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Problems that facing the philosophy of education in the variables of knowledge and Informatics society (techno _ social).
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This research includes problems that facing the philosophy of education in the variables of knowledge and Informatics society (techno _ social).

 The problematic research included three questions:

 1- What are the concepts and characterization related to the problematic of relationship between the philosophy of education and informatics variables (techno - social).

2-What kind of problems facing speech philosophy of education in the variables information (techno - social)

  3 - What are the perceptions of educational proposed to address problematic philosophy of education in the scope of human (human nature) and (values ​​and morals), in addition the research may explain the concepts and terms related to the subject and address nature methodology research and outlines, search has provided its answers to these questions through educational and philosophical and cultural resources, Which dealt with research topics regarding human problematic (human nature) and values ​​and morals problematic), and display concepts and describing such concepts (philosophy of education and knowledge society, information and techno - social and other concepts related to the research.

Research was presented three chapters:

- First chapter dealt Show concepts of research and characterization

 -The second chapter included two studies, First research addressing fields educational philosophizing and most important field is human, values ​​and morals, and the second research includes major changes and their relationship with problematic philosophy of education (human, human nature) (values ​​and morals) and these transformations are postmodernism, globalization, blowouts cognitive and informational and knowledge society, era digital (techno - social).

The third chapter deals with the educational perceptions proposed to Arab education to Accommodate variables knowledge and information (techno - social) in the scope of human (human nature) and (values ​​and morals) and educational optimal for humans, values and morals in the future

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The prohibition of cheating in the Sunnah of the Prophet
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Cheating is one of the forbidden actions and reprehensible morals that are forbidden by Islamic law, because it involves an assault on rights, whether they are the rights of God Almighty or the rights of God.

people, or self-rights, and because it involves harming others.

Since the Sunnah of the Prophet is the second source of Islamic law, many of the noble hadiths of the Prophet forbid and prohibit cheating.

This study sheds light on it.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Impact of Clinical Pharmacist Intervention on Chemotherapy Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Breast Cancer Women
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الخلفية: إن سمية الدواء والآثار الجانبية للعلاج الكيميائي تؤثر سلبا على مرضى سرطان الثدي. الأهداف: لتقييم فعالية التدخلات الصيدلانية في تحسين معرفة مرضى سرطان الثدي ومواقفهم وممارساتهم فيما يتعلق بالعلاج الكيميائي لسرطان الثدي.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Dialectic of the Living Body (the actor) and the Dead Body (the Sinography Item) in the Construction of the Staged Image of the Play: جاسم كاظم عبد - عماد هادي عباس
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The current research deals with the dialectical relationship resulting from the conflict in the violent combination and construction of the living ( the actor)and the dead (the item) in the structure of the Sinography construction and the emergence of the theatrical play space , which can be summed up by the following question: what is the nature of the dialectical relationship between the living (the actor) and the dead( the item) in the Sinography creation, which limited the research in a central objective : to identify the controversy of the living (actor) and the dead (item) in the performance unit of the theatrical scene . The research, in its objective limits set forth in its methodological framework, analyzes this controversy in o

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
Reading in the Scenery of the performance and its developments
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The importance of this research in studying the actor life existence on the stage through the performance art;where as all the literary theatrical dimensions didn't ignore the importance of the actor's performance.
So, it is shed a light on the nature of the scenery in the actor's performance and what its representations in the temporary directions ……..
The research set off from the imitation as a human instinct to the performance of the actor in post-modernity theater; so the researcher found that there is a question must be answered which is :Is the actor live a regression state in his theatrical performance ,or that the performance of the actor connect with collective conscience of human being which is repeated in certain

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Ethics and Restrictions of the Islamic Economy in Ownership
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The search for wealth and money is a matter of ethics in the Islamic economy
God Almighty said: "We have honored the sons of Adam (and ridiculed the universe and what he said) mocked you
He said, "He who created you from the earth."
And he commanded you, and he said to him, "He who made you."
Land, and the amount of Rezko and
He said: "You love the money with great love."
And then guide him by exaggerating the ethics of Islam and its legislation in Tamkak and not exceeding it.
 In order to darken the doors of inflation with wealth Vakar
And the hereafter and achieve satisfaction and fairness in all actions
To ensure that society has a right not to harm others and to abuse the interests of the economy

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Scenography and the effectiveness of meaning in the theatrical space
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The elements of theater formation that fall within the spatial experience of the scenography of the show, which the directors work in in the imaginary theater, are important and have an aesthetic, intellectual and cognitive dimension, working to highlight reality in an aesthetic image surrounding space and space. And its relationship to the distinct, multiple and variable spaces above the stage, to produce theatrical signals and endless meanings through the possibility of infinite reconfiguration of the theater's space and its public and private space through the distribution of a group of blocks within the scenic image.
I dealt with in the first chapter (the methodological framework), which includes the research problem identified

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Visual Appeal and Reflection in the Design of the Advertising
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Advertising is an important and influential tool in various commercial operations, as it represents a means of communication that depends on influencing individuals or society as a whole, working on a link between the producer and the consumer, so the importance of advertising appears in two dimensions, the first is economic represented in its role in achieving economic growth for the facility, while the social dimension lies in its role By influencing the behaviors and ideas of individuals, and from here it appears to us the importance of formulating, organizing and designing the advertising message that advertising agencies resort to in their advertising campaigns. Orientation, definition, and raising the level of the advertising messa

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 28 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Knowledge and preference of mothers delivering at ALKadhumyia Teaching Hospital regarding caesarean section and normal vaginal delivery
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of accounting responsibility in the success of the reform of financial and administrative / applied research in high School
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The reform process is a dynamic process going on, especially the administrative and financial reform, which contributes to the work and directing operations towards success and continuous development, which requires determining the validity and the responsibility and the rights and duties of all officials in the school settings (within the formations educational institutions) for the purpose of reducing the administrative and financial corruption, and then ensure management efficient and effective way by taking advantage of the physical, financial and human resources available to achieve the greatest benefit at the lowest cost to the fact that the follow-up performance on an ongoing basis in accordance with the specific of powers

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
The Overlap of Visions between the Scenographer and the Director in the Theatrical Show
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After the spread of the function of the scenographer in the modern theater, his vision has become present in most of the theatrical works and because the director is the master of the work and the owner of the vision that appears in front of the audience, the overlap between the visions of each of them was required. This research is an attempt to detect the overlap and disengagement in the work of each of them.
The research is divided into a methodological framework that included the research problem, importance, limits, and purpose, and then the definition of terms. In the theoretical framework, the research dealt with two theoretical sections that pave the way for raising ideas related to this subject: the first section (scenography

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