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Social attraction among Baghdad University Teaching Staff

During the last two decades at least, increased interest in Social attraction  variable by scientists  in psychology and sociology, to multi-dimensional and its association with psychological  and emotional variables , and what are of importance in the process of human communication , leadership, and social relations.

Social psychologists interested   in social attraction also  so its relation with  social influence , political and occupational  .
"Social attraction defined as "individual ability  functioned his skills in attract the group by social skills , leadership personality and social influence , so that the Community will be ascribed to the effective of the individual and supported to achieve their goals
Current research aims to:
Recognition Social attraction in  the Fatality of Baghdad University

. Find the difference in social attraction  according to gender variable  in  Fatality of University of Baghdad

In order to achieve the goals  of the research, was building Scale (social attraction) includes  (30) items in its final form, after  delete  items which was  statistically no  significant at the level (0.05).

  also distributed items of the scale on the three areas (personal appearance , emotional and , efficiency dimensions ), by covering the area and measure the phenomenon, which has developed for it .
Was also selected  (100) professors, the rate of (53) females, and (47) males were selected, randomly from different College at the University of  Baghdad. as a way to extract the reliability  by(  split – half) method , for each area of the scale , as a whole, which was(0.89). (0. 82) (0.80) to the areas of scale and (0.93) for the whole scale, while the reliability  of the scale and areas, respectively (0.76) (0.80) (0.82) and (0.84) of the scale as a whole by( re-test.) method . After collecting and processing data statistically, by T- Test for Tow  independent samples showed results :
There are differences social attraction  according to gender  variable, statistically significant in favor of males  value calculated T (43.7) and when compared to the indexed value was (2.750) is statistically significant at the level (0.05)
   The researchers came out with several recommendations, including

  1. The need to emphasize the importance of social attraction and its impact in the community   
  2. Clarify what the social attraction of the Fatality Baghdad University, in selecting people for leadership positions in the field of Fatality and other areas of life.

Also suggested several proposals, including:
- Social skills and their relation to the social attraction  of students at Baghdad University   
- Social attraction  and its relation persuasion in the Fatality of Baghdad University 
- Emotional competence and its relation to the dimensions of social attractiveness (social, attraction, performance tasks).

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social Factors for Delaying the Age of Marriage among Working-Women at the University of Baghdad

The phenomenon of delayed marriage triggered the intention of most researchers and specialists to reveal the social factors associated with the spread of this phenomenon in order to identify the characteristics of that phenomenon and the social factors resulting from it. Thus, the current research aims to identify the social factors most related to the delay in marriage age among working-women at the University of Baghdad, represented by family factors, economic factors-professional, psychological factors – subjective, and environmental factors. The researcher also aims to identify the differences in social factors associated with late marriage age for working women at the University of Baghdad in terms of the type of profession (teach

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Comparison Study in Sarcasm For University of Baghdad Staff

Sarcasm is conceders one patterns of undesirable communication, which causes social problems in humans relationships because of the contradictory verbal and nonverbal expressions is known sarcasm may defined , statements with intent to belittle others in different situations, dealing with the individual deliberately, to diminish the will or overwhelmed by the recipe stupid, which generate a reaction when a person listener, raising the intentions of ridicule and undermine it, and this may happen is different from the irony interest increased in sarcasm since the development of scientists "Watzlawick '" and Bevin "Jackson's" in 1967 theory interactive and considered the sarcasm one interaction patterns in the social relationship, which use

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Life Management Strategies among Mosul University Academics

The study aims to measure life management (in its various approaches) among   university academics and to identify the differences among life management strategies (in its various approaches) in regard of gender (male, female), field of education (scientific, humanitarian) and title (assistant lecturer, lecturer, assistant professor, and professor). The study sample consisted of (246) male and female academics from four colleges (Arts, Science, Science education, and Humanitarian Science Education). To achieve the goals of the study, the researchers used the Freund & Baltes (2002) life-management strategies scale after translating it and determining its parameters of reliability and validity. The statistical analysis of the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Resilience among Students in Baghdad University


The current study aims to identify the resilience of university students, as well as identify the differences in resilience according to the variable of gender and specialization. The research sample consisted of (382) students studying at Baghdad University. To measure Resilience, a questionnaire of (48) items was designed to collect the needed data. The results showed that the students of the University of Baghdad possess resilience. There are no differences in resilience according to gender and specialization.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between shyness and depression among Baghdad University students

study aimed to recognize the relationship shyness and depression and to recognize the differences between the genders, according to the variable of shyness and depression, the sample consisted (214) students, (141) female (73) male, and the sample responded scale of shyness and Inventory beck for depression, The Results of this study show that: the sample has a low degree shyness and a high degree depression, . There are no statistically significant differences according to gender variable in shyness, and there are statistically significant differences according to gender variable in depression favor for male, and there are statistically significant relationships between the variables of the study at lev

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Two Types of Personality and Achievement Motivation among University Teaching Staff Members

    Research aimed to:1- Be acquainted to the two types of personality A,B with the members of the teaching staff of Anbar university 2- The level of the motivational achievement among the teaching staff  3- The level of motivational achievement  of the teaching staff  of( A,B). 4- Differences of the abstract implications of A,B type  5- The relationship between A and B and the motivational achievement.

  Research Tools: the researchers  followed  measure  A, B type of  Howard Glaser  1978,and   measure  of Achievement Motivation for Mansoorm1986.

   The Result showed: 1. A tendency of the t

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social Care for the Disabled students and its influence on the Scientific Level (University of Baghdad as example)

The enrollment of students in the university represents a new stage in their life that differ from the previous educational stages that student has previously established. It should be noted that students with special needs at the University of Baghdad are not large numbers. It appears that these students have an excel role in their colleges most often, That is, the handicap was not a barrier to their scientific progress, but rather an incentive for them to excel. The most important conclusion reached by the researcher is that the University of Baghdad had no role in caring for people with special needs and caring for them financially, socially, psychologically, healthily and economically, they need to pay attention to them and take care

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Leadership skills in boos department in collages of Baghdad University from staff point of view

                           This research   included recent skills of transformed ieadership ,its five aspect and they are(transformed,speech of boos,chorus co-0perative work,behavior adjustment of values,common view point,understanding,and apologizing)Thescale is being made for these five aspects and it  done on sample of Baghdad university staff and the sample consist of(424)teacher of both genders.The study found out existence of  transformedskills of leadership    for  girls  .             &

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psycological tolerance and its relationship to self-efficacy among the students of the University of Baghdad

The study aimed to measure the phsycological tolerance and self-efficacy among the students of Baghdad university and knon the significant differences in psychological tolerance and self-efficacy according to the variables (Gender-Specialization)and the interaction between themas well as the study aimed to identify the strength and direction of the relationship between psychological tolerance and self-efficacy of the study sampleincluded asample of the current study(370) students from grades four ,the researcher used the measure of psychological tolerance and self-efficacy prepared by the researcher ,and the results showed that college students Generally have adegree of psychological tolerance and that there are statistically sig

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Developmental Role of Social Work in Reducing Social Extremism:A Field Study in Baghdad University-College of Mass Communication as a Model: محمد حميد علوان

This study deals with the role that social work profession plays in all its fields to reduce social extremismat home, or school or within society. The study aims to: examine the historical roots of social work in the Iraqi society, investigate the objectives of the developmental role of social work, review the theories of social extremism, its characteristics, and causes, and to analyze the developmental role of social work to limit social extremism. To meet the objectives of the study, a descriptive analytical approach has been adopted. It involves using the social sampling survey method, i.e., a questionnaire tool in the University of Baghdad community-College of Media. The sample was randomly selected to include (100) students from th

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