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Scientific Thinking Controls under the Light of Ibrahim Story in the Holy Qur’an
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This study aims at identifying thinking, its aspects, controls, thinker’s characteristics, and the attempts that followed by Ibrahim’s people. This was achieved under Ibrahim’s story, (peace and blessing be upon him), in the Holy Qur’an. The study used the descriptive method through induction and deduction. The study reached the following results: thinking is an organized reasonable human action, which includes all human life in the fields of science, knowledge, and calling for Allah. It depends on remembering what is already in the memory and it should be subjected by revelation and Islamic legislation. The study illustrated that the most important thinking controls are monotheism, piety, Islamic legislation, the Holy Qur’an, Basmalah, seeking refuge with Allah, asking Allah’s help and guidance, concentration, community, collectivism, unilateralism, thinking fields, mind borders, knowledge of thought subject, accomplishment of vision, scientific reasoning and mental and sensual integration, ethical control, purpose  and realism.

The study also illustrated a number of characteristics of the thinker included: belief in Allah, the continuity of science and learning, the commitment of scientific method in thinking and reasoning, the full acceptance of the word of Allah and the saying  of His messenger,  avoiding their confrontation with reason, exploitation of knowledge and reformulating it, sticking to tolerance and great morality, warning of deviation and superstitions that harm the self and society, as well as the abandonment of places of misguidance, bad friends, fulfillment of religious, moral and social obligations and responsibilities, getting rid of envy, selfishness, lies and slander.

The study also showed the methods of those opposing thinking, the scientific method, the truth and fact, and the actions of the people of Ibrahim including his father, Nimrod. These attempts included the following: imposing judging to habits and prevailing thinking, the adoption of views and opinions, reliance on fallacies, change of subject, attacking on the violator, resorting to power and exploitation of emotions and defamation, contempt for the violator, and an attempt to mix facts with similarities.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this paper, the static analysis for finding the best location of boxes inside the composite wing-box structure has been performed. A software ANSYS (ver.11) was used to analyses the Aluminum wing to find the maximum stresses reached in. These results are used as a base for the composite wingbox to find the numbers of layers and location of the box beam and its dimensions so that the composite wingbox may carry the same loading conditions in the Aluminum wing. Analysis showed that a composite wingbox having two boxes is better than the single or triple boxes wing based on stress to weight ratio. Mass saving of (40%) had been achieved when composite wing-box is used instead of Aluminum wing.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Reducing the evaporation of stored Iraqi crude oil
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In order to reduce the losses due to evaporation in the stored crude oil and minimizing the decrease in °API many affecting parameters were studied (i.e. Different storage system, namely batch system with different types of storage tanks under different temperatures and:or different pressures). Continuous circulation storage system was also studied. It was found that increasing pressure of the inert gas from 1 bar to 8 bar over the surface of the crude oil will decrease the percentage losses due to evaporation by (0.016%) and decrease the change of °API by (0.9) during 96 hours storage time. Similarly using covering by surfactant (potassium oleate) or using polymer (polyurethane foam) decreases the percentage evaporation losses compare

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The attitudes of Iraqi youth towards volunteering work
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The aim of the research is to identify the attitudes of Iraqi youth
towards volunteering work by using the survey method and the scale
tool to identify what young volunteers can carry from the attitudes
towards volunteering work because the phenomenon of volunteer
work is of great importance in society. The scale was applied to
(525) volunteers among Iraqi youth. The research reached a set
of results, the most prominent of which is the existence of positive
trends among young people towards volunteering work, meaning
that Iraqi youth volunteers have awareness of the concept of
volunteering correctly. As for their goals of volunteering, they are
humanitarian and social goals for the advancement of society, an

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The clinico-pathological findings of surgically treated goiter
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Background: Goiter is one of the most common conditions that affect people’s at different age groups with its effect on the metabolic status of the body through the hyper&/hypo functioning gland that may needs surgical resection. This prospective study had been conducted on 100 patient (85 females&15 males} at the specialized center for endocrinology and diabetes mellitus in Baghdad city, between Jan.2013-Oct.2014;Their ages were ranging between 11-75 years ; the median age is (40.5 years) .Objectives: define the clinic-pathological pattern of goiter in the center .Methods: This is a prospective study at the specialized center for endocrinology & diabetes in Baghdad at ALRissafa district; including 100 patients (84 f

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Note on the Perturbation of arithmetic expressions
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In this paper we present the theoretical foundation of forward error analysis of numerical algorithms under;• Approximations in "built-in" functions.• Rounding errors in arithmetic floating-point operations.• Perturbations of data.The error analysis is based on linearization method. The fundamental tools of the forward error analysis are system of linear absolute and relative a prior and a posteriori error equations and associated condition numbers constituting optimal of possible cumulative round – off errors. The condition numbers enable simple general, quantitative bounds definitions of numerical stability. The theoretical results have been applied a Gaussian elimination, and have proved to be very effective means of both a prior

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Nuclear Structure of Some Cobalt Isotopes
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The nuclear structure of some cobalt (Co) isotopes with mass number A=56-60 has been studied depending on the effect of some physical properties such as the electromagnetic properties effects, such as, elastic longitudinal form factors, electric quadrupole moments, and magnetic dipole moments. The fp model space is used to present calculations using GXFP1 interaction by adopting the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator. For all isotopes under consideration, the 40Ca nucleus is regarded as an inert core in fp model-space, while valence nucleons are moving through 1f7/2, 2p3/2, 1f5/2, and 2p1/2 orbits. The effects of core-polarization are obtained by the first orde

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Bayesian Computational Methods of the Logistic Regression Model
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Abstract<p>In this paper, we will discuss the performance of Bayesian computational approaches for estimating the parameters of a Logistic Regression model. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms was the base estimation procedure. We present two algorithms: Random Walk Metropolis (RWM) and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). We also applied these approaches to a real data set.</p>
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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The New Synthesis of Potassium-Exchange Zeolite A
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Publication Date
Wed May 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
morphological stages of the residential development and development
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The neighbourhood unit is a small local community in a city dwelled by certain number of dwellers who are characterized by common features, mostly economic. They daily deal with each other & unified with the feeling of neighbourhood. The daily primary services are available in this small community (like education, shopping & entertainment). This community is separated from other communities by physical boundaries like streets, gardens… etc. The neighbourhood is not an exotic notion on human community but it is as ancient as history itself since it was there in ancient communities that dwelled on earth. Complications of urban life needs, caused by cities’ expansion, and the weakness of social relationships, imposed phy

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The small provisions of his upbringing and manners
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Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his good and pure family. At the end of this research, we summarize some of the most important findings of our research, namely:
Raising a child properly from childhood leads to integrity in the life of the individual society, and if the young raised bad education, this education will affect itself and society negatively, so on parents and government institutions in any country to take care of children, and Islamic countries Specifically to give the child great attention; he is raised on the Koran and watered from its fountains, and armed with a weapon of morality from a young age, and to understand the biography of Mustafa (peace be upon h

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