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المشكلات التي تواجه طلبة كلية التربية/ الجامعة المستنصرية اثناء فترة التطبيقات التدريسية وحلولهم المقترحة لها
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يهدف البحث الحالي إلى التعرف على المشكلات التي تواجه طلبة كلية التربية/ الجامعة المستنصرية أثناء فترة التطبيقات التدريسية ، كما يهدف إلى معرفة حلولهم المقترحة لها.

          وقد شمل عينة عدد أفرادها (293) مطبقاً ومطبقة يتوزعون على ثمانية أقسام . وهي تمثل حوالي (50%) من المجتمع الأصلي للبحث ، وقد جرى اختيارها بالطريقة الطبقية العشوائية .

          وأعد الباحث الاستبيان أداة للبحث ، وقد تضمن (57) فقرة موزعة على ستة مجالات رئيسية ، خصص المجال الاول للإعداد المهني والتربوي للمطبق والثاني للإشراف والتقويم ، والمجال الثالث لطلبة المدرسة ، والمجال الرابع لكفاية التطبيق ، والمجال الخامس للإدارة المدرسية والمدرسين ، والمجال السادس للبناية المدرسية  والوسائل التعليمية . كما تضمن الاستبيان أيضا سؤالا مفتوحا عن الحلول التي يقترحها الطلبة المطبقون لمعالجة مشكلات التطبيقات التدريسية . وقد صمم الاستبيان من خلال دراسة استطلاعية طبقت على (32) مطبق ومطبقة، استخدم الباحث فيها أداتين هما المقابلة الشخصية والاستبيان الاستطلاعي . من الأدبيات والدراسات السابقة التي لها صلة بموضوع البحث ، وأراء الخبراء والمختصين ، والخبرة الشخصية للباحث في مجال التدريس . وقد تحقق الباحث من صدق أداة البحث وثباتها وكان معامل الثبات يساوي (0.87) حسب معادلة بيرسون (Pearson) .

          وفي معالجة البيانات إحصائيا ، استخدمت معادلة الحدة (Degree of power)

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Application of Non-additive Measures and Corresponding Integrals in Tourism Management
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Non-additive measures and corresponding integrals originally have been introduced by Choquet in 1953 (1) and independently defined by Sugeno in 1974 (2) in order to extend the classical measure by replacing the additivity property to non-additive property. An important feature of non –additive measures and fuzzy integrals is that they can represent the importance of individual information sources and interactions among them. There are many applications of non-additive measures and fuzzy integrals such as image processing, multi-criteria decision making, information fusion, classification, and pattern recognition. This paper presents a mathematical model for discussing an application of non-additive measures and corresp

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Scopus (12)
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Education
أثر استعمال دورة التعلم في اكتساب المفاهيم الصرفية واستبقائها لدى طالبات قسم اللغة العربية في كلية التربية للبنات
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يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة أثر استخدام دورة التعلم في اكتساب المفاهيم الصرفية واستخلاصها لدى طالبات قسم اللغة العربية بكلية التربية للبنات وقد صيغت فرضيتان مفادهما أن ؛ 1- لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين متوسط ​​درجات طالبات المجموعة التجريبية اللاتي يدرسن المادة الصرفية في دورة التعلم ومتوسط ​​درجات طالبات المجموعة الضابطة اللاتي يدرسن المادة الصرفية بالطريقة القياسية لاكتساب المفاهيم. 2- لا توجد فروق ذ

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Participation of the Students of the Colleges of Education in the Iraqi Universities in Literacy and Adult Education in Iraq. The Students of the Departments of Holy Quran and Islamic Education (A model)
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The study focuses on the problem that Iraq is approaching an increasing rate of literacy;the available data refers to a rate of (18% -19%). In addition to the fact that the generalcurrent role of the programs directed to literacy is not actually effective enough to limit the expansion of this rate.

The importance of this study highlights the fact that the Iraqi universities are an important tributary among the tributaries of human development, especially in spreading the education of the voluntary work in literacy field and confirming the connection between the students and their society and their role in solving one of the prominent challenges that face the development, i.e., literacy.


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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Positive thinking and its relation to self academic motivation and the trend towards teaching profession among the students of education colleges
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The research aims to know the relation between positive thinking and self academic motivation, trend towards teaching profession. So a sample of (344) male and female student of the morning study of education colleges from the two universities of Baghdad and al Mustansria for the academic year 2012-2013.

So three tools had been used to achieve the procedures of the research which are: the scale of positive thinking constracted by Abdal satar Ibrahim year 2010, the scale of self academicmotivation constracted by (Gottfried) and adapted by Hanan Hussan year 2010, the scale of teaching profession trend constracted by Enayat Zaki year 1974.

And by using the statistical means of person

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Aesthetic and Functional Dimensions of Environmental Waste in the Products of Students of the Department of Art Education: فردوس خضر الجوفي
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The practice of art is an inevitable result imposed by the circumstances surrounding the human being, as he needs some knowledge associated with raw materials, tools and methods to develop skills in the formation of elements of the work of art in new ways that give a decent artistic appearance to the work of art. Through the exploratory study carried out by the researcher, which included asking the following question to the third grade students, Department of Art Education:

What types of materials are used in handicrafts and from which sources are they obtained? Through the answers, the problem of research was founded as follows:

-Are the products of students of the Department of Art Education in the handicraft material d

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Public Policy Education in Iraq / Reality Challenges and Proposed
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The policy issue in all countries of the world is concerned with government and research because it has the ability to reveal many of the problems facing the state and its organizational and scientific capabilities in the development of solutions and appropriate treatments that go beyond random and improvisational reactions, As a result of this interest, many studies have attempted to conceptualize and academicism it. The concept of public policy has been linked to various aspects of social life such as social, economic, educational, agricultural or other aspects. Public policy, regardless of its meaning or its relation to aspects of life, refers to the systematic thinking that directs the behavior and actions of the state, organization

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Educational Program Based on the (Guttmann) Model for Developing Awareness and Emotional Experience among University Students
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The aim of the research is to identify the level of awareness and emotional experience among university students and to identify the effect of the educational program based on (Guttmann) model for developing awareness and emotional experience among university students by verifying the validity of the following zero hypotheses: 1) There are no statistically significant differences in the development of awareness and emotional experience among university students at the level of (0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre and post-tests. 2) There are no statistically significant differences in the development of awareness and emotional experience among university students at the lev

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التجربة الجمالية المظاهر- المشكلات- الآفاق- القيم
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This research tackles the subject of the aesthetic experience. It shows the most prominent views of critics, discusses their opinions, and compares them

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
حل المشكلات البيئية لدى طفل الروضة
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Acquires this research importance of addressing the subject (environmental
problems) with age group task, a category that children pre-school, and also
reflected the importance of research, because the (environmental problems)
constitute a major threat to the continuation of human life, particularly the
children, so the environment is Bmchkladtha within kindergarten programs
represent the basis of a hub of learning where the axis, where the kindergarten took
into account included in the programs in order to help the development of
environmental awareness among children and get them used to the sound practices
and behaviors since childhood .
From the foregoing I felt the researcher that the phenomenon of (enviro

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تطوير الكفايات التدريسية للأستاذ الجامعي في ضوء معايير دورة ديمنغ للجودة (PCDA)
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The problem of the present study lies in the challenges that college education especially that concerns the quality of college teachers performance and developing the level of educational process quality.

This study aimed at constructing a vision the researchers have constructed depending on the standards of performance quality represented by Deming's quality course. The researchers presented a number of skills that should be existed in the performance of college teacher through using the analytic and constructing approach in imagining this drawing to develop performance.

The study results represented by a number of efficiencies that college  teachers shoul

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