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المرأة في الشريعة الإسلامية
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         Elements of the study contribute to the direction and demonstrate scientific steps, in order to walk in the implementation procedures. The researcher is a sense of a social phenomenon is an important step and a motivation to study and uncover the causes and factored in order to reach substantive results. And to clarify what is involved in the importance of the study, as well as setting goals that aspire to achieve the study .                                                                        

        The   strengthening of the role of women and to maximize its contribution to the development, stems from a firm belief that improving the status of women is a fundamental pillar of the pillars of the community development and development. In spite of the changes related to women and the factors put to work, including education, legislation and political participation, and in spite of the results of research and studies that indicate the merits of women and their efficiency and superiority sometimes on the man, but the gap is still wide between the potential of women and their ability and aspires to him, and what is embodied in the fact actual institutionally and administratively  .


            At the end of the study were presented the results of the study, was also presented a number of recommendations and suggestions of the most important legislation of laws that give women the opportunity to make decisions about their work like men, and directing members of the community to the importance of the status of women and their role by changing the traditional view about and that stand in their participationsocial, political, and through the upgrading of our heritage of customs and traditions, and promoting women's self-confidence to guarantee women to look positively .                                          

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of direct withholding tax procedures as a tool to increase tax proceeds : applied research in the General Tax Authority / Direct Deduction Department
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The research aims to evaluate the direct deduction department’s procedures for the process of collecting income tax using the direct deduction method for state departments and the public sector in light of direct deduction tax instructions No. (1) of 2007 and Income Tax Law No. (113) of 1982 (amended) through Giving a clear idea of ​​the reality of tax collection procedures because this type of tax is one of great importance because it contributes to the provision of financial revenues to the state to finance its expenses and direct the economy towards achieving its social, economic and political goals. The researcher makes comparisons between the procedures of the General Tax Authority in collecting the tax and what was approved b

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 31 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Corrosion Behavior of V2AlC and Cr2AlC Compared with SS 316L in NaOH at Four Temperatures
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      This work involves the manufacturing of MAX phase materials include V2AlC and Cr2AlC using powder metallurgy as a new class of materials which characterized by regular crystals in lattice. Corrosion behavior of these materials was investigated by Potentiostat to estimate corrosion resistance and compared with the most resistant material represented by SS 316L. The experiments were carried out in 0.01N of NaOH solution at four temperatures in the range of 30–60oC. Polarization resistance values which calculated by Stern-Geary equation indicated that the MAX phase materials more resistant than SS 316L. Also cyclic polarization tests confirme

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Adding Alcohols and Gas Velocity on Gas Hold up and Mass Transfer Coefficient in Bubble Columns with Draught Tube
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     The bubble columns are widely used as a two or three phase reactor in industrial chemical process such as absorption, biochemical reactions, coal liquefaction, etc. To design such a column, two main parameters should be taken in consideration, the gas hold-up (), and the liquid phase mass transfer coefficient KLa. The study includes the effect of gas velocity and the addition of alcohols on gas hold-up and mass transfer coefficient in bubble column with draught tube when the length of the column is 1.5m and the ratio of the draught tube diameter to the column diameter equals 0.5 and the air dispersion into the base of the draught tube using a multi hole tuyere is equivalent to a diameter of 0.15 mm and

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ethics-Breaking Crimes: A Social Field Study in Baghdad City: حنين حسن عبد الله, و عدنان ياسين مصطفى
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Crime has become a phenomenon associated with human socialization.  Wherever human groups are found, a crime, which differs from one society to another, is found. It is one of the most dangerous social issues that undermines the solidarity of a given society. This is because it establishes a takeoff from community's norms, values, customs and traditions, and thus turns into a danger to the lives of people, groups and society that threatens its strength and security. The paper focuses on the crimes that violate the social law, like child rape, incest and electronic extortion, which are increasing in size, increasing as a result their repercussions on the human society. The study seeks several objectives, including: examining the natu

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Link between Serum Omentin Level and Insulin Resistance Biomarkers, Lipid Profile, and Atherogenic Indices in Iraqi Obese Patients.
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Omentin (or intelectin) is a main visceral fat secretory adipokine.  There is a growing interest to link omentin, obesity and co-morbidity factors. The aim of the present study is to evaluate serum omentin and its association to insulin resistance biomarkers, lipid profile and atherogenic indies. This cross – sectional study was conducted in Obesity Research and Therapy Unit-Alkindy College of Medicine by recruiting (115) individuals; 49 males /66 females. Subjects between (20 to 60) years of age were selected and classified into two groups according to their Body mass index (BMI). Group1 involved healthy lean volunteers (25 male/ 36 female; BMI 18.5 - 24.9). Group2 involved obese subjects; (24 male / 36 female with BMI ≥ 30). The s

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2024
Journal Name
Warith Scientific Journal
قياس وتحليل متطلبا (التخطيط والدعم) على وفق المواصفةIATF 16949: 2016 / دراسة حالة في الشركة العامة لصناعة السيارات والمعدات
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The article is final after making all the modifications. 2,259 / 5,000 يهدف البحث إلى قياس وتحليل الفجوة بين الواقع الفعلي لبنود التخطيط والدعم وفق المواصفة (IATF16949:2016) في مصنع البطاريات أحد مصانع الشركة العامة لصناعة وتجهيز السيارات، وكذلك التعرف على نقاط القوة والضعف لبنود التخطيط والدعم وفق المواصفة محل البحث. ينطلق البحث من حاجة الشركة العامة لصناعة وتجهيز السيارات إلى إتباع المعايير العالمية في صناعة السيارات والمنتجات المرتبطة بها،

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Publication Date
Sat May 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal And Political Thought
The extent of the possibility of compensating for the obstruction of the view (vision) as a result of the establishment of public projects - a legal study in light of the position of the American courts
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Despite the great economic and commercial importance given to real estate by virtue of its view of the landscape or public roads, US courts have differed in their position on compensation for damages resulting from blocking that view or vision by public projects. Some courts compensated for such damages, other courts approved such compensation. Hence, this research came to shed light on the extent of the possibility of compensation for blocking the view or vision as a result of public projects, and the research has supported us with many judicial decisions.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
comparison Bennett's inequality and regression in determining the optimum sample size for estimating the Net Reclassification Index (NRI) using simulation
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 Researchers have increased interest in recent years in determining the optimum sample size to obtain sufficient accuracy and estimation and to obtain high-precision parameters in order to evaluate a large number of tests in the field of diagnosis at the same time. In this research, two methods were used to determine the optimum sample size to estimate the parameters of high-dimensional data. These methods are the Bennett inequality method and the regression method. The nonlinear logistic regression model is estimated by the size of each sampling method in high-dimensional data using artificial intelligence, which is the method of artificial neural network (ANN) as it gives a high-precision estimate commensurate with the dat

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Modern Sport
اثر تمرينات خاصة بأستخدام جهاز المدافع الضوئي المصمم في تنمية بعض القدرات البدنية والاداء المهاري المركب لدى لاعبي كرة اليد
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اتجهت دول العالم الى تسخير جميع الإمكانيات والخبرات والعلوم من اجل الوصول الى مستويات متقدمة في الرياضات المختلفة ويهدف التدريب الرياضي إلى إعداد اللاعبين إعدادا جيدا تكمن مشكلة البحث من خلال خبرة الباحثتان الميدانية ومتابعة تدريبات لاعبي المدرسة التخصصية كرة اليد فقد لوحظ هناك ضعف واضح في الأداء المهاري ولابد من تطوير أوجه الضعف لتحقيق مستوى انجاز افضل . ويهدف البحث اعداد تمرينات خاصة بأستخدام جهاز ا

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة - ابن الهيثم
فاعلية استراتيجيات تدريسية مقترحة على وفق انموذج بناء المعرفة المشتركة في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط وكفاءتهم الرياضية
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