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Self-determintion and Emotional Experience and their Relationship with achievement striving for the college Students
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Human beings have an innate and natural aim to achieve their self-interests and to show their ability to overcome challenges in a better way, therefore the move towards self determination is expressed by intrinsic motivation. The desire of absorbing in this task is to enjoy the task in it self and benefitting from it such a motivation is the desire rooted in human nature to judge and choose in which individual is conscious in his self, abilities and adequacy that help him in control the different  situations of life passed by him. His choices and actions are voluntary  and non-restricted to intervention or external control because control is inner and subjective, while his behavior is self-regulated with the feeling of independence, that is the feeling of psychological freedom and the motivation of self-determination. with this independence, human being enjoys power and psychological health as they are necessary for health , integration and  happiness. Self –determination is regarded as humane , civilized and social phenomenom whose association indicating positively self-wellbeing , general health, creativity and achievement  in most fields of active life. The importance of self-determination required its study and acquainting with it and the emotional experience and their relationship with achievement striving.

The present research aims to:

  1. Acquainting with self-determination for the college students.
  2. Acquainting with emotional experience for the college students.
  3. Acquainting with achievement striving for the college students.
  4. Acquainting with the significance differences in self-determination for the college students according to two variables : gender “males, females” and major “scientific,humanistic”
  5. Acquainting with the significant differences in emotional experience for the college students according to two variables :gender “males, females” and major “scientific , humanistic”
  6. Acquainting with the significant differences in achievement striving for the college students according to two variables : gender “males, females “ major “scientific , humanistic”
  7. The extent of contribution of self-determination and emotional experience in total variance of achievement striving for the college students.

To achieve the research aims, the researcher built three scales for the present research and verified their valdity and analysed their items statistically on a sample consisting of 600 male and female college students to find discriminate power and validity for their  items.

The reliability of scales was computed by the re-test way and cronbach’s  alpha.

After completing of scales ‘ building , they were applied on the researcher’s main sample

‘400 male and female students” . having collected the data and processed them statistically, the researcher reached several findings , the most important of them as follows:

  1. The mean of self-determination degrees for the research sample was higher than the hypothetical mean and that indicates that sample subjects have high self-determination.
  2. The mean of emotional experience degrees for the sample was higher than the hypothetical mean and that indicates that sample subjects have high emotional experience.
  3. The mean of achievement striving degrees was higher than the sample have high motivation for achievement  striving .

In the light of these findings and as completion for the fields associated with the present  resarch, and the researcher recommended several of recommends as she suggested conducting several scientific studies and researches.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Al-Kindy College Medical Journal: Time to Move Forward
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It is well- known that the distinguished scholastic journal is a crucial cornerstone, which contributes to the scientific integrity of a particular academic institution. The establishment of the Al-Kindy College of Medicine (AKCM), University of Baghdad, in 1998 urged the need to issue Al-Kindy College Medical Journal (KCMJ).

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Measurement of Radon Concentration in College of Education for Pure Science / Ibn Al- Haitham Buildings Using CR-39 Detector
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   In the present work , radon concentration was measured indoor buildings in the College of Education for Pure Science/ Ibn Al- Haitham University of Baghdad using detector (CR-39) by counting track of alpha  resulting from decay series of uranium on the detectors which have exposure to air inside the rooms for (30) days , have been applied the equation (1) and (2) to calculate concentrations of Radon and the results showed that all samples were within the allowable range globally except two samples F1 and F2 where concentrations were (445.868Bq/m3) and (436.791Bq/m3) respectively , they were higher than allowable range globally which was (200-300) Bq/m3 recorded by (ICRP) [1] .

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"Acquired organizational immune and its impact on the application of knowledge management strategies" Analytical study of the opinions of a sample of Lecturer staff at the Technical College of Engineering and the Technical Institute of Amara
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             The present study aims to reveal the extent of the influence of the acquired organizational immune through its dimensions (organizational vaccination, organizational learning, organizational memory, and benchmarking) in the application of knowledge management strategies in its two dimensions (codification strategy, personalization strategy) as well as clarifying that influential relationship between the study variables Because of its importance in reducing resistance to change by responding to the requirements of the environment. A set of main and sub-hypotheses emerged from the study, which was formulated in view of the hypothesis scheme of the study, and i

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Media separation: The Relationship of Arab Immigrants with the Media of the Countries of Diaspora (Sweden as a model) (A Research Derived from PhD Dissertation)
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The research seeks to study the subject (Media separation: the Relationship of Arab Immigrants with the Media of the Countries of Diaspora/ Sweden as a model). Where this phenomenon, "problem" has not been subjected to an in-depth study to find out the causes of this media separation and its repercussions on the immigrant, whether in the problem of integration, or his opportunity to work, or adapt to live in the new society.

Separation is a kind of word that is rarely used in Arabic media studies, relevant, sometimes, to the meaning of “refraining from watching TV or listening to the radio or reading newspapers”. Sometimes, it means “not tuning to or using any form of media like radios or newspapers to be updated about what

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship of public budget deficit on external debt in lraq with in the framework of joint integration of the period (1990 – 2016 )
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The term public budget defects became nowadays a chronic, economical phenomenon, almost all the countries weather advanced or development country suffered from it, despite the different visions to economic schools of a thought to accept or reject the deficit in public budget but the prevailed opinion that is needed to rule the role of the state by reducing the public spending which led to continuous deficits in public budget and the consequent upon increase in government borrowing, increase taxes on income and wealth, thus weakening the in contrive for private investment which contributed to the increase of in flationary stagnation, it became a duty to state covered by the lack of financial sources

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Fri Oct 23 2020
Journal Name
Medico-legal Update
Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspirate for Evaluating Lesions in or Adjacent to Gastrointestinal Tract: A Single Tertiary Care Center Experience
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Mon Jan 01 2018
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Conceptual and procedural scientific culture according to NSES standards among chemistry students in the intermediate stage
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological Endurance and its Relation to Some Personal Traits Students of the Institute of Applied Arts
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Cognitive methods play the role of regulator of the human environment for its direct relationship with sensory stimuli and stimuli associated with the organization of information and ideas and their preparation for use in subsequent situations. These methods determine the characteristic or ideal way of individual personality in the differentiation and integration of attitudes or cognitive field to which he is exposed. Therefore, the research aimed at the level of psychological stress and its relation to some personal characteristics that show the personality of the artist or the students of art.

Current research aims to.

  1. Identifying the extent of psychological stress and its relation to the personal ch

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 27 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Insulin Resistance in Association with Metabolic Syndrome in Wasit University Students in Iraq
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In Iraq 1.4 million of people have diabetes, the prevalence of T2DM was ranged (8.5%—13.9%), and the cluster of metabolic abnormalities has long been identified as the risk factors for type 2 diabetes and is now commonly described as metabolic syndrome/MetS. Insulin resistance takes a key role in the process of the MetS and has even been hypothesized as its underlying cause. Clinical and epidemiologic studies also indicate that obesity and life style habit might be correlated with IR. This study examined the relationship between IR and MetS in a sample of young, healthy university students in Iraq. It discovered that the severity of IR is positively correlated with the clustering of MetS risk factors in Iraqi students, suggesting

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
The effectiveness of upward training with weights to develop explosive power and speed and some functional variables for young volleyball players
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The effectiveness of upward training with weights to develop explosive power, characterized by speed and some functional variables for young volleyball players Many efforts of sports laboratories in various countries have been devoted to laying scientific foundations and rules in caring for the physical, skilled, planning, and psychological preparation of players and creating the conditions and requirements for reaching players to higher standards. The research aims to:1- Preparing an ascending training program with weights to develop explosive strength, which is characterized by speed and some functional variables for volleyball players.2- Identify the effect of the training program with upward training in weights to develop explosive stre

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