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الفكر التربوي عند الامام السيوطي
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This research shows the following points:

1-Features of the life of Imam Suyuti

2-First, the goals of public education: Educational Thought at the Imam Suyuti through Second, Third, special education goals: classification of science, Fourth, meaning he has the mind, Fifth: World Literature, VI: Literature learner

3-was informed of the Islamic Educational Thought Media, worked as science and teaching.

4-wrote in the human soul and away from the world and its desires, and how to deal with this self-way educational so based on a book of the year, and longer Mqamath of the most important books in the field of the human soul, edema tradition because he sees that the mind found in order to think about the verses of Allah, He believed that diligence in every era of imposition, and a thousand in the book called (replies of went to the ground and ignorance that diligence in every era of Ages impose)) between the importance of the use of reason and defamation tradition, and diligence in every age of the ages to impose.

5-and had a major role in education through spelled talk and teach doctrine and interpretation, has developed etiquette for the interpreter and updated and the jurist after the milestone, and the development of etiquette for the learner, and the importance of science and focused upon, and stressed the importance of education of mind and staying away from the stagnation and backwardness and tradition.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
لمحات لمحات من الفكر السياسي الميكافيلي
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This study discussed the importance of studying political thought and its stages of development

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Parasycology and scientific miracles in Islamic thought
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The research sheds light on the subject of phraseology as an important field to present metaphysical issues with contemporary scientific discourse. (Primary psychology) It does not apply with the reality of this science and therefore some tried to call it other names such as (Alsai), a unit of measurement of energy activity of things and assets. It was also called metaphysics or metaphysics, but it eventually settled on parapsychology. We try to win Islam and religious concepts with contemporary scientific discourse. The researcher discussed issues that modern science was unable to comprehend and interpreted. He used these subjects to prove the truths of religion and faith. Modern times because the whole universe miracles or as Imam Ghaz

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Concept of moderation in the Islamic political thought
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Abstract : The concept of moderation is one of the important concepts that have been discussed in political thought in general and in Islamic political thought in particular. It concerns the status of moderation and balance and the need of Islamic societies to apply them in contemporary times. The Islamic societies faced challenges facing Islamic advancement. And the right, which is the middle between the excessive and the excessive -and the exaggeration and cost-, and between negligence and default, moderation and integritybetween both two sides are: excessive and negligent". In addition, the concept of moderation and its intellectual roots have been sought in the Holy Quran and the noble prophetic, and the search for its charac

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Parity of Human Values in the Islamic Thought Research
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Human values are the most important concepts that the interest of society has to relay on these conceptual values. Any society will not be stabilized unless adheres to the right principles and values, all nations need such principles and values to stabilize. If any society doesn’t implement the human values that monotheistic religions urges equality between human, the far the society from the religious principles, the less there would be valence between human. The valence is urgent necessity in the current time. The far people get away from values and principles, the more they lose their freedom and dignity, therefore individual has to live with dignity and respect through the adherence to these values and principles. Apparently, equal

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The transformation of power in contemporary western thought
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Abstract: In accordance with contemporary Western thinking, power is an organized force with a high ability to achieve stability and social security because it possesses tools based on rational organization, which helps it to control the behavior of the individual and society and prevent them from practicing the processes of exclusion and discrimination against others in pursuit of their interests and needs. Vision The philosophers and thinkers of the theory of social contract can consolidate it, which changed the form and nature of power from the traditional heritage to the constructionWhich has contributed to the development and development of civil society - Western political, and despite the success of this experiment, especially aft

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Educational Role of Children's Programs in Libyan TV An Analytical -Field Study of "Flowers of Life" Program
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Television contributes children the acquisition of knowledge, moral and social values through programs that are offered to them and the extent of the focus on the effective aspects of life in the age of the target stage. The subject of this research aims to know the children programs in Libya television through a comprehensive analytical study of the program entitled “zihur al-hayat” within the broadcast season from April 1, 2004 to June 30, 2004. It also focuses on trying to identify the Libyan television policy in broadcast educational content through the children's programs in the prevailing political and social conditions during the period of study as well as knowing the opinions of the children's sample under study in Al-Baidhaa

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مراكز التعليم ودورها التربوي في حركة التدريسينفي العصر العباسي الأخير (447-656 ﻫ)
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لم يكن من السهولة على الباحث في مجال التربية والتعليم تحديد مراحل التعليم في العصر العباسي الأخير او وضع فواصل محددة بين تلك المراحل المختلفة من ذلك العصر، لان التعليم آنذاك كان يتميز بالمرونة التي تتيح للتعليم الحرية المطلقة في اختيار نوع الدراسة والمادة الدراسية التي يريد دراستها.

فكانت المساجد والكتاتيب والمجالس العامة والخاصة هي المؤسسات العلمية الاولى للتعليم عند المسلمين في عهد ال

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
رؤية وانموذج- مقترح للارشاد النفسي والتوجيه التربوي في ظل نظام ادارة الجودة الشاملة
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The global challenges of contemporary facing societies urge to seek and move to adopt the style conscious in the face of these challenges and work on the investment of human resources and energies humanitarian efficient and effective for the development of the institutional and Management and make it more efficient and effective and meets the requirements and keep pace with global developments , and more aspects of managerial aim is Total Quality Management , as it has become thanks to the sheer amount and large accelerated technical developments and information and communication technologies , which feature of this era , and in the field of education , the charge of it are seeking through the application of total quality management to b

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational research obstacles as perceived by academic faculty members in the south universities of west bank
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The study aims to identify the educational research obstacles as perceived by the faculty members at the universities of south in the west bank. As for study population, it included all (60) faculty-member in the colleges of education (bait lahem, alahliyah, al-khalil, and al-Quds almaftoha). To collect study data, the researcher used a questionnaire that consisted of (43) item; it has categorized into seven-domains: academic working conditions, academic management, resources and information, faculty members, publication, planning, and funding educational research. The findings revealed that Educational research obstacles were high with an average of (4, 39), no significant differences among sample averages and stander deviations on the

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Class consciousness in the contemporary Marxist political thought (selected models)
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Class consciousness represents its highest stage in the contemporary Marxist thought of Rosa Luxemburg and Antonio Gramsci, not just a reflection of reality, but rather a dialectical form through the reflection of consciousness on reality and its reproduction. The superiority over the infrastructure (historical materialism) promised the revolutionary class consciousness to be achieved spontaneously, and the seeds of a breakthrough are mass strikes, denying the role of the party to organize this awareness, limiting its role to the interconnection between classes, emphasizing the role of socialist democracy as a conscious vanguard for organizing spontaneity, struggle, and developing awareness during the revolutionary process and the leader

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