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Alienation Divorced alienation
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The divorce is one of the important problem that prominence in Iraq it needs a remedy speedily .

This problem appears specially at the war of 2003 , it is effected on culture and it trances through communications tools , internet and satellite .

Supreme judicial council recorded about (41536) divorced cases , whereas the rate of this number arise to (87.530) through 2012 , in the same time the Iraqi courts recorded about 20%-30% of wedding cases .

The two researchers focused in their study on the concept of Alienation as a basic variable through its enhancing on the psychological health for divorces , in which they take this sense to connect it with their shortage that reflect negatively on their psychological and social situation of divorced woman .

Goals of study :

Measuring of alienation to divorce woman .

The result :  

The research has statistically significant according to its analytic of sample .

There is not any appearance of difference of divorced woman alienation according to age , children number , marriage period and the reason of divorce .

There are statistically differences of divorced alienation according to variable occupation .

There are statistically differences of alienation according to variable academic achievement .

 There are statistically differences according to economical scale .

The research concluded with set of proposals and recommendations which are :

Improve the economic situation for this segment .

Emphasis on the role of the media to correct society's perception of the concept of divorce.

Open guidance centers to reduce from divorce phenomenon



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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Total Quality Management in Insurance: Companies Field Study in Iraqi Insurance Company
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Total quality management is considered a modern management concept that achieved success in all fields of various industrial and service sectors in advanced countries . One of these sectors is insurance. This concept aims at improving and developing the performance of insurance service continually . It is the gate that can enable radical change in the organization culture inside the company to transform it from using the traditional management style into using the modern style which achieves high quality standard of insurance service . As a result many insurance companies headed to applying the principles of total quality management in their companies . This study aims at raising the standard of the performance of the Iraqi Insurance Com

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of the Media in Empowering People with Disabilities to Participate in Society
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Disabled people are among the most important groups that need attention, care, and financial and moral care. They cannot fulfill the requirement of life normally without care from a person to meet their special needs. The disability is either mental or physical. The Iraqi government has paid attention to this category by adopting a law for this category, represented by Law No. (38) for the year (2013), which keeps their rights and duties in Iraqi society by  establishing institution of persons with disabilities and special needs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to create a modern society politically, socially, culturally or economically. In view of the importance of this group in society, the media reinforces the communit

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Medical Care for the Deformed Children: A Field Study in Baghdad City
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The Child is the first sedum for the human society performing, and we deal in our
research to explain the nature of the mutual relations in between the form and the medicine
social caring foundation. So the motherhood and the childhood nowadays become the most
dedicated in the researchers works, whom interesting in the social affairs, and that whom
work in the medicine field as scientists.
So the child is the future man and must be in wright body construction that need to great
care and interest to make him wright mind through capability of performing anything support
to him.
In our research we deal with the main factors in which lead to infect the child by the
creative malfunction, like the environmental and m

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluate the implementation of the investment plan projects A study on the field of the plan projects for the period 2013-2016
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The main problem of this research is the delay of implementation of the investment plan projects for the period (2013-2016) and the weakness of the staff ability in the ministries and they don’t have the sufficient experience to carry out the implementation process.

Therefore, the research aims to evaluate the implementation of programs and projects of the investment plan in a manner consistent with the objectives set for them without any wasteful of efforts, time and money. And then identify the problems and obstacles to determine the deviations of the implementation of the specific for each sector according to the criteria of evaluation and the form of cost, quality, time and implementation.<

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Preferences of the Iraqi Public towards Arab News Channels Programs and Materials (Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Ekhbariya Satellite Channels: a field Study)
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Broadcasting across satellites has become an important media phenomenon and largely available for watchers. As the receiver can see the events at the very moment and at any spot in the world. This study aims to discover the degree of the extent of exposure of Iraqi people to the news broadcasting satellites in Arabic language, (Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Ekhbariya Satellite Channels) as one of the media that serves the public; and to discover the range of these Satellite Channels in covering the local Iraqi situation in different sides and aspects; and to know the significance of the Iraqi people in watching those news programmers; and state the motives behind the Iraqi public's dependence on these channels.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic intuition and its role in achieving the efficiency of political marketing Field Study in Babil Governorate
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Because of the new political stage that Iraq is living in, which called on researchers to choose the subject of political marketing and increase its effectiveness through strategic intuition. The problem of research was reflected in the following question: How can strategic intuition be used to achieve efficiency in marketing marketing to achieve voter acceptance and achieve political success later on? ).

The research derives its importance from the fact that it is related to the developments in the concepts and areas of marketing in various fields, and it has a role in identifying the gain of new markets, where it is specialized to provide a political product and identify the mechanism of marketing the p

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The research aims to determine the factors affecting the woman’s use of electronic marketing in social networking sites, and to know the extent of the sample’s use of social networking sites for electronic shopping purposes. The research tool used the questionnaire form that was designed in its final form after presenting it to the arbitrators and it included a set of questions and a five-Likert scale, and used the spss statistical program to perform the statistical operations that were laid out in tables showing the frequencies, percentages and percentages Salary, mean, standard deviation, and correlation using the Spearman correlation coefficient, the Ka2 square test, the F test, the Alpha Cronbach test, and arrived at Searching to

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Reasons behind the decadence of the studies concerning the evening school in Salah al Deen A field study
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The Reasons behind the decadence of the studies concerning the evening school in Salah al Deen A field study

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Journalism of Paper Newspapers in Light of the Competition of the Electronic Press / (A Field Study of Yemeni Daily Newspapers)
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The researcher seeks to get scientific facts through knowing the relationship between the priorities of Yemeni audience in follow-up paper daily newspapers compared to surfing publics the online journalism sites and the nature of information obtained from online journalism sites and printed paper newspapers and the impact of the daily newspapers in the priority of issues and political events among a sample of a group of Yemeni readers in order to identify the extent to keep up the paper daily newspapers of the development in the field of online journalism and the extent of reading paper newspapers under the intense competition by online journalism sites, and are paper newspapers able to keep pace with the actual developments provided by

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 10 2022
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات تربوية
تحديات التحول الرقمي وبناء المعرفة في المؤسسة التربوية دراسة ميدانية في وزارة التربية
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The study used analytical and descriptive methodology in ministry of education and educational institutions in Baghdad. While the digital transformation was studied as independent variable with four dimensions, knowledge creation on the other hand was examined as dependent variable with five dimensions .The study aims to unearth the digital transformation and its reflections on knowledge creation as well as to identify the digital roles of educational institutions. Furthermore, the study sought to identify the reflections of digital transformation in the education system, particularly the ministry of education.

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