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الفكــر التـــربـــوي عنـــد ابو يوسف يعقوب بن اسحق الكنــــدي ( دراسة نظرية )
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Every era characterizes with its thought and life philosophy , where Muslims left behind them educational and intellectual heritage we should proud of it because it reflects the image of past and lights the way of present and future path where we should make use of it to fit with our statuesque and contemporary issues because we don’t know about it but little as result of ignorance or imitation of the western culture.

      It’s wrong to regard heritage from the past but aphasia of Islamic and Arab genies that its roots tracing back to past and extending to future .

      Islamic Arab educational thought regards one of the richest in the field of science and knowledge ,where the study of it makes the reader having the lessons shedding his way for solving the present problems in the light of understanding the past because education is the daughter of long history and deeply experience .

   One of the thinkers of educational thought is ALKindi where he appreciated the importance of learning and the teacher in the life of individual and nation mirroring the integration of Man physically and morally where school is asocial institution and an active tool by which the cultural changes and common national goals can be achieved ,so , he  puts his teaching and educational philosophy in an educational and directive framework and asserts that science has a great value where it is not an information but a method and away for having them and it is the main factor of senses the learning process .

      So, the researcher has been chosen this philosopher because of his great role in reaching and deepen our educational and intellectual thought and to know what he adds to our educational system . The present study aims at recognizing the educational thought of AL-Kindi by knowing his selecting of the teacher , his characters , and the methods of teaching basing on the interaction between him and the student . The limits of this study include the teacher , his characters , methods of teaching and his educational thoughts . This study concludes whit that must be conditions for being a teacher such as : Loyalty in doing his duty , has the capacity of assessing things , the teacher should be away of arrogance , river stopping reading ( the so called now days the continuous learning ), has an information  about semantic and hovels ,has areole in educating minds ,ricking students with various information and helping in understanding what they have to learn .As for the curriculum it was “Quran” the basis of legitimize laws and identifying the rights and duties of human and the holly talks of the prophet Mohammed .

     The conclusions of this study are :He regards the student is the core of educational process , helping him to reach perfection . directing him to be a man with educational and cultural thought helping in transferring the experiences and forming different social ideates and as for the girl he asserts that the source of the information of her is her freedom and to learn without a teacher because her primitive aptitude helps her to learn from her parents .

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
(A Message in Nile) For Ahmed هbn Imad ibn Yusuf al-Aqfhasi
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Ahmed ibn Imad ibn Yusuf al-Aqfhasi (808 AH / 1405 AD) is a small message that speaks about the Nile River in all its sides, despite its limited papers, but it is one of the manuscripts of the important geographical literature for its geographical, historical, religious and grammatical information. it was not limited to the information of the author alore, but taken from many sources below, which added to the importance of the fact that it has saved us the names of the sources that preceded him in mentioning this river with the names of its authors.The method of the Aqfhasi was characterized by scientific methodology in writing and clarity, with reference to some of the myths that people carried in their minds about the Nile River at tha

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مخطوطة / مساجد دمشق لمؤلفها (يوسف بن حسن بن عبد الهادي) المعروف بأبن المبرد (ت909هـ) / دراسة وتحقيق
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Yusuf bin Hassan bin Ahmed bin Hassan bin Abd al-Hadi, nicknamed Ibn al-Mubarrad, the author of the book "The Mosques of Damascus", it appears through the study of the manuscript that it is a cut off part of the book "Thumaar al-Maqasid fi Dhikr al-Masjid" Historians such as Ibn Asaker, the author of the book “The History of Damascus” and Ibn Shaddad, the author of the book “Al-Alaq Al-Khadir”, Ibn Al-Mubarrad excelled in being brief in his mention of these mosques, especially their location and his description of them. He was distinguished for his classification of various sciences, as well as the breath of his knowledge, which led to his interest in writing and composition.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
ABU OBAYDA and Syntax Studies
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ABU OBAYDA and Syntax Studies

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Humanitarian And Natural Sciences Journal
الـوزير محمد بن علي بن خلف ابو غالب الملقب بـ ( فـــخـر الــمـلك ) ( ت 407 هـ - 1016 م ) دراسة تأريخية
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ــد ً الوزيرالـــوزيــرمحمد بن علي بن خلف ابو غالب الملقب بـ (فـــخـر الــمـلك )(407هـ-1016م)من الشخصيات المهمة،ية البويهية ، المثيراء الامارواعظم وزرالجدل ، وهذا ما سنوضحهفي البحث .ي كون والده ِ كان صيرفيا ً فلادة ونشأة الوزير فخر الملك في بيئة عنيت بالجانب الأدارأسهمت وٌي ديوان مدينة واسط ، أثرِاتهفي صقل قدرالإالع ِ دارية ، فضلا ً عن صفاتهقلية ،ة البويهية علىاء الأماروالشخصية التي جعلته ُ يكون رمز وزرلكل ةارال

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Yacoub Ben Keles, the First of the Fatimid Ministers ( 368-380 A.H. / 978-990 A.D. )
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Minister Yacoub Ben Keles distinguished himself with leadership and administrative talents, as well as his abilities in the field of jurisprudence, which made him the top political, administrative and cultural scene of the Fatimid state and left its mark on it by influencing its fateful decisions.
He was the son of Kels of the Jews of Baghdad, where he learned writing and arithmetic, and moved with his father to Syria and then carried him to Egypt.
Egypt embraced the son of Kels, living in a transitional period from the Achaishid era to the Fatimid period. Both these two covenants reconciled this man to his career until he became minister in the Fatimids in 368 A.H. / 978 A.D.
His character was overshadowed by most of the state'

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
نظرية الذكاءات المتعددة( دراسة نظرية )
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Intelligence is the production of nervous system function and it's contents memory and creative thinking and understanding and other processes. It's a general cognitive ability and it's a concept. It's essential for good judgment and reasoning, there's an argument about definition of intelligence, is it one ability or multiple abilities. Multiple intelligences theory presented by (Gardner 1983) view intelligence as composing from six types of intelligences: (1) linguistic. (2) mathematical. (3) visual – spatial. (4) musical. (5) bodily – kinesthetic. (6) personal. Present research has reached to several conclusions. Most important one is that multiple intelligences theory is based on the conception of distinct varieties of intelligen

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of Hajjaj bin Yusuf Al - Thaqafi in the linguistic reform of the Holy Quran
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During his tenure in Iraq, al-Hadjjaj bin Yusif undertook administrative and economic reforms as well as linguistic reform.

The efforts exerted by Abu al-Aswad al-Dawali to control the reading of the Holy Quran were not sufficient, so the melody and error continued and became more pronounced, especially since the letters were written until then without any distinguishing features.

Al- Hadjjaj bin Yusuf realized the seriousness of the continuation of these errors and what he talked with the days of the causes of division and disagreement between the Muslim community ordered his book to put these suspicious characters marks was at the head of the book Nasr bin Asim and Yehi bin Muammar

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The I and the Other (Lenora) in the Poetry of Joseph III
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A literary text is not void of the use of the ego and the other while speaking or in a spoken communication. Such a usage is apparently outstanding in Arabic literature, and it reflects society in all its various cultural, social and political conditions. Therefore, the ego is one of the prominent concepts on which human personality is built, and its role in the formation of society and in communicating among all human societies. Accordingly, the present paper aims to clarify the duality of the ego and the other, where the ego starts from the poet himself to expand the circle of subjectivity by including his family, society, immediate surroundings, race and his religion. The other, on the other hand, that is separated from the poet,

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Suicide (theoretical study)
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Statistics indicate criminal in most countries of the world that the suicide rate continues to increase, as it prevalence manufacturing and complexity of life and the intensification of conflicts and escalating problems of rising suicide rates. And suicide is death intentional, that is, the intentional act that leads to ending the life of the individual and self-on purpose. The current research aims to identify the suicide in terms of its causes and its factors and come up with recommendations for the prevention of suicide. Because suicide is a life-threatening problem has tried several theories of interpretation and stand on its grounds. Considering the theories of psychoanalysis (Freud) that suicide is the result of the individ

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Publication Date
Wed May 11 2022
Journal Name
د.زينب ميثم علي
الناقد مبدعاً ؛ دراسة في منظور يوسف اليوسف النقدي
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تتباين القراءة والكتابة من ناقد لآخر تبعا للموضوع الذي يتناوله، وطبيعة المادة، والمكونات المعرفية التي تؤسس فهمه، فمنهم الناقد التقليدي الذي يتبع السائد في نقده للمادة الفنية اما بالموافقة والتبني أو بالمغالطة والقدح، ومنهم الناقد المقلد الذي ينتخب اتجاها غربيا يرغب في تطبيقه على جزء من النصوص التي انتقاها، ومنهم الناقد الذي يتبع أفكاره ويدمجها مع النص ناقد مختلف يبحث في ما يذلل من قواعد، يحلل ويشرح وفقها

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