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الرضا الوظيفي لدى تدريسيي الجامعات العراقية حول قانون الخدمة الجامعية
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The objective of this research to identify the level of job satisfaction among lecturers Iraqi universities on the Law of University Service has determined the research community in the teaching staff or lecturers University (Baghdad, Mustansiriya, Technology, Al-Nahrean) were selected the same of them with a volume of (400) teaching (male and female) to complete the research has been prepared to identify composed of (49) items distributed on four axes and Search Results indicated that the level of job satisfaction among the teaching Iraqi university courses on the law of service is characterized by the presence of positive and job satisfaction and the law in general. 

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Rational Emotional Behavioral Program in Developing Self-Efficacy to Reduce the Burnout among Teachers of Students with Autism Disorder
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The aim of this study is to identify the effectiveness of a rational, emotional, behavioral program in developing self-efficacy to reduce the level of Burnout in 20 teachers of students with autism disorder in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. The proposed program included 12 training sessions. The researcher found that the proposed program has contributed significantly to the development of self-efficacy and reduce the level of Burnout for the targeted subject in this study.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of the law of amending the unified pension law No. (26) of 2019 on the size of tax revenues An applied research on a sample of Iraqi public universities: أثر تطبيق قانون التقاعد الموحد رقم (26) لسنة 2019 على حجم الايرادات الضريبية
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The contribution rate of tax revenues in the federal budget is very small compared to the rate of contribution of oil revenues and this leads to negative repercussions on the Iraqi economy and the budget becomes a prisoner of high and low oil prices, and this is a problem that needs to be studied to know the extent of the impact of economic and political decisions on the size of tax revenue and The research goal is determined in studying the effect of amending the Unified Law No (26) of 2019 on the size of annual tax revenues .                                   &

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
نمطي الشخصية والاداء الوظيفي للمرشد التربوي
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 مهنة الارشاد تعزز التنمية البشرية من خلال استثمار طاقات الانسان وامكاناته باستعمال العقل والتفكير. وتكمن اهمية البحث من اهمية المرشد التربوي في العملية التربوية وتحقيق الاهداف التربوية من اجل بناء مجتمع متقدم, من خلال تقديم صوره افضل للعملية الارشادية.

وعليه يهدف البحث الحالي التعرف على:

1- نمطي الشخصية(A-B) لدى المرشدين التربويون.

2-دلالة الفروق الاحصائية في نمطي الشخصية(A-B) وفق متغير النوع(ذك

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of moral values in the tourism service ,An analytical study
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Business Ethics play a major role in explaining the behavior of those interested in the management of tourism enterprises in the field of management gains, which sometimes turn to manipulation in the specification of the service of tourism and influence in the technical characteristics at the expense of the brand and market share, as well as misleading beneficiaries about the fact that the performance of the service of tourism, may depend activities tourist dramatically when submitting and sharing various services on the types of mutual relations the framework for moral distinct, in interaction or direct contact between producers of tourism services and tourists or their beneficiaries, in order to provide comfort and recreation a

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring The Level of Complexity In The Process University – Case Study At The Southern Technical University.
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    Complexity is the inherent characteristic of contemporary organizations. It is characterized by the intertwining and expansion of its relations, by the severe disorder and rapid change in its environment, which makes it suffer from a state of uncertainty in determining the direction of its future or the assessment of the rules governing its paths. All organizations tend to evolve with increasing sophistication, And to take measures that contribute to the simplification of the system as it moves towards complexity, allowing the administration to easily control its movement and directions, and the problem of complexity in the university is based on the entanglement and overlap in the goals and processes betwe

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
Artistic trends to the formation of postmodern: إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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This research includes interested in studying art contemporary, by studying the experiences of sculpture for the formation of post-modernism, assuming the existence of trends in public art can be classified, in spite of the multiplicity of styles and methods of work since the second half of the twentieth century to the present day, and this shenanigans knowledge on how to the Technical that is the art is not restricted, It is art refuses laws and fixed values and traditional styles, and always aspires to diversity and innovation.Search contains three chapters and an introduction containing information about the research problem and the importance of research and the goal of the research, the goal of research is: Detection of artistic tre

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
Aesthetic dimension to the formation of postmodern: إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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Find taught dimension aesthetic in the formation of post-modernism, which is one of the themes of aesthetics in the stream of postmodernism, is problematic because of the lack of provisions and fixed values reinforce the concept of beauty, and put done technical plastic in the circle of evaluation and judgment aesthetic, this research as an attempt to reveal the aesthetic concepts that can be drawn from artistic experiments in the formation of post-modernism, through the development of those concepts viable mainstream.
Search contains four chapters: the first chapter includes a general approach to the research, has been showcasing the research problem and the importance of research and goal of Search: detection dimension aesthetic in

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role physical service factors in achieving customer satisfaction
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The development in the presentation and presentation of the service in order to distinguish them from the same, was one of the most important reasons to choose the current issue to upgrade the level of service, especially in the Iraqi restaurant sector, which has become today of the important sectors successful. The problem of research was to try to answer a range of questions: to what extent are Iraqi restaurants interested in physical service factors? Do Iraqi restaurants apply physical factors in a way that leads to customer satisfaction? Are Iraqi restaurants interested in the satisfaction of their customers? The objective of the current research is to try to determine the extent to which the

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
جرائم العنف الاسري للزوجة في قانون العقوبات والاحوال الشخصية العراقي دراسة مقارنة
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The subject (crimes of domestic violence to the wife in penalties and personal circumstances of the Iraqi law) of the important topics which aims to provide criminal and legal protection for the wife as the interest protected by the law when the criminalization of an act perpetrated spousal violence has spread problem of the most serious problems that have had a significant impact the wife, in particular, on the family and society in general, namely, the problem of protecting the wife of domestic violence, which directs it from her husband, and our goal of this study is to develop develop a wife and protection from domestic violence, which sheds it by searching in the media confront this phenomenon, namely violence prisoners and then sta

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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Most of the Weibull models studied in the literature were appropriate for modelling a continuous random variable which assumes the variable takes on real values over the interval [0,∞]. One of the new studies in statistics is when the variables take on discrete values. The idea was first introduced by Nakagawa and Osaki, as they introduced discrete Weibull distribution with two shape parameters q and β where      0 < q < 1 and b > 0. Weibull models for modelling discrete random variables assume only non-negative integer values. Such models are useful for modelling for example; the number of cycles to failure when components are subjected to cyclical loading. Discrete Weibull models can be obta

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