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الذكاء العاطفي و علاقته بالخجل لدى طلبة جامعة بغداد
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The main purpose of the present research is to identify emotional intelligence for college students and its relation to gender (male-female) , and to identify shyness for college students and its relation to gender(male-female)and to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and shyness. The sample of the present research consisted of (200) college students , (100)male students and (100)female students randomly selected. scale for measuring emotional intelligence as prepared consists of (46) items according to Golmans theory distributed into five subscales and these are : (self-awareness , emotion management, motivation, sympathy and social skills) and Alobaidi shyness scale is used to assess shyness and it consists of (31) items . And to reveal findings      T-test , person correlation coefficient, spearman brown coefficient, Alfa cronbach equation are use as statical devices and the findings revealed that male college students has high level of emotional intelligence and the female college students has high level of shyness.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Remorse And Its Relationship With Conscientiousness Among University Students
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Situational regret and its relation to the vitality of conscience among university students The research seeks to identify situational regret and its relation to the vitality of conscience among university students, identify the significant differences in regard with students’ gender, and identify if there is a correlation between situational regret and the vitality of conscience. To do this, two scales were adopted; one to measure situational regret consisted of (31) items, which was designed by (Al-badrani, 2006), besides, costa and macrys’ (1992) scale that translated in Arabic language by (Al-qaisy, 2013). It composed of (35) items. Total of (120) male and female students were collected from three-different colleges (science, art

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Cognitive bias and its relation to emotional thinking among university students
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The study aims to identify the cognitive bias and the level of emotional thinking among university students, besides, identifying the significant differences between male and female students regarding those two variables, and determine if there is a correlation between cognitive bias and emotional thinking. To this end, two scales were adopted to collect needed data: cognitive bias scale designed by (Al-any, 2015), composed of (14) items, and emotional thinking scale designed by (Abdu Allah, 2017), consisted of (27) items. These two scales were administered to (140) students composed the study sample. They were chosen from four different colleges at Al-mustansiriyah University for the academic year (2017-1018). The findings revealed that

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاكتئاب لدى النساء العاملات في بغداد
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ان في هذه الاية الكريمة لآبلغ وصف للاكتئاب حيث الضيق الشديد والشعور باليأس من الدنيا والوحدة .

وقال المتنبي :.

كفى بك داء ان ترى الموت شافياً

وحسب المنايا ان يكن امانيا

وقال مجنون ليلى :.

وامطر في التراب سحاب جفني

وقلبي في هموم واكتئاب

الحزن والقلق والهم والغم جزء من حياة الناس وهناك كثير من العوامل الممه

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Environmental Stress and their relationship to self-rebellion for Preparatory Stage Students
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The Present research aimed at identifying:   

1- The level of environmental stress among preparatory students

2- The level of self-rebellion  among preparatory students

3- The correlation between the two variables of research (environmental stress and self-rebellion) and the extent to which the independent variable contributes to the variable of the middle school students

The current research has determined the students of the fifth stage of the preparatory stage and all the branches in the departments of education in Baghdad province the morning study for the academic

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self Protection and it's Relation with the social ignorance OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS
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The aim of this research is to find a relation between self-protection and the social - ignorance of the univresity students. In applying the aims of the reaearch, the ressearcher has constructed two scales to measure
self - protection and the social - ignorance. After finding their validity and stability and their discriminative power, the researcher has applied them on a sample of (200) male and female. University students, who were selected randomly. The results of the research has arrived at finding a positive relation between self-protection and social - ignorance.

The researcher has recommended a concentration on the role of parents in raising their childern depending on themselves and making f

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Personal Efficacy And Its Relationship With Mindfulness Among University Students
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The study seeks to examine the level of personal efficacy and its relation to mental alertness among university students. Besides, the statistically significant differences in regard of students' gender, and the correlation between male and female. To do this, the researcher adopted two scales: one to measure the personal efficacy which was made up by (abed al-jabaar, 2010) included (26) items, and the other to measure the mental alertness that designed by (abed Allah, 2012) included (36) items. A total of (120) student were selected randomly from three-different colleges at the Al-Mustansiriyah University for the academic year 2016-2017. The findings revealed there are no significant differences among students in regard of the personal

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental wandering and its relationship to attention control among university students
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Research summary: The current research aims to identify:

1-Mental wandering among university students 2- Attentioncontrol among universitey students. 3- The relationship between mental wandering and attention control among university students. 4- The difference in the relationship among university students: accoerding to a- the gender variable (males - females) b- according to the specialization variable) Scientific-human), and the results of the current research reached the following: 1- University students have mental wandering associated with the task, and mental wandering that is not related to the task. 2- University students have attentive control 3- There is no relationship between mental wandering associated with task and

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Ulma with feeling of freedom at student of secondary stage
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The ulma is one of the most spread social phenomenon.It occupies people in their different tendencies,the ulma imposes itself strongly in their social ,economic and politic sidies.

The   problem of freedom quarrel is the older problem in creation .The groups as well as the individuals look for their liberty and it is restricted, they isolate themselves from others for a achieving it. Isolation phenomenon is one of common humanity phenomenon among individuals for looking  of individuals psychological and social compatibility with other and society so they feel anxiety and tension and restriction of will and freedom. IT is known that college student from the major never in development and ren

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Association between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Adaptation among a Sample of Gifted Students in the Intermediate and Secondary Schools in Jeddah
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This study aims to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic adaptation among a sample of gifted students in intermediate and high schools in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The study also seeks to examine the differences between group means in emotional intelligence and academic adaptation due to demographic variables (gender and school level). In addition, the study aims to examine the role of emotional intelligence in predicting the level of academic adaptation. The researcher performed the descriptive, correlational, predictive, and comparative approaches to collect the data from a sample comprised of (309) gifted students using the emotional intelligence scale developed by Bar-on (2000), whi

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Shyness and its relation to feeling of psychological isolation among first intermediate students
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The study attempts to measure the level of shyness; the level of psychological isolation; to identify the relationship between shyness and psychological isolation; and to identify the differences between shyness and psychological isolation among first-intermediate students. To this end, a random sample comprised (187) male and female students was chosen for the academic year (2016-2017) from Baghdad \ Al-Rasafa. To measure the shyness and psychological isolation, the researcher designed two scales: one to measure the shyness composed of (37) items divided into four domains; and the other to measure the psychological isolation made of (56) items divided into three domains. The study concluded that the sample has a medium level of shyness;

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