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الرضا الوظيفي لدى موظفي وزارة التربية
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Concentrated research problem by low satisfaction of the human element, which is the mainstay key to the success of organizations and achieve their goals, so it has to be interest in it, and work to his satisfaction and the achievement of its objectives, has prevailed belief in special cases that the human element is forced to work, have resulted from that neglect, especially in the non-governmental organizations , and thus a marked decline in the performance of employees in government agencies, and thus became necessary to search for a solution of the problem and by improving satisfaction.                         
And suffers some of the staff of the Ministry of Education, like other employees in government institutions different from the low level of satisfaction, because of the lack of salaries of some, especially in the lower ranks, and do not put them in the right place or the practice of their specialty, non-distribution of jobs according to their abilities, aptitudes and interests, and inequity in the distribution of promotions, incentives and bonuses Incentive pay scale, and the way to deal with management, which may reflect negatively on the quality of performance in these General Directorates of Education. Accordingly, the research question can be formulated as follows:                                 
- To what extent job satisfaction among employees of the Ministry of Education in the Directorate General for Education in the provinces?
The importance of research originate of the General Directorates of Education is pivotal in the areas of its presence, as it oversees all activities, and provides educational services to a wide range of educational institutions and students in their geographical boundaries, as well as the quality of the performance of employees and morals and loyalty to their institutions and their duties professional and educational about their depends on the a Harmony  of their work and their sense of comfort and stability in the course of their work, which drives them to improve their productivity and quantity.                                       
Either the objectives of the research have focused to identify the impact of factors of job satisfaction following (job satisfaction, satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with the method of management and supervision, satisfaction with pay, growth and upgrading, stability in work) on the performance of employees, and provide suggestions and recommendations that will help to raise the level Job satisfaction in the General Directorates of Education for all provinces (except Kurdistan).
Either the most important recommendations reached by the search
1 - to strengthen the relationship between senior management and staff to contribute to the integration of the employee with his constituency through mutual respect, appreciation and fruitful cooperation, and teamwork.
2 - Develop a system of rewards and incentives to ensure full justice to employees, so as to reward outstanding and to hold negligent in his work, because it encourages employees to deliver the best.                                                             

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التربية بالقـــدوة
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كان النبي (r) العابد المتحنّث، ورجل السياسة الذي شيّد أمة من الفتات المتناثر، ورجلَ حربٍ يضع الخطط ويقود الجيوش، وأباً حنوناً عطوفاً، وزوجاً تحققت فيه المودة والرحمة والسكن، وصديقاً رحيماً، وقريباً كريماً، وجاراً تشغله هموم جيرانه، وحاكماً تملأ نفسه مشاعر محكوميهِ، يعودُهم ويزورُهم ويُعينُهم، ويمنحهم من مودته وعطفه ما يجعلهم يفتدونه بأنفسهم، ومع هذا كله فهو قائم على أعظم دعوةٍ شهدت

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التربية بالصحبـة
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الحمد لله رب العالمين، حمداً يوافي نِعَمَهُ ويُكافئُ مزيدَه، والصلاةُ والسلامُ على سيدِ الأنامِ وإمام المرسَلين، سيدِنا محمدٍ الصادق الأمين. نسأل الله تعالى أن يعلّمَنا ما ينفعُنا وينفعَنا بما علّمَنا، وأن يُعيننا متعلمين ومعلمين على التأدب بأدب القرآن الكريم.

أما بعد، فالعلم هبة الله، وهبة الله لا تُعطى إلا لمن يُعطي من نفسه وقتاً وجهداً وصبراً، لذا قيل: (إنَّ العِلْمَ لا يُعطيكَ بَعضَه

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Positive thinking and its relation to self academic motivation and the trend towards teaching profession among the students of education colleges
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The research aims to know the relation between positive thinking and self academic motivation, trend towards teaching profession. So a sample of (344) male and female student of the morning study of education colleges from the two universities of Baghdad and al Mustansria for the academic year 2012-2013.

So three tools had been used to achieve the procedures of the research which are: the scale of positive thinking constracted by Abdal satar Ibrahim year 2010, the scale of self academicmotivation constracted by (Gottfried) and adapted by Hanan Hussan year 2010, the scale of teaching profession trend constracted by Enayat Zaki year 1974.

And by using the statistical means of person

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
وقائع المؤتمر الدولي الاول جامعة قناة السويس
اسلوب التفكير العالمي والمحلي وعلاقتهما بأنماط القيادة لدى تدريسي كلية التربية الاساسية
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Developing the Skill of Friendship for Kindergarten Children in the Light of Bandura's Theory Social Learning: Ministry of Education / Baghdad Directorate of Education, Al/Rusafa
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The current research aims to identify the effect of the program to develop the skill of friendship among kindergarten children, as well as the scope of the impact of the program on the sample. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher hypothesizes there is no significant difference between the average scores of the sample members on the friendship skill scale for the dimensional scale according to the experimental and control group. The research sample consisted of (60) girl and boy with age ranges (4-6) who were randomly selected from the Kindergarten Unity at Baghdad city/ Rusafa 1. The children were distributed into an experimental and control group, each group consists of (30) girl and boy. The two groups were chosen

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التربية التربية في المنظور الإسلامي
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 The Islamic religion approach Rabbani urges and seeks to bring happiness to people, as Allah says: ((We sent thee not all people glad tidings and a warner, but most people do not know))

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Functional Construction of Advertisements in the Iraqi Press Websites
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Communication and media technologies have seen several changes in the last two decades. These changes put the basis for the emergence of communicative and media practices on several levels including political, economic, technological and artistic. And these, in turn, led to the emergence of new media trends and phenomena in various areas of media worthily to be studied and researched for example online advertisings.                                                                                          Online advert

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Legislative Governance to Evaluate Job Performance
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Governance is a relatively modern term, specially in Arabic, it represents the Arabic translation of English word "Governance", This term refers to standards, approaches and policies to achieve quality and excellence in their application, the need to use these standards has emerged in the legislative field.

Good legislation is characterized by efficiency, realism, transparency, fairness and predictability by those who address them.

This research focuses on subjecting performance evaluation legislation to legislative governance standards to make this legislation high quality and effective.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Concept Maps in Academic Achievement among Family Education Students in the Subject of the Art of Elegance and Fashion
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The current research aims to identify the effectiveness of concept maps in the academic achievement of the art of elegance and fashion for third vocational students. The current research is a quasi-experimental one. The research sample consisted of (74) female students in Al-Saydiyah secondary school for girls, they were divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. The following hypothesis was developed: There are no statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) between the average scores of the students who studied the subject using concept maps and the average scores of the students who studied the subject in the traditional method in the post-achievement test. The

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Job enrichment, knowledge capital and its impact on strategic success: exploratory study at a sample of the Iraqi government and Private Colleges on Baghdad
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The problem of research was the lack of research that dealt with issue of the job design approach that is more suitable for knowledge work, therefore, the research aims to determine the impact of job enrichment,  and knowledge capitalon strategic success, starting from the hypothesis that there significant impact of job enrichment and knowledge capital on strategic success, to achieve this goal the researchers from the theoretical literature and  related studies conclude to the construction of the scheme shows the hypothetical relationship between the variables, which was adopted job enrichment as independent variable while knowledge capital plays two roles, the first as an independent variable and the second as an intermediate

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