rates were: R. turanicus (64%), H. anatolicum (24%)

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Combined Action of Zeolite and Chlorinated Rubber as Flame Retardants for Epoxy Resin
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In this work , the effect of chlorinated rubber (additive I), zeolite 3A with chlorinated rubber (additive II), zeolite 4A with chlorinated rubber (additiveIII), and zeolite 5A with chlorinated rubber (additive IV), on flammability for epoxy resin studied, in the weight ratios of (2, 4, 7,10 & 12%) by preparing films of (130x130x3) mm in diameters, three standard test methods used to measure the flame retardation which are ; ASTM : D-2863 , ASTM : D-635 & ASTM : D-3014. Results obtained from these tests indicated that all of them are effective and the additive IV has the highest efficiency as a flame retardant.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
The Effect of a Training Program in Introducing Saudi Traditional Fashion in Local Museums
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Museum education is of great importance to an appropriate representation of museums’ collections and exhibits, including traditional fashion. Therefore, museum educators/curators need to be equipped with the most essential skills in their profession in order to adequately present the museum’s history and holdings. This could be achieved through specialized training programs. However, Arab countries are still behind in terms of museum education. Therefore, this article aims to shed light on this issue by assessing the knowledge and skills possessed by museum educators/curators and how training programs could affect them

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation and study the structure of pure and impure barium titanate with Mg2+ ion
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Pure and doped barium titanate with Mg2+ ion at two molar ratios x= (5%, 10%) mol. has been synthesized by solid state reaction technique. The powders sintered at two temperatures (1000 °C and 1400 °C). An XRD technique was used in order to study the crystal structure of pure and doped barium titanate, which confirmed the formation of the tetragonal phase of BaTiO3, and then calculate the lattice parameters of pure and doped barium titanate, the addition of magnesium ion Mg2+ can lead to decreases lattice parameters.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 08 2022
Journal Name
Innovation Of Businesses, And Digitalization During Covid-19 Pandemic
The Impact of Political Stability and Macroeconomic Variables on Foreign Direct Investment in Turkey
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Foreign direct investment (FDI) is one of the most practical types of foreign investment. FDI contributes to job creation, foreign exchange earnings and national income escalation, improving semi-skill and skilled labor. Based on our knowledge, this paper is the first study attempting to investigate the effect of political stability on the FDI in Turkey using an econometric approach. Achieving this objective, a co-integration analysis was conducted between the FDI and its determinants in the short-run and long-run including “macroeconomic indicators” and “Political Stability (PS)” in Turkey. Using annual data from 1974 to 2017 via Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. The results confirm the positive correlation betwe

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Scopus (4)
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Epidemiological Surveillance of Communicable Diseases in Baghdad City during the Period January-April 2006
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The records of Primary Health Care Centres (Al-Risafa section of Baghdad) were inspected for communicable diseases during the period January-April 2006. There were 8622 recorded cases (the diagnosis was based on a clinical examination and laboratory findings), which were distributed as 4782 (55.5%), 1430 (16.6%), 1604 (18.6%) and 806 (9.3%) for Sadar city, Risafa, A'adhamyiah and Mada'in, respectively. The highest frequency was reported for chicken pox (42.7%), followed by mumps and typhoid fever (20 and 13.7%, respectively), while diphtheria and cholera were not recorded. These three most frequent diseases were further analyzed, and their distribution showed a significant difference (P ? 0.001). April was the month of the highest recorded

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