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Two Types of Personality and Achievement Motivation among University Teaching Staff Members
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    Research aimed to:1- Be acquainted to the two types of personality A,B with the members of the teaching staff of Anbar university 2- The level of the motivational achievement among the teaching staff  3- The level of motivational achievement  of the teaching staff  of( A,B). 4- Differences of the abstract implications of A,B type  5- The relationship between A and B and the motivational achievement.

  Research Tools: the researchers  followed  measure  A, B type of  Howard Glaser  1978,and   measure  of Achievement Motivation for Mansoorm1986.

   The Result showed: 1. A tendency of the teaching staff of Anbar university to type A .2. A high tendency of motivational attitude among the teaching staff. 3. A high motivational achievement of the teaching staff of A,B .4. There are no differences of abstract implications among the teaching staff of A,B. 5. There is a positive co-referncial relationship between A and the motivational achievement and a negative one among B as far as the teaching staff are concerned.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
Factors affecting global virtual teams’ performance in software projects
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Scopus (23)