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U.S. occupation of Iraq and its relationship to the psychological and political culture and social among university students

The culture of the daily necessities of life of the individual in any society, whether advanced or simple, and the concept of multiple aspects of culture, including what is culture and education there holds that art is culture, and there are those who are classified according to human societies .. Some also go to it is not related to the study and learning .. And has been Iraq as a symbol of Arab culture, but they declined because of what passed by political crises and social in its modern history, and aims Current search to study culture psychological, political and social among the students of the university after the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the researcher prepared a questionnaire and after hold the appropriate statistical methods and presented to a number of experts has been applied to a representative sample of the community's original research and the researcher to a number of findings and conclusions .. And came out with a number of recommendations and proposals was the most important:


  1. The need for scientific institutions to adopt teaching students on culture encyclopedic in its simplified form .. To teach students the basics of understanding and general knowledge.
  2. Cooperation between the institutions of civil society, schools and Iraqi families to adopt a huge cultural project for Open or the so-called former school library and supplying them with all that is new.
  3. Interest in university libraries and the importance of preparing day of the week, we could not .. Days per month on reading in university colleges and through reading theme by each student and discussed that day.


  1. . A similar study on the level of Iraq to see results and compliance with the current research.
  2. Conduct scientific studies relating to culture and how their development more broadly at the level of the whole Iraq.
  3. Studies on topics of socialization and how the development of Iraqi society in its proper form, and the students in particular.
  4. Importance of guidance and education to students in schools and before entering the university in the field of the humanities in general, and political science in particular


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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The political image of Kurds and ideological representation in the Arab novel in Iraq

The novels that we have addressed in the research, Including those with the ideological and political ideology, It's carry a negative image for the Kurds without any attempt to understand, empathy and the separation between politics and the people, The novels were deformation of the image, Like tongue of the former authority which speaks their ideas, Such as (Freedom heads bagged, Happy sorrows Tuesdays for Jassim Alrassif, and Under the dogs skies for Salah Salah). The rest of novels (Life is a moment for Salam Ibrahim, The country night for Jassim Halawi, The rib for Hameed Aleqabi). These are novels contained a scene carries a negative image among many other social images, some positive, and can be described as neutral novels. We can

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
١١٦ Academic Specialization and its relationship to job performance of The officials ofBaghdad University Presidency

The aims of this research is to investigate : The nature of academic specialization of the officials of Baghdad University Presidency , Level of job performance of the officials of Baghdad University Presidency through job performance appraisal form per year , Differences in the levels of job performance of the officials of Baghdad university presidency , according to the variables (sex , academic specialization , the current work , the duration between the date of graduation and the date of appointment , service duration) , The relationship of academic specialization of the officials of Baghdad university presidencywith their job performance . The researcher has followed the analytical descriptive mode to achieve the aims of this resear

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Role of Gender and Culture in Dealing with the Arab Woman's Issues Embodied in Caricatures: A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis

Gender and culture are among the factors that influence the process of understanding and interpreting different types of communication, especially images. The current study, which is a part of a master’s thesis, aims at investigating the role of gender and culture in interpreting and understanding the caricatures that deal with women’s issues in Arab societies. To this end, the researchers adopted Barthes’ (1957) concepts of denotation and connotation in his theory of mythologies in addition to Langacker’s (1987) theory of (Domains). The research concludes that the female subjects have better cognitive abilities in investing the signs within the selected caricatures. The other factor the study reached to is that the respondents

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Organism and its Aesthetic Connections in the Interior Design: حسنين صباح داوّد سلمان

Organism is considered one of the intellectual products that search for compatibility and harmony with the natural environment. Man has adopted on since the ancient times in choosing his residence through imitating nature such as animal burrows, hives, bird nests and others of the natural manifestations being spontaneous inspirations. With the development of the age, these concepts turned into an analysis that examines the philosophy that deals with the shapes and functions of various elements in the nature as a source of inspiration, and discusses the call for contemplation and achieving benefits physically and spiritually in line with the nature of the organic thought that seeks to keep up with modern technologies that are characterize

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Value added tax and its technical organization Lebanon Case Study


      Value Added Tax (VAT) is one of the most important types of indirect taxes because of its advantages in achieving financial, economic and financial objectives. The introduction of VAT is part of the reform of the structure of the Lebanese public tax system aimed at reducing the fiscal deficit and resulting inflation, which still lacks a general consumption tax. There is also an urgent need to increase treasury revenues , Because of its broad tax base, as it imposes on the consumption of locally produced and imported goods, in addition to the role played by this tax in support of the local product              &nbs

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Detecting Suicidal Tendencies among Secondary School Students

The current research aims to detect the level of suicidal tendencies among secondary school students in terms of gender and educational stage (intermediate school students and high school students). The researcher adopted Al Hafeez's (2017) scale for suicidal tendencies, it consists of (57) items including six domains, namely: suicidal ideation, social motives for suicide, tendency to self-harm, desire for death, indifference and pessimism about life, willingness to commit suicide. The scale was modified to be (42) items after it was exposed to a group of experts. The scale was applied to a sample of (200) male and female students from secondary schools in Baghdad Governorate (Karkh - Rusafa) for the academic year 2021-2022. The results

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles and its Medical Application against Pathogenic Bacteria

The fabrication of Solid and Hollow silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) has been achieved and their characterization was performed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), zeta potential, UV–VIS spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction (XRD). A TEM image revealed a quasispherical form for both Solid and Hollow Ag NPs. The measurement of surface charge revealed that although Hollow Ag NPs have a zeta potential of -43 mV, Solid Ag NPs have a zeta potential of -33 mV. According to UV-VIS spectroscopy measurement Solid and Hollow Ag NPs both showed absorption peaks at wavelengths of 436 nm and 412 nm, respectively. XRD pattern demonstrates that the samples' crystal structure is cubic, similar to that of the bulk materials, with

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Contemplative thinking among students of middle school

That the strength of the community and its cohesion and integrity of its structure and morals and the prevailing relations and the strength of its institutions depends all on the numbers of a generation of students saturation of the culture of the nation and proud of its heritage and maintained their customs and traditions and voluntarily accept its laws. Students are the future leaders who are more than capable of giving, they represent class they are educated conscious backbone of the nation and the subject of their hopes, and their wealth and energies warehouse actors produced, and one of the key pillars in achieving developments in all areas of life.

Based on the above, the current research aims to identify:

. reflect

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2025
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte, Issn 1886-8576, Vol. 17, Nº. 4, 2022, Págs. 183-190
Psychological Empowerment and its Relationship to Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Workers in the Olympic Committee Sports Federations

Autorías: Suhair Meteab Munaf, Ali Abdulateef Ali, Mohannad Salman Dawood. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 4, 2022. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Risks and Development Gaps in Iraq: A Social Study in the City of Baghdad

Social risks posed a great challenge to the development path in Iraq, which resulted in widening the development gaps, whether these gaps were between rural and embargoed areas, or between Iraqi governorates, and the gender gap. Besides, the nature of the reciprocal relationship between the social risks and the development process requires the adoption of development trends that are sensitive to the risks that take upon themselves the prompt and correct response to these risks, away from randomness and confusion that Iraq suffered from for decades. However, currently, the situation has differed a great deal. This is because the size and types of such gaps have widened and become more complicated than before; a matter which has led to hav

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