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A comparative study between the emotional responses in patients with blood pressure on a scale of music types characteristics compared with responses to some Healthy patients
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The problem of the study and its significance:

           Due to the increasing pressures of life continually, and constant quest behind materialism necessary and frustrations that confront us daily in general, the greater the emergence of a number of cases of disease organic roots psychological causing them because of severity of a lack of response to conventional treatments (drugs), and this is creating in patients a number of emotional disorders resulting from concern the risk of disease


     That is interested psychologists and doctors searching for ways to find other treatment be more useful with these patients in terms of material and physical, including music therapy..

     The studies revealed the modern power of music to lift the mood, and get rid of some emotional disorders, causing an improvement in blood pressure in patients, as well as improving communication skills of their own, as the music's ability to make the patient in a state of joy and happiness, as well as working to increase self-confidence and get rid of the fear of the disease.


        Aims of the research:-


1-Identify the type of emotional responses for patients with blood pressure, type two (high and low) on a scale type specification in the circumstances of the music (taking drugs, work), and compared with the responses of healthy patients in the same conditions depending on the variable (sex, and function).
2 - identify the type of emotional responses for patients with blood pressure, type two (high and low) on a scale type specifications of music in the circumstances (not taking drugs, vacation work), and compared with the responses of healthy patients in the same conditions depending on the variable (sex, and function).


The limits of the study:
     Limited research on the study of type responses emotional music for patients with hypertension (high and low) and responses healthy patients with some minor illnesses (flu and cough) among a sample of students and staff of the University of Belarusian government in the province (Minsk) for the academic year 2012



Research procedures: -

        Adopted researcher in this study approach to the comparative study, in order to achieve the objectives of the research has built scale measures the kinds of music and specifications, which translated to Russian language commensurate with the community discussed (Belarus). The measure of a damaged (29)item, and damaged the meter itself of three musical notes in order to identify the extent of emotional responses to the sample of the music.These melodies are ((dvork,Mozart,straus).
   The study sample consisted (comparison) of (56) individuals who were divided into two groups. Each group consisted of (28) individuals. The first group included patients who suffer from hypertension (high and low), and the second group consisted of patients who suffer from diseases flu and cough. Each group was divided in turn according to the sex variable, and function to (14) patients were male and (14) of the women, and (14) patients and staff (14) of the students. The researcher applied the measure with them to listen to the music composed by the two conditions: -
1 - The first envelope (taking drugs, and work)
2 - The second envelope (not taking
drugs, and vacation work).
       In order to apply the scale, the researcher extracted validity and reliability him. Where the researcher offered items scale with melodies on a group of experts in order to extract the face validity, as well as the extracted researcher construct validity and discrimination power, plus it was extracted reliability of the scale Cronbach alpha. And thus became the scale in favor of the application ..


Results of the study: -
First - the emotional responses of patients with blood pressure similar to the emotional responses of patients suffering from diseases (flu, cough). Except two cases: -
1 - characterized by a group of male disease ill blood pressure responses emotional range of top male ill (flu and cough) in the second phase of the music (dvork)
2 - characterized by a group of male patients suffering from diseases blood pressure responses emotional range of top male ill (flu and cough) in the first phase of the music (Mozart).
Second: - The types of music used in the current research on the impact responses of patients in general.
     After obtaining the results of the study researcher presented a number of recommendations and suggestions for the use of music for patients with blood pressure.

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Fri Mar 01 2024
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Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
Decontamination of Cobalt-Polluted Soils Using an Enhanced Electro-kinetic Method, Employing Eco-friendly Conditions
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Thu Oct 15 2015
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International Journal Of Computer Applications
Experimental Investigation for Small Horizontal Portable Wind Turbine of Different Blades Profiles under Laboratory Conditions
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Experimental investigation for small horizontal portable wind turbine (SHPWT) of NACA-44, BP-44, and NACA-63, BP-63 profiles under laboratory conditions at different wind velocity range of (3.7-5.8 m/s) achieved in present work. Experimental data tabulated for 2, 3, 4, and 6- bladed rotor of both profiles within range of blade pitch angles . A mathematical model formulated and computer Code for MATLAB software developed. The least-squares regression is used to fit experimental data. As the majority of previous works have been presented for large scale wind turbines, the aims were to present the performance of (SHPWT) and also to make a comparisons between both profiles to conclude which is the best performance. The overall efficiency and el

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Plant Archives
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Monte Carlo Simulation for Bremsstrahlung Buildup Factor Produced by Absorption of Y-91 Beta Rays
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Fri Mar 10 2023
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Proceedings Of The Pakistan Academy Of Sciences: B. Life And Environmental Sciences
Characterization of Titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) Nanoparticles Biosynthesized using Leuconostoc spp. Isolated from Cow’s Raw Milk
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Nanotechnology is a continually expanding field for its uses and applications in multiple areas i.e. medicine, science, and engineering. Biosynthesis is straightforward, less-toxicity, and cost-effective technology. TiO2 NPs biosynthesis has attained consideration in recent decades. In this study, probiotic bacteria were isolated from cow’s raw milk samples, and then were identified by using the Vitek2 system; as Leuconostoc spp. included Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides (Leu.1), Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris (Leu.4), and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (Leu.14). All Leuconostoc spp. isolates showed an ability for TiO2 NPs bio-production, after being incubated at anaerobic conditions (30 o C/ 24 h) in DeM

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Removal of Vanadium and Nickel Ions from Iraqi Atmospheric Residue by Using Solvent Extraction Method
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Wed Feb 20 2019
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Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Synthesis, characterization, and optical properties of copper oxide thin films obtained by spray pyrolysis deposition
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Fri Sep 01 2023
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Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Employment of Silicon Nitride Films Prepared by DC Reactive Sputtering Technique for Ion Release Applications
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Fri Nov 09 2018
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Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment Knowledge and Attitudes of Baghdad University Students’ toward Human immunodeficiency virus / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
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Objective(s): To assess Baghdad University students’ knowledge and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS, and to find out
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Sun Mar 19 2017
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Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Optimization of Citric acid production from Locally isolate fungus Aspergillus niger by solid state fermentation
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  This study aimed to obtain an isolate of a mold that has well characteristic for production of citric acid from raw materials available locally by solid-state fermentation and determination of the optimum conditions for production .Fourteen mold isolates producing acid were obtained from different sources, involved decayed fruits and soils. These isolates were subjected to initial qualitative screening followed by secondary quantitative screening In secondary screening a method combined between the submerged fermentation and solid-state fermentation was followed using a piece of sponge saturated by nutrients required for growth and production of acid. It was found that the isolate of A7 was the highest producer for citric acid tha

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