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الغفران و علاقته بمتغيري الجنس و العمر
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  استهدفت الدراسة الكشف عن العلاقة بين نوعين من الدوافع و الجنس و العمر, تكونت العينة من (132) من طلبة الجامعة . (75) من الاناث و (57) من الذكور من الذين تراوحت اعمارهم مابين (18-26) سنة . استجاب الطلبة الى قائمة الدوافع ما بين الاشخاص المرتبطة بالنزوع الى الاعتداء ، كان قد قيس بها الغفران ، و قد توصل البحث الى النتائج الاتية : اشارت النتائج الى انه توجد فروقا ذات دلالة احصائية بين الجنسين في دافع الانتقام و لكن ليس في دافع التجنب ، و تشير النتائج بانه لا توجد فروقا ذات دلالة بين الاعمار الاصغر و الاكبر .

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-crystalline ZSM-5 Zeolite
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 Nano-crystalline ZSM-5 zeolite was synthesized by hydrothermal method using chelating agent and two gel compositions:Compositionɪ:Al2O3:86SiO2:5.5TPA:12.7Na2O:3.4Trien:3320H2O.Compositionɪɪ:Al2O3:68SiO2:5.4TPA:10Na2O:2.6Trien:2626H2O.Study of hydrothermal reaction factors on characteristics of nano- sized zsm-5 has been carried on ,among them are crystallization temperature, crystallization time and concentration of template ( TPAOH ) solution. Synthesis was accomplished in PTFE lined autoclave ( reactor ) . The product were characterized by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ),Atomic force microsc

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Correlation between Serum and Tissue Markers in Breast Cancer Iraqi Patients
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Breast cancer is the most prevalent malignancy among women worldwide, in Iraq it ranks the first among the population and the leading cause of cancer related female mortality. This study is designed to investigate the correlations between serum and tissue markers in order to clarify their role in progression or regression breast cancer. Tumor Markers are groups of substances, mainly proteins, produced from cancer cell or from other cells in the body in response to tumor.  The study was carried out from April 2018 to April 2019 with total number of 60 breast cancer women. The blood samples were collected from breast cancer women in postoperative and pretherapeutic who attended teaching oncology hospital of the medical city in Baghdad and

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
El color como símbolo literario En (Cañas y Barro) de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
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            El color es uno de los elementos novelísticos que ayudan los autores para desarrollar las acciones y llevarlas al desenlace adecuado. Y Blasco Ibáñez depende al color para pintar las escenas artísticas dentro sus novelas, especialmente, sus novelas que pertenecen al siglo de naturaleza. Él conocido con la abundancia de los colores para describir el ambiente y los personajes, como indica el autor catedrático José A. Balseiro:

  "su pluma no supo__ como el pincel de los primitivos__ del matiz logrado a toques mínimos, pacientes. ¿No era, a caso, coterráneo de Joaquín Sorolla, en cuya paleta mediterránea celebrábase, día tras día, el milagro del f

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L`image du héros romantique dans: Un Barrage Contre Le Pacifique et L`Amant
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Dans le roman moderne, le type du héros est depuis longtemps devenu suspect.  Il risque même de disparaitre dans ce qu´on désigne le Nouveau Roman qui, se concentrant plutôt sur les objets, décrits minutieusement, refuse la fonction épistémologique traditionnelle de la littérature. Cette conception se manifeste, sur le plan formel, par certains traits typiques, comme la relativisation des points de vue, la décomposition de l´action, la destruction du temps, la décomposition de l´espace et la désintégration du personnage romanesque dont les liens avec la société sont coupés.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Multi – Linear in Multiple Nonparametric Regression , Detection and Treatment Using Simulation
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             It is the regression analysis is the foundation stone of knowledge of statistics , which mostly depends on the ordinary least square method , but as is well known that the way the above mentioned her several conditions to operate accurately and the results can be unreliable , add to that the lack of certain conditions make it impossible to complete the work and analysis method and among those conditions are the multi-co linearity problem , and we are in the process of detected that problem between the independent variables using farrar –glauber test , in addition to the requirement linearity data and the lack of the condition last has been resorting to the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Discourse the presence of animals in Mesopotamian sculptures "The lion and the bull as an example"
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Showing animal shapes is one of the primary topics since the discovery of cave drawings, with semantic discourses, as they appeared in the ancient civilization of Iraq, with their discourse and intellectual structure, and their reflections on their plastic achievements. The research deals with three topics: the first (an introduction to the concept of discourse), the second: (the historical roots of animal forms), and the third (the manifestation of animal forms and their discourse, in Mesopotamia). Mesopotamian fauna and its concepts? What are the?, Its importance was also represented in: the presence of animals and their semantic and conceptual discourse, especially the sculptures (the lion and the bull), with the aim of revealing the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Between Partial Least Square Regression(PLSR) and Tree Regression by Using Simulation(RT).
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This research discussed, the process of comparison between the regression model of partial least squares and tree regression, where these models included two types of statistical methods represented by the first type "parameter statistics" of the partial least squares, which is adopted when the number of variables is greater than the number of observations and also when the number of observations larger than the number of variables, the second type is the "nonparametric statistic" represented by tree regression, which is the division of data in a hierarchical way. The regression models for the two models were estimated, and then the comparison between them, where the comparison between these methods was according to a Mean Square

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The relationship of Adiponctin / Leptin ratio with metabolic syndrome
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Background: Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease caused by abdominal obesity, such as hyperglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance.Adiponectin is a protein hormone that modulates a number of metabolic processes, including glucose regulation and fatty acidcatabolism. Adiponectin is exclusively secreted from adipose tissue into the bloodstream. Leptin, a hormone synthesized by fat tissue had been noted to regulate energy balance and metabolism.In this study investigated the relationships of adiponectin/leptin ratio with metabolic syndrome in apparently healthy Iraqi male adults.
Objective: This study was designed to investigate the r

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Frequency and Wavelength Dependences of the Electro-optic Coefficients r63 and r41 in Congruent KDP Crystals
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The electro-optic coefficient r63 and r41 are determined in congruent KDP crystals, using an experimental method based upon the direct measurement of material. Sénarmont system for electro-optic coefficient measurement and characterization of crystals was modified. This modification allowed us to obtain on the frequency dispersion dependence of the electro-optic coefficients within a frequency range up to 20 MHz and on a new version of modulation depth method. To the best of our knowledge, by using this system, the electro-optic coefficients r63 and r41 in different configurations (transverse and longitudinal) have been measured for the first time within a frequency range up to 20 MHz. The measurements have been investigated as a functi

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Formulation and In Vitro Evaluation of Taste- Masked Prednisolone Orodispersible Tablets
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Background: prednisolone is a corticosteroid with a very bitter taste acts as anti- anti-inflammatory and immune suppressant drug and it is used at any age.

Objective: To improve patient compliance by masking the bitter taste of the drug to be delivered as an orodispersible tablet.

Methods: External ionic gelation using sodium alginate (0.5%w/v) and calcium chloride (1% w/v) in presence of 0.5% w/v carbopol 940 was used to prepare taste masked beads loaded with prednisolone to be compressed as orodispersible tablets.  

Results:  The bitter taste of was masked by preparing beads composed of 1:1:1 (sodium alginate: Carbopol 940: prednisolone) which r

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