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بناء اختبار لتقييم مستوى انتاجية وثبات الانتباه عند اطفال الرياض
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Attention is one of the mental processes of knowledge that play an important role in the life of the individual in general and the child's life, in particular, the child relates to the external environment through its interaction with it, to achieve the adjustment with his environment and harmony with his community.

Much ness and multiplicity of information sources make the child need to scan and exploration to provide the appropriate response by handling sensory stimuli involving the discovery of stimulus and receive it by sensory devices then pay attention to it and realizing and storing it in memory and restoring it in the next positions, The attention is essential for any learning process and there is no choice but the availability of high level of attention of learners from kindergarten to all school stages, so the current research aimed at building a test to assess the level of attention of children in the kindergarten of Baghdad departments on both sides Karkh and Rusafa for the academic year 2010/2011.

According to the objective of this research, there was identification assess the level productivity& stability of attention, and there was a formulation of an item for each domain, where the number items of the productivity and stability (5), it has also been set beginning in front of each item (0, 1, 2) and the test is coupled with specific time, it was ( 15) seconds of each item of the test, the research sample  included (300) boys and girls, it have been extracted coefficient of difficulty and discriminatory power, coefficient of difficulty ranging between (0.54­0.79) The value of T (T-test) of the test items is between (8.359-10.997) , it has been shown, that all test items were featured at the level of sense (0,05) and the degree of freedom (160), and verifying the truth of test through the apparent validity and sincerity of construction by finding the correlation coefficient (Pearson) between the item and the domain that belongs to it and between the item and the total of test, as shown by the amount of persistence (0.85) in a re-test, and (0.92) in a manner to Alfakronbakh, and so it has been obtained to test consisting of (5) items formatted to apply to the children of kindergarten to assess the level productivity & stability of attention they have         

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The level of evaluation of the educational counselors ’performance as a predictor of their level of satisfaction with their evaluation
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The current research aims to reveal the level of satisfaction of the mentors with the evaluation of their performance according to gender (male - female) and to formulate the predictive equation for the level of performance (dependent variable) from knowing the level of satisfaction with the evaluation (independent variable). (16 paragraphs) contains alternatives to the answer that measures the level of satisfaction (weak, medium, and high) (1,2,3), that is, with a hypothetical average of (32). It consisted of 100 educational counselors consisting of 45 males and 55 females, the results of the research concluded that the level of satisfaction with performance is below the mean when compared with the hypothetical average of the scale of s

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The dimensions forMarzano of learning and its relation with crisis management for teachers Kindergartens
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importumt educational institution as (kindergartens) need teachers which qualified ownes modalities in their education for children , as Marzanu method in a way of learning and own methods of crisis management, because the teachers that own those styles of learning ginekindergarten children knowledge and the childrenIeaving based on theMeaing and knowledge and integration of their information, And teachers that earn methods of crisis management provide for the children of the kindergarten security within the educational institution which in turn affect the growth and development of the Child and then abilities, health physical, mental, psychological …etc.., The aims of the current research have identified to recognize: 1- the dimension

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Instruction Program on Teachers’ Performance of Counseling for Primary School Pupils regarding Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
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Objective(s): To evaluate teachers’ performance of counseling for pupils with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, to identify the relationship between Teachers’ Performance of Counselling for Pupils with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and their demographic.

Methodology: A quasi-experimental (pre-posttest) design was carried out to evaluate teachers’ performance of counseling for pupils with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, at Al-Firdous mixed primary School and to find out the association between teachers' performance about Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and their socio-demographic characteristic. The study was started from 18th September 2

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Excessive Indulgence Of Parents and Social Consensus for Children Kindergarten
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Parental socialization trends impacting seriously on the growth of individual
personality and psychological health trends ,love, acceptance and on confidence help
children to grow as a person who loves other accept others and trust and negative parental
attitudes such as excess portents us or negligence . and the focusing and demonstrate a
negative impact on the growth of excess an mental health and family play a significant role in
a childes life we can see how many manifestation of compatibility or incompatibility thatappear on individual behaviors and achieve their success or failure in life be returned to the
of human relations that prevailed between the family members of children in various stages of
his life fi

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الألعاب الالكترونية وعلاقتها بالعزلة الاجتماعية لدى أطفال الرياض
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The past few years have seen the development of the quantity and quality in the field of software, as it has become the word of electronic games of common terms used in the modern era.

And the effects of this software it is working on a low ability to exercise social activities and the ability to perform the duties and turn away from physical exercise level and lead to the neglect of the child to develop friendships and social relations as a result of his over-zealous in use for a long time .olhz a stated research to achieve Ahavh which are:

- Learn about social isolation among children Riyadh.

- Identify statistically sig

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
skills and its relationship to the with concept of self in social The chidren kindergarten age (4-6) years
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 The interest in Multi social skills and self-concept is extremely  important for many of the scholars of education and psychology has taken a great deal in their writings and their interests as they see that social skills training is to make sure of the same, and that whenever enable the individual from acquiring social skills whenever asserted itself.The research aims know social skills and self-concept and their relationship to the children Riyadh age (4-6 years), and the research sample consisted of(200) boys and girls from kindergarten in the city of Baghdad Bjanbey Rusafa second and Karkh second.And to the objectives of the research realized the researcher has built two measures of social skills a

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hybrid Framework To Exclude Similar and Faulty Test Cases In Regression Testing
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Regression testing is a crucial phase in the software development lifecycle that makes sure that new changes/updates in the software system don’t introduce defects or don’t affect adversely the existing functionalities. However, as the software systems grow in complexity, the number of test cases in regression suite can become large which results into more testing time and resource consumption. In addition, the presence of redundant and faulty test cases may affect the efficiency of the regression testing process. Therefore, this paper presents a new Hybrid Framework to Exclude Similar & Faulty Test Cases in Regression Testing (ETCPM) that utilizes automated code analysis techniques and historical test execution data to

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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Testing the MODIS Thermal Modes for Dust Storms Monitoring
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Climate change is one of the global issues that is receiving wide attention due to its clear impact on all living organisms. This is essential for Iraq since it was classified as the fifth most vulnerable country to climate change. One of the manifestations of these changes in Iraq is the increasing frequency and severity of dust storms. In this study, the Normalized Difference Dust Index (NDDI) spectral index for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor bands was used to measure and track the dust storm that occurred on May 16, 2022, as well as to test the validity of one of the daily products of this sensor, MOD11A1, to measure surface temperature and emissivity before and after the storm. It was found that the MOD0

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modeling and Simulation for Performance Evaluation of Optical Quantum Channels in Quantum key Distribution Systems
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In this research work, a simulator with time-domain visualizers and configurable parameters using a continuous time simulation approach with Matlab R2019a is presented for modeling and investigating the performance of optical fiber and free-space quantum channels as a part of a generic quantum key distribution system simulator. The modeled optical fiber quantum channel is characterized with a maximum allowable distance of 150 km with 0.2 dB/km at =1550nm. While, at =900nm and =830nm the attenuation values are 2 dB/km and 3 dB/km respectively. The modeled free space quantum channel is characterized at 0.1 dB/km at =860 nm with maximum allowable distance of 150 km also. The simulator was investigated in terms of the execution of the BB84 p

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Publication Date
Mon May 05 2014
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الادارة والاقتصاد - جامعة كربلاء
استعمال نظرية صفوف الانتظار لتقييم معايير الجودة للأنظمة الخدمية لتحقيق رغبة الزبون
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يعتبر التحكم في تأثير الجودة على أداء المنظمات من الأوراق الرابحة في بيئة الأعمال، اذ تتبنى هذا التوجه عند إعداد خططها المستقبلية، مما يتوجب عليها تجميع جهودها نحو بلوغ هذا الهدف، من أجل تقديم خدمة بالجودة التي تلبي احتياجات الزبائن وتحقق رضاهم. ينظر إلى قضية قياس جودة الانظمة الخدمية من خلال الأبعاد المحددة لذلك، والتي تعتمد أسلوب المساءلة في البعض منها كسلوك الموظفين في هذه المراكز الخدمية، كما تعتمد الأ

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