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الاستقلال عن المجال الإدراكي والإتكال عليه وعلاقته بمستوى الطموح ومفهوم الذات الأكاديمي
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The impedance from the cognitive field and reliance on it, ambition  level, and the academic ego concept are concepts on which too many varied studies had been conducted. The current research aims to the followings:


Measuring the independence from the cognitive field and the reliance on it of the college students and this done for: the whole sample, the equalization among the degrees in accordance to the sex variable (male, female), specialty variable (scientific, humanistic).


Measuring the ambition level of the college students and this done for: the whole sample, the equalization among the degrees in accordance to the sex variable (male, female) and specialty variable (scientific, humanistic)


Measuring the academic ego concept of the college students and this done for: the whole sample, the equalization among the degrees in accordance with the sex variable (male, female)and specialty variable (scientific, humanistic).


Finding out the relation among the independence from the cognitive field, reliance on it, the degrees of ambition level, and the degrees of the academic ego concept  and this done for: 1. the whole sample, 2. In accordance with the sex variable (male, female) and the specialty variable (scientific, humanistic).

Achieving the aims of this research, the two researchers built three scales to measure the independence from the cognitive field style and reliance on it, ambition level scale, and academic ego concept scale, after being sure about the validity, reliability and the distinctive strength of the mentioned scales sections parts, the research had been conducted on a sample consists of (256) college students who were chosen randomly from (4) colleges: two scientific, and two humanistic colleges from the university of Baghdad. After treating the data statistically by using the suitable statistic tools, this research find the following results:

First: concerning the first aim\ after analyzing the date statistically, we found the college students using the independence from the cognitive field style more than using reliance on it. Furthermore the results appeal that there are no statistically significant differences between the two sexes (male, female) and the two specialty (scientific, humanistic). And there is no statistically significant interaction between the sex and the specialty variables.

Second: concerning the second aim\ the results appeal that the sample of this research has a high ambition level. The results appeal that there are statistically significant differences according to the sex and for the benefit of males. Furthermore there are statistically significant differences according to the specialty and this for the benefit of the scientific displine, and there is statistically significant interaction between the sex and the specialty.

Third: concerning the third aim\ the results appeal that the sample has      a high academic ego concept. Furthermore, there are no statistically significant differences according to the sex and specialty variables. And there is statistically significant interaction between the sex and the specialty.

Fourth: concerning the fourth aim\ the results appeal that there is on relation between the independence. Reliance on the cognitive field and the ambition level. Furthermore. There is no significant relation between the independence reliance on the cognitive field and the academic ego concept while, the results show a statistically significant relation between the ambition level and the academic ego concept.

In the light of the above mentioned results, the two researchers find a group of recommendations and suggestions.





  1. The possibility of making the research centers and specialized committees to get benefit from the three scales which are conducted by the two researchers.
  2. Developing the awareness of the higher education's workers about the cognitive style.


  1. Conducting a similar study on a larger samples and another community sections.

Conducting a study to connect the current research variables with another variables such as education, treatment style, and creativity.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
سياسة سياسة الخلفاء العباسيين في المجال الزراعي
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       سار العباسيون على نفس النهج الذي كان عليه الأمويين في كثير من الانظمه والتقاليد والسياسات على الرغم من إن الدولة العباسية كانت تمثل بداية لعصر جديد في تاريخ الإسلام(1)،ومن تلك الأنظمة التي ورثوها عن الأمويين  وطوروها هي اهتمامهم بالنظام الزراعي منذ بداية قيام دولتهم وهنا سنحاول تقديم بعض الانجازات

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employment programming fuzzy goal in medical field
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The aim of this study is to use style programming goal and technical programming goal fuzzy to study assessing need annual accurately and correctly depending on the data and information about the quantity the actual use of medicines and medical supplies in all hospitals and health institutions during a certain period where they were taking the company public for the marketing of medicines and medical supplies sample for research. Programming model was built goal to this problem, which included (15) variable decision, (19) constraint and two objectives:

1 - rational exchange of budget allocated for medicines and supplies.
2 - ensure that the needs of patients of medicines and supplies needed to improve

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Vocational Self of Educational Counselors
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The current research aims to identify the Vocational Self of the educational counselors as well as to identify the significant difference in the professional self according to the gender variable (male-female). The researcher adopted the scale of al-hasani (2015), which consisted of (34) items. It was applied to a sample of (300) school counselors (male-female) who were randomly selected from the six directorates in the Baghdad governorate for the academic year 2020/2021. The results showed that the research sample of educational counselors has a vocational self-concept. There are no statistically significant differences in the vocational self-concept between males and females among the educational counselors.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
The impact of e-learning on the cognitive level in the Corona crisis: أسماء غازي عبد
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E-learning is a necessity imposed by the Corona pandemic, which has disrupted various educational institutions in the world, but some of these institutions have not been affected and education has continued with them, due to their flexible educational system that was able to employ technology in the continuity of the educational process in the so-called e-learning, because It has characteristics that make it the most suitable alternative to avoid the consequences of the Corona pandemic and its damage to the educational process, as e-learning is one of the modern methods that contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of the learner, and enabling him to assume greater responsibility compared to traditional education, so the learner becomes

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Conference: Rcsh-21at: Egitim Fakultesi, Akdeniz University- Turky
Mathematical Ability and its Relationship to Academic Resilience among Secondary School Students
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The research aims to identify the relationship between mathematical ability and academic resilience among secondary school students. The research sample consisted of (280) students of the fourth scientific grade in secondary and preparatory schools of the General Directorate of Education in Baghdad / Karkh 2. The researchers built - based on previous studies and literature - a test of mathematical ability and a measure of academic resilience. The researchers used the T-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient to compare the results. The results revealed that fourth-grade students possessed mathematical ability and academic resilience. The research proved the existence of a positive correlation between mathematical ability and academic

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Conceptual perspective of self-marketing Search descriptive
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Basic orientation is to look at identifying conceptual perspective to market self-research and descriptive, as has the marketing theme for the same attention in the practical side before endo scopic In recent years, is marketing an integrated and holistic included many areas not limited to the marketing of goods and services, and even included the marketing of religion, politics and individuals for themselves, as the awareness and concepts that seep into the soul of man from its inception until his arrival to the stage of owning a level of skills or expertise, scientific or all of those things degrees mixed with ambition and aspiration for self-realization takes way to search for opportunities or created, often observe individual

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2019
Journal Name
دار الضياء للطباعة والتصميم
موسوعة الدراسات العاملية في المجال الرياضي ( الجزء الثاني )
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أن الكتاب في مجال الاختبارات والقياس والإحصاء الرياضي والذي صيغ بطريقة مبسطة وعلى وفق الفعالية التي تم تناولها بالبحث والدراسة سواء أكانت الدراسة في الجانب البدني أو المهاري أو الوظيفي للعبة أو تبحث في المواصفات الجسمية من ناحيتي القياسات والأدلة الجسمية وكل بصورة منفردة ، أو بصورة دراسة مركبة من ناحية تناول القياسات الجسمية مع المتغيرات البدنية لفعالية ما على سبيل المثال وتناولهما في دراسة واحدة أو تناول

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
دار الضياء للطباعة والتصميم
موسوعة الدراسات العاملية في المجال الرياضي (الجزء الأول)
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أن الكتاب في مجال الاختبارات والقياس والإحصاء الرياضي والذي صيغ بطريقة مبسطة وعلى وفق الفعالية التي تم تناولها بالبحث والدراسة سواء أكانت الدراسة في الجانب البدني أو المهاري أو الوظيفي للعبة أو تبحث في المواصفات الجسمية من ناحيتي القياسات والأدلة الجسمية وكل بصورة منفردة ، أو بصورة دراسة مركبة من ناحية تناول القياسات الجسمية مع المتغيرات البدنية لفعالية ما على سبيل المثال وتناولهما في دراسة واحدة أو تناول

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Cognitive Distortions and Time Management as Predictors of Academic Procrastination among Students from Al Aqsa Community College
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The study aimed to reveal the possibility of predicting academic procrastination through both Cognitive distortions and time management among students of Al-Aqsa Community College, as well as to reveal the level of both cognitive distortions, time management, and academic procrastination. Additionally, it aimed to identify the size of the correlation between cognitive distortions, time management, and academic procrastination. The study sample consisted of (250) students from Al-Aqsa community college students. The results of the study concluded that the mean for each level of cognitive distortions and academic procrastination is average. The mean level of time management is high. There is a statistically significant positive relationshi

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
Journal Name
Features experimentation in theater Iraqi academic: يوسف هاشم عباس
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1.Chapter I (systematic framework) which includes: the research problem and the importance of the research, the need for it, the goals of the research, the temporal &spatial boundaries, determine the terms and defined procedurally.2.Chapter II - the theoretical framework: It consists of three sections are:•The first topic:- the concept of references and experimentation in the theater. •The second topic:- the director of academic and experimentation in Iraq. Two paragraphs in this section came after the introduction, in first paragraph to talk about the Iraqi theater academic and experimentation, and in the second paragraph the researcher spoke about the academic director of the Iraqi and experimentation. 3.Chapter III - Actions -

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