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Asocaial acceptance to ward slow learnes by their normal peers
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هدفت الدراسة الحالية الى التعرف ما اذا كان هناك تقبل اجتماعي للتلاميذ بطيئي من قبل اقرانهم العاديين؟ وكذلك معرفة ما اذا كان هناك فروق ذات دلالة في التقبل الاجتماعي بين افراد عينة الدراسة على وفق المتغيرات الاتية:

أ- العمر (9-13)

ب- الجنس (ذكور –اناث)

ج- المرحلة الدراسية

د- الحالة الاقتصادية (جيدة –متوسطة –جيدة جدا)

    ولغرض تحقيق اهداف الدراسة قامت الباحثة ببناء اداة تم جمع فقراتها من الادبيات والدراسات السابقة ولغرض ايجاد صدق وثبات الاداة اتبعت الاجراءات المتفق عليها لايجاد الصدق الظاهري ، والصدق التلازمي لفقرات الاداة.

كما تم ايجاد ثبات الاداة باستخدام طريقة كيودر– ريتشارد سون الصيغة (20).

وبعد ان تم التأكد من صلاحية الاداة للاستخدام ، قامت الباحثة بتطبيقها على عينة من التلاميذ العاديين من الصف (الرابع - الخامس) الابتدائي ممن تتراوح اعمارهم     (13-9) سنة ومن كلا الجنسين ، اذبلغ عدد افراد العينة (200) تلميذ وتلميذة.

ولقد تم المقارنة بين الوسط الحسابي للعينة مع الوسط الحسابي للمجتمع للتعرف على درجة التقبل الاجتماعي لدى إفراد العينة وبصورة عامة.فأشارت النتائج إلى عدم وجود تقبل اجتماعي للتلاميذ بطيئي التعلم من قبل اقرأنهم العاديين

واستخدمت الاختبار الثاني لعينتين مستقلتين في تحليل البيانات فيما يتعلق بالهدف الثاني للتعرف على دلالة الفرق في ضوء متغير العمر، استخدمت تحليل البيانات فيما يتعلق بالهدف الثاني من الدراسة للتعرف على دلالة الفرق في ضوء متغير الجنس, وكذلك استخدام اختبار للمقارنات البعدية لمعرفة دلالة الفرق في ضوء متغيري الحالة الاقتصادية والمرحلة الدراسية ، واظهرت نتائج الدراسة ان التلاميذ العاديين لايتقبلون زملائهم من بطيئي التعلم.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Observation and Analysis the role of Convolutional Neural Network towards Lung Cancer Prediction
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Lung cancer is one of the most serious and prevalent diseases, causing many deaths each year. Though CT scan images are mostly used in the diagnosis of cancer, the assessment of scans is an error-prone and time-consuming task. Machine learning and AI-based models can identify and classify types of lung cancer quite accurately, which helps in the early-stage detection of lung cancer that can increase the survival rate. In this paper, Convolutional Neural Network is used to classify Adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and normal case CT scan images from the Chest CT Scan Images Dataset using different combinations of hidden layers and parameters in CNN models. The proposed model was trained on 1000 CT Scan Images of cancerous and non-c

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
MSRD-Unet: Multiscale Residual Dilated U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation
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Semantic segmentation is an exciting research topic in medical image analysis because it aims to detect objects in medical images. In recent years, approaches based on deep learning have shown a more reliable performance than traditional approaches in medical image segmentation. The U-Net network is one of the most successful end-to-end convolutional neural networks (CNNs) presented for medical image segmentation. This paper proposes a multiscale Residual Dilated convolution neural network (MSRD-UNet) based on U-Net. MSRD-UNet replaced the traditional convolution block with a novel deeper block that fuses multi-layer features using dilated and residual convolution. In addition, the squeeze and execution attention mechanism (SE) and the s

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Exploring Important Factors in Predicting Heart Disease Based on Ensemble- Extra Feature Selection Approach
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Heart disease is a significant and impactful health condition that ranks as the leading cause of death in many countries. In order to aid physicians in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases, clinical datasets are available for reference. However, with the rise of big data and medical datasets, it has become increasingly challenging for medical practitioners to accurately predict heart disease due to the abundance of unrelated and redundant features that hinder computational complexity and accuracy. As such, this study aims to identify the most discriminative features within high-dimensional datasets while minimizing complexity and improving accuracy through an Extra Tree feature selection based technique. The work study assesses the efficac

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Teen-Computer Interaction: Building a Conceptual Model with Thoughts- Emotion-Behaviour
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Teen-Computer Interaction (TeenCI) stands in an infant phase and emerging in positive path. Compared to Human-Computer Interaction (generally dedicated to adult) and Child-Computer Interaction, TeenCI gets less interest in terms of research efforts and publications. This has revealed extensive prospects for researchers to explore and contribute in the region of computer design and evaluation for teen, in specific. As a subclass of HCI and a complementary for CCI, TeenCI that tolerates teen group, should be taken significant concern in the sense of its context, nature, development, characteristics and architecture. This paper tends to discover teen’s emotion contribution as the first attempt towards building a conceptual model for TeenC

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Maximizing the Coverage Range of Wireless Sensor Networks
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The issue of increasing the range covered by a wireless sensor network with restricted sensors is addressed utilizing improved CS employing the PSO algorithm and opposition-based learning (ICS-PSO-OBL). At first, the iteration is carried out by updating the old solution dimension by dimension to achieve independent updating across the dimensions in the high-dimensional optimization problem. The PSO operator is then incorporated to lessen the preference random walk stage's imbalance between exploration and exploitation ability. Exceptional individuals are selected from the population using OBL to boost the chance of finding the optimal solution based on the fitness value. The ICS-PSO-OBL is used to maximize coverage in WSN by converting r

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Social responsibility and obstacles application (Comparative research departments in the Municipality of Baghdad)
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The research aims to identify the extent of the practice of social responsibility in accordance with the social dimension and diagnosis of constraints applied.

Find the problem represented by the Social Responsibility and obstacles facing application in Baghdad Municipality through their workers trends analysis.

The adoption of the statistical method to analyze the data and information gathering, and selected municipalities of Adhamiya and Kadhimiya deliberate manner applied as a state and municipal councils of both cities as representatives of the local community to be the subject of research and comparison between them to see the reality of soci

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Re-distribution of income in favor of the poor - theoretical entrance of stagnation treatment
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Research deals the crises of the global recession of the facets of different and calls for the need to think out of the ordinary theory and find the arguments of the theory to accommodate the evolution of life, globalization and technological change and the standard of living of individuals and the size of the disparity in income distribution is not on the national level, but also at the global level as well, without paying attention to the potential resistance for thought the usual classical, Where the greater the returns of factors of production, the consumption will increase, and that the marginal propensity to consume may rise and the rise at rates greater with slices of low-income (the mouths of the poor) wi

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of organizational symmetry in improving the quality of work life an applied research at the University of Information and Communications Technology
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"The aim of the research is to identify the availability of the dimensions of the research variables represented by organizational symmetry and the quality of work-life at the University of Information and Communications Technology, which is one of the formations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Baghdad, in addition to knowing the relationship and influence between them. The research relied on the descriptive analytical approach based on peer description. The research was analyzed and the research sample consisted of (148) individuals, the sample was chosen using the comprehensive inventory method, data was obtained by relying on the questionnaire which was prepared from ready-made m

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use of model sales man fuzzy multi-objective linear for speed up and rationing in the transport mechanism used in the General Company for grain Processing
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     Applications of quantitative methods, which had been explicit attention during previous period (the last two centuries) is the method of application sales man or traveling salesman method. According to this interest by the actual need for a lot of the production sectors and companies that distribute their products, whether locally made or the imported for customers or other industry sectors where most of the productive sectors and companies distributed always aspired to (increase profits, imports, the production quantity, quantity of exports. etc. ...) this is the part of the other hand, want to behave during the process of distribution routes that achieve the best or the least or most appropriate.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Influence of Determinants of Investor Behavior in Making Investment Decision “Research Applied in the Market Iraq Stock Exchange"
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The investment decision, a critical decision for each investor as it involves risks and uncertain returns, so investors should avoid cases of uncertainty associated with the final decisions they are involved, and the problem of research in individual differences and differences in the behavior of individual investors and reflect the impact of this investment decision in the Iraqi market for securities. Therefore, the research aims to understand and analyze the impact of determinants of investor behavior as an independent variable in investment decision-making as a dependent variable in the Iraqi market for securities, and the research started from two main hypotheses to explore the influence and correlation between research varia

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