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A comparative study between the emotional responses in patients with blood pressure on a scale of music types characteristics compared with responses to some Healthy patients
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The problem of the study and its significance:

           Due to the increasing pressures of life continually, and constant quest behind materialism necessary and frustrations that confront us daily in general, the greater the emergence of a number of cases of disease organic roots psychological causing them because of severity of a lack of response to conventional treatments (drugs), and this is creating in patients a number of emotional disorders resulting from concern the risk of disease


     That is interested psychologists and doctors searching for ways to find other treatment be more useful with these patients in terms of material and physical, including music therapy..

     The studies revealed the modern power of music to lift the mood, and get rid of some emotional disorders, causing an improvement in blood pressure in patients, as well as improving communication skills of their own, as the music's ability to make the patient in a state of joy and happiness, as well as working to increase self-confidence and get rid of the fear of the disease.


        Aims of the research:-


1-Identify the type of emotional responses for patients with blood pressure, type two (high and low) on a scale type specification in the circumstances of the music (taking drugs, work), and compared with the responses of healthy patients in the same conditions depending on the variable (sex, and function).
2 - identify the type of emotional responses for patients with blood pressure, type two (high and low) on a scale type specifications of music in the circumstances (not taking drugs, vacation work), and compared with the responses of healthy patients in the same conditions depending on the variable (sex, and function).


The limits of the study:
     Limited research on the study of type responses emotional music for patients with hypertension (high and low) and responses healthy patients with some minor illnesses (flu and cough) among a sample of students and staff of the University of Belarusian government in the province (Minsk) for the academic year 2012



Research procedures: -

        Adopted researcher in this study approach to the comparative study, in order to achieve the objectives of the research has built scale measures the kinds of music and specifications, which translated to Russian language commensurate with the community discussed (Belarus). The measure of a damaged (29)item, and damaged the meter itself of three musical notes in order to identify the extent of emotional responses to the sample of the music.These melodies are ((dvork,Mozart,straus).
   The study sample consisted (comparison) of (56) individuals who were divided into two groups. Each group consisted of (28) individuals. The first group included patients who suffer from hypertension (high and low), and the second group consisted of patients who suffer from diseases flu and cough. Each group was divided in turn according to the sex variable, and function to (14) patients were male and (14) of the women, and (14) patients and staff (14) of the students. The researcher applied the measure with them to listen to the music composed by the two conditions: -
1 - The first envelope (taking drugs, and work)
2 - The second envelope (not taking
drugs, and vacation work).
       In order to apply the scale, the researcher extracted validity and reliability him. Where the researcher offered items scale with melodies on a group of experts in order to extract the face validity, as well as the extracted researcher construct validity and discrimination power, plus it was extracted reliability of the scale Cronbach alpha. And thus became the scale in favor of the application ..


Results of the study: -
First - the emotional responses of patients with blood pressure similar to the emotional responses of patients suffering from diseases (flu, cough). Except two cases: -
1 - characterized by a group of male disease ill blood pressure responses emotional range of top male ill (flu and cough) in the second phase of the music (dvork)
2 - characterized by a group of male patients suffering from diseases blood pressure responses emotional range of top male ill (flu and cough) in the first phase of the music (Mozart).
Second: - The types of music used in the current research on the impact responses of patients in general.
     After obtaining the results of the study researcher presented a number of recommendations and suggestions for the use of music for patients with blood pressure.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political pluralism between rejection and acceptance Astrobiological study of the most prominent contemporary Islamic trends
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التعددية السياسية بين الرفلض والقبول دراسة نظرية لأبرز الاتجاهات الاسلامية المعاصرة

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 04 2012
Journal Name
J Bagh College Dentistry
Azithomycin as an adjunctive to non-surgical treatment in comparison with doxycycline in chronic periodontitis patients: 2-months randomized clinical trial
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
DC-SIGN Receptor Level in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Baghdad; Serological study
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is an autoimmune, and inflammatory disease that is closely related to the destruction of cartilage and bone. DC-SIGN are important types of C-type lectin receptors (CLRs), expressed on dendritic cells and macrophages, and have a central role in regulating innate and adaptive immunity, function as pattern recognition receptors, and as cell adhesion molecules. Recent evidence has demonstrated that DC-SIGN is involved in the pathophysiological of chronic inflammation, so DC-SIGN has been linked to several autoimmune and may play an essential indicator in the pathogenesis and progression of RA. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the serum level of DC-SIGN in RA patients, as well as the level of DC

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Scoping Study on Lightweight Cryptography Reviews in IoT
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The efforts in designing and developing lightweight cryptography (LWC) started a decade ago. Many scholarly studies in literature report the enhancement of conventional cryptographic algorithms and the development of new algorithms. This significant number of studies resulted in the rise of many review studies on LWC in IoT. Due to the vast number of review studies on LWC in IoT, it is not known what the studies cover and how extensive the review studies are. Therefore, this article aimed to bridge the gap in the review studies by conducting a systematic scoping study. It analyzed the existing review articles on LWC in IoT to discover the extensiveness of the reviews and the topics covered. The results of the study suggested that many re

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Scopus (13)
Crossref (4)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jul 14 2022
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Medical Human Genetics
A single-nucleotide polymorphism of IL12A gene (rs582537 A/C/G) and susceptibility to chronic hepatitis B virus infection among Iraqi patients
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A case–control study (80 patients with chronic hepatitis B virus [HBV] infection and 96 controls) was performed to evaluate the association of an IL12A gene variant (rs582537 A/C/G) with HBV infection. Allele G showed a signifcantly lower frequency in patients compared to controls (31.2 vs. 46.9%; probability [p]=0.009; corrected p [pc]=0.027) and was associated with a lower risk of HBV infection (odds ratio [OR]=0.49; 95% confdence interval [CI]=0.29–0.83). A similar lower risk was associated with genotypes CG (17.5 vs. 29.2; OR=0.25; 95% CI=0.08–0.81; p=0.02) and GG (10.0 vs. 16.7; OR=0.25; 95% CI=0.07–0.91; p=0.036), but the pc value was not signifcant (0.12 and 0.126, respec‑ tively). Serum IL35 levels showed signifcant difere

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
Mathematical Problems In Engineering
CFD analysis of Heat transfer and friction factor characteristics in a circular tube fitted with Quadrant-cut twisted tape inserts
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Photogrammetric analysis of facial soft tissue profile of Iraqi adults sample with Class II div.1 and Class III malocclusion: (A comparative study)
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Background: The purposes of this study were to determine the photogrammetric soft tissue facial profile measurements for Iraqi adults sample with class II div.1 and class III malocclusion using standardized photographic techniques and to verify the existence of possible gender differences. Materials & methods: Seventy five Iraqi adult subjects, 50 class II div.1 malocclusion (24 males and 26 females), 25 class III malocclusion (14 males and 11 females), with an age range from 18-25 years. Each individual was subjected to clinical examination and digital standardized right side photographic records were taken in the natural head position. The photographs were analyzed using AutoCAD program 2007 to measure the distances and angles used in t

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Comparative Study for the Proton Electronic Stopping Power of Some Polymers by Using Mathematica, SRIM2013, PSTAR, LibdEdx, and Experimental Databases
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The available experimental data of proton electronic stopping power for Polyethylene, Mylar, Kapton and Polystyrene are compared with Mathematica, SRIM2013, PSTAR and libdEdx programs or databases.  The comparison involves sketching out both experimental and databases data for each polymer to discuss the agreement. Further, we use statistical means via standard deviation resulting from the mean normalized difference to describe the precise agreement among the databases and the experimental data. We found that there is not a specific one database can describe the experimental data for certain material at given proton energy.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determanation of Several Biochemical Parameters in Sera of Iraqi Patients with type 2 Diabetes
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Diabetes mellitus, or simply diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. This high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), and polyphagia (increased hunger). The aim of the study is to measure several biochemical parameters in T2DM patients and the effect of these parameters in development the disease. Laboratory investigations including Ceruloplasmin , fasting blood glucose (FBG) , malondialdehyde (MDA), serum protein, uric acid, and protein electrophoresis have been measured in patients with type

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Effectiveness of Combining the Meanings of Grammatical Tools in Understanding the Arabic Sentence A study of Some Linguistic Evidences
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The grammatical tools (the letters of meanings) are of great importance in understanding the meanings of the Arabic sentences,

This research is a simple attempt to show how our venerable scholars employed the meanings of these tools when they interpreted the linguistic evidence, that is, the grammatical structure largely depends on the tool in forming the meaning within the sentences and employing the meanings of these grammatical tools in explaining the linguistic evidence by clarifying their significance in the contexts of their use and effectiveness. Synthesis of the meanings of grammatical tools is an important tool in understanding the linguistic structure in order to reveal its meaning.

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