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اثر أنموذج ثيلين في اكتساب المفاهيم التاريخية لطالبات الصف الثاني معهد المعلمات / المركزي في مادة التاريخ
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Chapter One – introduction

Nations managed today to achieve progress in the field of modern technology. Science has changed many beliefs and trendiness that people have held for long time, skills and scientific thinking developed, and made scientific observation  and experiment replace narration and taking from others. That is attributed to examining  the educational systems searching for the locations of defect, and shortage.

In the light of educational modernizations, many models of teaching incliuding a model for social tracing attributed to Herbart Thelen, which is a model to develop skills of social participation in the democratic process (Al-Khawalda,1993,335). Thelen cared for the basis of democracy as a base of building social relations and social relationships between the various individuals. He supposed that the model could be achieved through the education process within the democratic process as the social unit (Qatami, 1998, 246).

Thelen Model of social investigation is model of teaching that is based on the development of educational system through democratic procedures, especially when it is used in teaching the social items. That would develop positive participations and interaction among students and contribute to the increasing of their acquisition and training to the use of teaching strategies that help to use strategies that motivate their thinking (Abdullah, 1998,71).

The importance of group investigation of Thelen model is manifested in the teaching as a method of making students think of the dimensions of the lesson and its contents, and give them the space to express their opinions in a democratic and practical manner (Sharpes.p.3,1983).

The study of concepts lead to increase the student's ability to the use of the main functions of science which is implied in evaluation and prediction. For the meaning of historical concepts and is constructed in the required context that should take the mental age and living expertise into consideration.

The second chapter:

The chapter included a review of the previous Arab and foreign studies in two domains:

The first: tackling the Arab and foreign studies of Thelen model of investigation.

The second: tackling Arab and foreign studies about the historical terms.


The third: procedures of study:

The Sample: the sample of study included two groups (experimental and control). The number of stundets were 26 female students of the experimental and 27for the control group after eliminating the failing students.

The researcher matched the two groups in terms of:

Scores of history for the year 2006 / 2007.

IQ test

Pervious knowledge test.

The Tools of study:

prepared a test to acquire the historical concepts of the multi choice type made up of (40) items, which she displayed to experts and specialized, and she derived the coefficient of difficulty. The experiment lasted for two months.

Statistical Instrument of study:

The researcher used statistical means such as T-test, Spearman – Braun equation.

The results:

The results showed significant differences between the experimental group and control group which were taught using Thelen model.

The researcher attributed that excellence to the methods of teaching used based on dialogue and discussion and exchange opinions over the traditional methods. That is attributed to the traditional methods of teaching that keeps with the informational development in the world and promote activity, seriousness and vividness to contribute to elevate the level of students and increase their acquisition of historical concepts and then retain those information.

The most important conclusions were:

  • The use of Thelen Model of group investigation depends on the activity and cooperation of students in inquiring and seeking information in essence.
  • The probability of applying Thelen Model of group investigation in teaching history of second stage students in the teacher's institute.
  • That requires the availability of efficiencies and skills by teachers.

In the light of these results, the researcher recommends to:

  • Arrange development courses by Ministry of Education for teachers of history of how to use methods of teaching which focus on thelearner as the center of activity in the teaching process.
  • Use Thelen Model of group investigation as an effective means within the methods of teaching in the history curricula in colleges and institutes.

The suggestions were:

  • Making similar studies for other stages on both sexes to know the effect of Thelen Model of group investigation in acquiring historical concepts.
  • The study of Thelen Model of group investigation in other variables like achievement or thinking of its types.


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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2019
Journal Name
دار الضياء للطباعة والتصميم
موسوعة الدراسات العاملية في المجال الرياضي ( الجزء الثاني )
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أن الكتاب في مجال الاختبارات والقياس والإحصاء الرياضي والذي صيغ بطريقة مبسطة وعلى وفق الفعالية التي تم تناولها بالبحث والدراسة سواء أكانت الدراسة في الجانب البدني أو المهاري أو الوظيفي للعبة أو تبحث في المواصفات الجسمية من ناحيتي القياسات والأدلة الجسمية وكل بصورة منفردة ، أو بصورة دراسة مركبة من ناحية تناول القياسات الجسمية مع المتغيرات البدنية لفعالية ما على سبيل المثال وتناولهما في دراسة واحدة أو تناول

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Some Estimation for the Parameters and Hazard Function of Kummer Beta Generalized Normal Distribution
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Transforming the common normal distribution through the generated Kummer Beta model to the Kummer Beta Generalized Normal Distribution (KBGND) had been achieved. Then, estimating the distribution parameters and hazard function using the MLE method, and improving these estimations by employing the genetic algorithm. Simulation is used by assuming a number of models and different sample sizes. The main finding was that the common maximum likelihood (MLE) method is the best in estimating the parameters of the Kummer Beta Generalized Normal Distribution (KBGND) compared to the common maximum likelihood according to Mean Squares Error (MSE) and Mean squares Error Integral (IMSE) criteria in estimating the hazard function. While the pr

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Is it possible to teach translation in the classroom?
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Discipline in the classroom (problems and solutions)
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Research Summary

First: the problem of research and its importance

      The teacher's success in facilitating the students' learning and growth according to the educational and educational goals set out, he must identify the problems of discipline of students in the classroom in terms of sources and reasons and types and methods of prevention and treatment and the teacher to remember that success in his teaching and instruction is not completed more fully once he has the information And knowledge of the subject of the lesson, but must understand the dynamics of the group (class group) and master the skills of classroom management, su

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
المفاهيم العلمية السائدة بين أطفال الروضة من وجهة نظر معلماتهم
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أهمية البحث ومشكلته:- تعد الطفولة من أهم المراحل العمرية في حياة الإنسان اذ يكون فيها الطفل غضاً من النواحي الجسمية والعقلية والنفسية، شديد القابلية للتأثر بالعوامل المختلفة المحيطة به الأمر الذي يبرز أهمية السنوات الخمس الأولى في تكوين شخصيته بصورة تترك طابعها فيه طيلة حياته. ومن أهم سمات هذه المرحلة نمو القوى العقلية والجسمية والنفسية، ومن جوانب نمو الطفل العقلية هي المفاهيم ا

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The initiative of the Central Bank of Iraq and its impact on some banking activities provided by specialized banks
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Specialized banks provide their banking activities to their customers at interest rates that are determined according to the approved bank policy, which is almost similar to most or most banks. To satisfy the financial desires of customers and at the same time it is a source of the bank's profits, However, these banks have been introduced to new services that they provide with the funds of the Central Bank initiative launched at the beginning of (2016) to address the economic stagnation that befell the country due to the (financial security) crisis that the country faced in 2014. To put forward initiatives amounting to nearly (15) trillion dinars, which were put forward through private commercial and Islamic banks and specialized

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الإدارة و الاقتصاد للدراسات الاقتصادية و الإدارية و المالية
دور مؤشر السيولة المصرفية في الرقابة الإشرافية للبنك المركزي العراقي على المصارف المتخصصة
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عد الرقابة الإشرافية احد اهم الأدوات التي تستخدمها البنوك المركزية في تقييم التزام المصارف بالمتطلبات التنظيمية والقوانين الصادرة منها وتستخدم البنوك المركزية عدة مؤشرات مالية منها مؤشر السيولة المصرفية لتقييم أداء المصارف تجاه حماية أموال المودعين وحماية المصارف من خطر نقص السيولة ومن ثم التعرض للإفلاس، لذا اقتضت الضرورة إلى دراسة مؤشر السيولة المصرفية الذي يستخدم كأحد أدوات الرقابة الإشرافية من قبل ال

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Multiple Intelligences on the Acquisition of Science Operations by Middle School Students of Arabic Grammar
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The current research aims to identify the multiple intelligences in the fourth students’ acquisition of the literary processes of Arabic grammar and to identify the differences in multiple intelligence according to gender (males - females). The study was determined for students of the fourth literary preparatory Al-Hakim Preparatory (for males) and Rabat Preparatory (for females) of the Second Karkh Education Directorate, topics from the Arabic grammar subject (past tense, present tense, imperative, subject, and object) for the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05) between the average scores of the students who were tau

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The supervisory role of the central bank in the protection of commercial banks: An applied research in the Economy Bank for Investment and Finance
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Represents a supervisory and oversight role of the Central Bank  towards finding a sober banking sector, as the procedures , regulations and laws that the Central Bank insists on its implementation with the utmost precision, and that was to protect depositors and shareholders' class basis rights, but it is in the interest of the bank in the end, as it seeks to improve the performance of commercial banks and vaccinated against falling into the blunders, they also contribute to building a sober and stable banking sector and security contributes to the welfare and employment optimization of economic resources, and treatment of research (and the presence of banks decline in financial performance, according to financial performance indic

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
The Deliberative Action in the Labor Market of Iraqi Art The Concepts and the Application: شيماء وهيب خضير
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The analysis of the orientations of Iraqi art commodification contributed to the discovery of deliberation, which was founded in the deliberative discourse in the trends towards commodification in the Iraqi art, since the important transformations in social structures and relations produced a dictionary with new vocabulary and tools that replaced the traditions and norms that have been in circulation for a century. Deliberation and commodification have become more prevalent in the mechanics and trends of the art where the pace of change is becoming increasingly frantic towards the market. The general market for art constitutes one of the most effective phenomena within contemporary art, that there has been a proliferation of sales auctio

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