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الكفاءة النوعية لطلبة الدراسات العليا في التخصصات التربوية والنفسية في كليات مدينة بغداد
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This thesis aims at identifying:

  1. The level of qualitative efficiency of higher studies students in educational and psychological fields in the colleges of education Baghdad according to the perspectives of both teachers and students.
  2. The statistical differences in levels of qualitative efficiency of higher studies students in educational and psychological fields in the colleges of education in  Baghdad Collegeteacher's viewpoints with reference to the two variables of the scientific title and gender.
  3. The statistical differences in levels of qualitative efficiency of higher  studies students in the educational and psychological fields in the colleges of education in Baghdad from the perspective of higher studies students with reference to the two variables of the educational level and gender.

The research came up with the following results:

1-The students of studied specialties have got a certain level of qualitative efficiency according to perspectives of the two research samples, teachers and students' samples.

2-The absence of having any significant differences having statistical denotations in the qualitative efficiency  for the teachers' sample is justified to be due to the variables of the scientific title and gender.

3-Having differences with statistical significance in the level of qualitative efficiency  for the students' sample is justified to be due to the variable of the educational level for the MA students.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Communicative competence in postmodern art
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This study presents the concept of communicating as criticism analytical vision of art in general and contemporary composition particularly. Art is a means of communication for that activity to participate in the information or meanings, where the artwork is the message that includes what the artist sends ideas ,to the recipient . Thus, the language of communication between the artist and the receiver are made through the artwork (whatever his specialty: theatrically, plastic art, musically) and the magnitude of the meaning of outwardly or inwardly, is determined by the relationship between the artist and the recipient of which lead us turn to the issue of communication between them . .
At that determined search through which we seek

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
البواكير البواكير الأولى لبلدية مدينة بغداد
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 Medicine in the Al-Jahiliya was a primitive medicine confined to experiments inherited among individuals. The Arabs were interested in the work of Greek doctors and ancient Romans, such as Hippocrates, Galenos and Descaridos, whom the Syriacs had transferred to their language in a school. Who fled to escape the persecution of the Byzantine emperors of the Nestorian doctrine which they embraced. With the beginning of the Abbasid period,

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 05 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study was conducted to evaluate the bottled water quality for the six-producing companies in Baghdad city, where selected six brands which are the most marketed in the Iraqi market, especially in Baghdad, where taking the proper amount of bottled water in September 2015 and included the studied characteristics (EC , pH ,TDS, Turbidity, Ca+2, Mg+2, Cl-, No3-, So4-2, HCO3-, Na+ and K+) in addition to the total population of bacteria aerobic and coliform, and compare the results with the standard specifications of the Iraqi and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as to compare the results of sampling specifications mentioned on the packaging by the producing companies. The results showed the presence of high significant differ

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الآثار الاجتماعية والنفسية والاقتصادية لتعاطي المخدرات وطرق الوقاية
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أهميـــة البحــث :

تعد مشكلة المخدرات من اهم واخطر المشكلات التي تواجه العالم في وقتنا الحاضر بل ومختلف المجتمعات وصانعي السياسة ومتخذي القرار .

تتجلى خطورة هذه الآفة الخطيرة والفتاكة في ازدياد ظاهرة تعاطيها وانتشارها في العالم بشكل عام والمجتمعات العربية والاسلامية بشكل خاص  في ظل الظروف التي يواجهها الافراد في مجتمعاتنا من ضغوط امنية واقتصادية واجتماعية جعلت بعض ال

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of Total Quality tools to reduce costs and improve quality
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The research aims to study the problem of high production costs and low quality and the use of total quality management tools to detect problems of the high cost of failure and low quality products, diagnosis, and developing appropriate solutions.

To achieve the goal, we studied the overall quality tools and its relationship with the costs and the possibility of improving quality through the use of these tools.

Was limited to these tools and study the relation to the reduction of costs and improving quality have been studied serially by the possibility of the reduction.
To achieve the goal, the study of the concept of total quality management

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational values and their role in some religions
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 The Islamic religion approach Rabbani urges and seeks to bring happiness to people, as Allah says: ((We sent thee not all people glad tidings and a warner, but most people do not know)) Spa: State 28
   Islam looks at the concept of educational values ​​through positive behavior derived emerging through formal and informal education. The Islamic approach works on the basis of a systematic and clear rule in the form of an integrated system includes multiple areas. As the lead actor role as the desired position.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Banking efficiency between concept and measurement methods
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The research aims to review the concepts of banking efficiency and its relationship to performance, productivity and efficiency, as well as analyze the efficiency of the banking in micro-economic view.
In order to achieve the objectives of the research We have been employed graphic, Econometrics  and Mathematical methods to derive the different concepts of banking efficiency.

We showed that there are two main methods used to measure the bank efficiency, the first called Stochastic Frontier Analysis , this technique depends on the parametric methods, The other method is called Data Envelopment Analysis is based on mathematical programming methods

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Linguistic and Grammatical Studies in Yemen in A.H.7th Century: Linguistic and Grammatical Studies in Yemen in A.H.7th Century
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The A. H. 7th century had witnessed an obvious development
in the Yemeni scientific process. The most important reason
being the establishment of the Resooliy State (A. H. 626-858)
which had achieved economic and scientific prosperity in
various fields of knowledge. Its sultans had participated in
building schools, purchasing books, summoning of scientists,
presenting gifts, and encouraging scientific journeys in and out
of Yemen. Therefore, studies had thrived and authorship
widened, and there appeared not a few number of scientists..

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اتجاهات الشباب نحو استخدام العنف ضد المرأة في مدينة بغداد
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تشير الادبيات الى ان العنف قد رافق الانسان منذ بدء الخليقة حتى يومنا هذا، الا ان التطور العلمي والتكنلوجي والسرعة الفائقة في التغيير قد زاد من حجمه، وعدد مثيراته واختلفت نوعيته تبعاً لارتقاء الانسان ( العكيلي، 2000، ص91).

يتسم القرن الحادي والعشرين بظاهرة العنف بشكل عام، حيث لم تسلم منطقة منه، وهذا لا يمثل تهديداً لمنجزات الانسان المادية والاجتماعية فقط، ولكنه يمتد نحو الانسان ذاته. وسلوك الع

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Patient Satisfaction and its Relationship to Dental anxiety among patients of Dental Clinics in Baghdad city
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Patient satisfaction and dental anxiety considered as an important factors in dental health care and treatment because they greatly affect the patient's cooperation with the dentist and the extent to which follows the guidelines, treatment and preventive instruction. The present study investigates the relationship between patient satisfaction and dental anxiety, as well as their relation to demographic variables such as gender, age, number of visits, and cultural level. The study was applied on a random sample of dental clinics in Baghdad city with total of (200) patient (108 male and 92 female). Two scales were used in this study, patient satisfaction scale PSS (included 9 aspects, constructed by authors) and Iraqi dental anxiety scale

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