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الأوضاع النفسية والإجتماعية لنساء الأقليات في العراق )دراسة ميدانية(
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The study present a detailed description of the new violent situation that those women faced after 2003 in Iraqi society and the effect of such violence and security breaking down on minority women perception and feeling of bonding or adaptation with this society and how they look to the aaceptance of the society to them and their minority group as a whole. In addition to the impact of these social changes after 2003,on the women rights and personal freedom. One of the aims of the study is to provide data base to be used when efforts present to put a policies or programs for supporting the minority women. Another aim is to point out and define the violations commited on the rights of those women. The field survey included 2100 women from the most important minority communities within Iraqi society. The most important findings of the field study was: - Decline in women's sense of belonging to the Iraqi society and its decline from what it was before 2003, while the sense of belonging after 2003 increased in women from the minority Kurds Faili. Also dropped acceptancesense of minority womento society and their integration in it. - The armed conflict and the deteriorating security situation comes first among the factors contributing to the lack of a sense of belonging, followed by the deterioration of services. Then comes the third grade in the lack of personal freedom as a factor of low sense of belonging. - Increased restrictions imposed by the family of women from minorities after 2003. -That the majority of women belonging to minorities lackthe freedom about the issues relating to marriage and divorce planning. And that the religious factor is the most influential obstacle to the freedom of women in their conditions, followed by family in terms of impact strength. Minority community came in third. The economic factor came in last in terms of impact. - More than half of the sample can not practice their religion and ceremonies freely ,the deteriorating security situation is the most influential factor on the freedom to practice their rites. Targeting places of worship comes secondly. - There is a tendency for some women belonging to minorities to hide everything that symbolizes affiliation in order to avoid others harmfulness or assaultation. - The vast majority of those women, live in a state of fear and a sense of threat to their lives. 

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2021
Journal Name
جامعة بغداد
محاضرات في الأديان الوضعية : دراسة موضوعية
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قسم المؤلف كتابه على ستة فصول تسبقها مقدمة وتعقبها حالمة، فقد أبانت المقدمة الدوافع والأسباب التي تقف وراء عنوان الكتاب، إذ وصفه بأنه يجمع بين دفتيه مادة علمية غايتها التعرف على بعض الأديان التي يدين معظم البلدان مع بيان تاريخ نشأتها ومناصريها. وقد حدد الديانات التي سيقتصر الكتاب على دراستها، وهي: الصابئة المندائيين والديانات الهندوسية والبوذية، والجينية والكونفوشية في الصين والشتوية في اليابان كونها من ا

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الاداب
Humility in Christianity Descriptive Study
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Humility is assign of the Purity of the soul and safety of the heart from the disease of pride and arrogance. It represents an important side of the formation of man's character and his behavior since it calls for love, intimacy and connection and a means to free the heart from the chains of envy and grudge. The word Humility (humbleness) appeared in the holy bible in many places. A accordingly, Christianity urged for sticking to it by its followers. The study aims at showing the meaning of humbleness, its importance and example of the humbleness of Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) under the title (humbleness in Christianity/A Descriptions study). The paper falls into an introduction and three sections. The introduction talks about the mean

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Wisdom In AL –Farazdak s Poetry
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Wisdom in the era before Islam is soo famous and so mature And Wisdom in the age of Islam {the holy quran and AI Hadeeth AI shareef }is dealt with by different meanings that agree with the contexts in which it occurs its contacs One of meanings is wisesaying that occuars in the Halal and Haram .As to the wisdom of the Amawy age ,it was some times absent since it was not dealt with by the great Poets of that age .In the Poetry of AL-FARAZDAK , Wisdom was little and it expressed religious and phsycological meanings because wisdom is amessage that has along –rang .

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The importance of logic in the study of Islamic sciences
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Logic is one of the sciences that have receded and regressed in the field of Islamic sciences. This regression is the result of several factors, the most important of which are:

1- The Aristotelian logic, concerned with the seemingly essential shape and the underlying truth in the text, which has been translated into Arabic, is no longer able to keep pace with scientific revelations and epistemological spaces of our time.
2- The existence of logic in the curricula of Islamic studies was not subject to a study linking logic and Islamic sciences. Therefore, we find that the student studies logic as if it were a strange subject that has nothing to do with the subjects of Islamic studies and even Islamic philosophy.
3- Logic is

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية
دراسة نقدية في محل العقد والالتزام
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يعد موضوع المحل من المواضيع الشائكة في القانون المدني ، اذ ان هذا الموضوع رغم قدمه الا انه لازال يمثل ارضا خصبة للبحث ، اذ يوجد خلاف حول تحديد الكائن القانوني الذي يعد المحل ركنا فيه ، حيث اختلفت التشريعات في هذه المسألة ، فبعض التشريعات تذهب الى ان المحل ركن في العقد ، وبعضها يذهب الى ان المحل ركن في الالتزام ، وبعضها يذهب الى ان المحل ركن في العقد وركن في الالتزام وقد انتقل هذا الخلاف الى الفقه فظهر فيه عدة اتج

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Transitional justice: a study of the concept and mechanisms
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The concept of transitional justice is newly emerging, as it was mainly associated with addressing issues of serious breaches and abuses of human rights during conflicts and situations resulting from violence and the use of force in societies that are in the process of democratization, as transitional justice aims primarily to restore civil peace and rebuild institutions The state needs multidimensional justice: a judicial system that achieves the rule of law, corrective restoration of the wounds of the past, and a distributive characteristic of the redistribution of wealth.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
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Irony in conceptual art (An analytical study )
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In the 20th century, the concept of "sarcasm" has relatively prevailed, and in this sense, it is a method in the art of conversation that wants to keep the question about the intended meaning, that is, "saying something and suggesting its opposite."
There are other concepts that indicate that sarcasm is saying something in a way that provokes the recipient of the statement an infinite number of different interpretations, with multiple readers of different interpretations. While the philosophy of irony stands by the standards of things, exaggeration or minimization, this manipulation takes place within the enjoyment. However, it's a method to present sharp criticism in an atmosphere of criticism that differs from generation to gener

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
He saw a linguistic study, in the Noble Qur’an
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In the name of God, praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the best of God’s creation, Muhammad bin Abdullah, and upon his family and companions, and from his family:
And after:
     He saw from verbs that transcend one effect if it is visual and to two effects if it is heart and this action has several strokes and it is an awareness of the sense and illusion and imagination and reason and in addition to that it has many meanings dealt with in the glossary books and as for what the verb included in the audio studies it is the explanation and deletion and slurring The heart of my place. As for what the grammatical studies included, it focuses on one or two effects according to its l

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Investigation of Effecting Parameters in a Turning Operation
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        In this study multi objective optimization is utilized to optimize a turning operation to reveal the appropriate level of process features. The goal of this work is to evaluate the optimal combination of cutting parameters like feed, spindle speed, inclination angle and workpiece material to have a best surface quality Taguchi technique L9 mixed orthogonal array, has been adopted to optimize the roughness of surface. Three rods of length around (200 mm) for the three metals are used for this work. Each rod is divided into three parts with 50 mm length. For brass the optimum parametric mix for minimum Ra is A1, B1 and C3, i.e., at tool inclination angle (5), feedrate of 0.01, spindle speed of 120

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Designing Interactive Educational Website for Highschool Students in Iraq: أحمد ناجي علي-يوسف مشتاق لطيف
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       publishing has become a large space in the field of interactive education and modern  pages have become dedicated to the service of the educational effort in this area as the research in this context of the urgent scientific necessities, especially as we consider in Iraq from the new countries in the exploitation of these new technologies and investment possibilities of the information network And the contents of different in the framework of so-called distance education Here lies the problem of research in the possibility of finding scientific solutions for the design of interactive inter active website for students of the preparatory stage in Iraq and to find out the scientific ways to find des

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