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The educational violence and it's reflections on study attainment of the primary stage pupils


Problem of the research: 

The studies and researches have noticed the aggravation of violence practice in all educational means using different and innovated styles against children in the school and house in order to upbringing by the parents or the school .

It is a training method for the person to participate in the society and prepare him to be an effective member.

The current research confines the children in age (6-12) years old representing the primary stage who face different kind of violence during the familiar or school education.

The current research aims to:

1 – The kinds of violence which happens to the children in the primary stage in both familiar and school kinds .

2- The value of educational violence reflections on study attainment .

Violence is defined as every action causes a hurt (moral, material, phonetic, bodily) practice individually or collective then put the child in confrontation with an act (the purpose from it is violence) .


Kinds of violence:

Kinds and forms of violence can be briefed into:

1 – According to its nature is divided to:

a – Innate violence .

b – Acquired violence .

2 - According to the type of violence is divided into:

a – Material violence .

b – Moral violence .

3 – According to the pointed side is divided to:

a –Against the others violence .

b- Self violence .

4 – According to the legality of violence is divided to:

a –Official violence .

b- unofficial violence .

5 – According to the reason:

a –Attacking violence .

b- Defending violence .

6 – According to the actor:

a –Individual violence .

b- Collective violence .

Theories of violence:

The important theories which tried to explain the violent behavior are :

a – The classical psychological theory .

b – The modern psychological theory .

Former studies:

 Gibb study (1983).۩

Cooper & Mackie study (1986). ۩


After discussing the violence theories they reached to adopt the theory of (Pandora), because it is the nearest theory in explaining the violence phenomenon, and it is portrayed in universality and assert the role of parents and friends and playing group and media in developing, the violence phenomenon  , and concerned in studying human and interaction with others .


The researcher concluded:

That the imposed violence in communication means led to aggressive behavior respond, and the vocal and body violence causes harm, hurt, pain to oneself, loneliness, and disappointment.

The researcher recommended:

Public awareness and introduce instruction, and curative programs explaining the danger of violence and the means to cure avoid it. 

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 09 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Forming Media on the Hydroforming Process for Copper Tube

To observe the effect of media of the internal pressure on the equivalent stress distribution in the tube, an experimental study is done by constructing a testing rig to apply the hydraulic pressure and three dies are manufactured with different bulging configurations (square, cosine, and conical). In the other part, ANSYS APDL is generated to analyze the bulging process with hydraulic and rubber (natural and industrial) media. It was found that when the media is a rubber, the stress is decreased about 9.068% in case of cosine die and 5.4439% in case of conical die and 2.8544% in case of square die. So, it can be concluded that the internal pressure in the rubber media is much better than in hydraulic media. Also, the force needed for fo

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Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of intellectual capital on the Total quality management of higher education and scientific research institutions in Baghdad

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Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
השואה והשלכותיה על אהרון אפלפלד - עיון בשלושה סיפורים קצרים עוזר למורה – עלי מוחמד רשיד The Holocaust and its impact on Aharon Bielefeld - A Study in Three Short Stories

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Mon Jun 01 2020
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مجلة العلوم و التكنولوجية للنشاطات البدنية و الرياضية/ الجزائر
The effect of using the five-finger strategy on learning movement chain on a balance beam in the artistic gymnastics of women

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Tue Jun 30 2015
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Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Raised excessive consumption on environment and price levels during the period 2005- 2013.: Raised excessive consumption on environment and price levels during the period 2005- 2013.


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Sun Mar 01 2020
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Wed Jun 07 2023
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Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
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Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Walled Nano-Carbon on the Physical, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy

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Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Feminization and Masculinization of the Word Sun in the Holy Quran: A Semantic Study

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