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Self-determintion and Emotional Experience and their Relationship with achievement striving for the college Students
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Human beings have an innate and natural aim to achieve their self-interests and to show their ability to overcome challenges in a better way, therefore the move towards self determination is expressed by intrinsic motivation. The desire of absorbing in this task is to enjoy the task in it self and benefitting from it such a motivation is the desire rooted in human nature to judge and choose in which individual is conscious in his self, abilities and adequacy that help him in control the different  situations of life passed by him. His choices and actions are voluntary  and non-restricted to intervention or external control because control is inner and subjective, while his behavior is self-regulated with the feeling of independence, that is the feeling of psychological freedom and the motivation of self-determination. with this independence, human being enjoys power and psychological health as they are necessary for health , integration and  happiness. Self –determination is regarded as humane , civilized and social phenomenom whose association indicating positively self-wellbeing , general health, creativity and achievement  in most fields of active life. The importance of self-determination required its study and acquainting with it and the emotional experience and their relationship with achievement striving.

The present research aims to:

  1. Acquainting with self-determination for the college students.
  2. Acquainting with emotional experience for the college students.
  3. Acquainting with achievement striving for the college students.
  4. Acquainting with the significance differences in self-determination for the college students according to two variables : gender “males, females” and major “scientific,humanistic”
  5. Acquainting with the significant differences in emotional experience for the college students according to two variables :gender “males, females” and major “scientific , humanistic”
  6. Acquainting with the significant differences in achievement striving for the college students according to two variables : gender “males, females “ major “scientific , humanistic”
  7. The extent of contribution of self-determination and emotional experience in total variance of achievement striving for the college students.

To achieve the research aims, the researcher built three scales for the present research and verified their valdity and analysed their items statistically on a sample consisting of 600 male and female college students to find discriminate power and validity for their  items.

The reliability of scales was computed by the re-test way and cronbach’s  alpha.

After completing of scales ‘ building , they were applied on the researcher’s main sample

‘400 male and female students” . having collected the data and processed them statistically, the researcher reached several findings , the most important of them as follows:

  1. The mean of self-determination degrees for the research sample was higher than the hypothetical mean and that indicates that sample subjects have high self-determination.
  2. The mean of emotional experience degrees for the sample was higher than the hypothetical mean and that indicates that sample subjects have high emotional experience.
  3. The mean of achievement striving degrees was higher than the sample have high motivation for achievement  striving .

In the light of these findings and as completion for the fields associated with the present  resarch, and the researcher recommended several of recommends as she suggested conducting several scientific studies and researches.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Quality of University Education at the Middle Technical University in The Light of the Application of National Ranking project for the Quality of Iraqi Universities
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The research aims to identify ways of upgrading the quality level of university education at the Middle Technical University in light of its application for the National Ranking project for the quality of Iraqi universities in order to obtain advanced grades among the Iraqi universities , Which is qualified to enter the Ranking of universities worldwide, through displaying the mechanism of the Application of  National Ranking project for the quality of Iraqi universities in the Middle Technical University and its formations consisting of (5) technical colleges and (11) technical institute.

        The results of the application showed several observations: The most

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The Impact of An Education Program upon Women's Knowledge in Managing Breast Self–Examination
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Objective: To find out if there are any significant differences between these women's knowledge in the
management of Breast Self-Examination in study and control group regarding some variables.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental design was used. A purposive "non-probability" sample of (260) women who
are employee and students in both colleges (Nursing and Health and Medical Technologies) was selected. The
sample consists of two groups, experimental group (130) includes those in (Nursing college), and control group
(130) in (Health and Medical Technologies). A questionnaire was constructed which included demographic
information, reproductive information, family history, previous medical history, and information about wome

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Cephalometric Study of Iraqi Adult Subjects with Cl I and Cl III Skeletal Relationships and Their Effects on Masseter Muscle Thickness by Using Ultrasonography
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Background: Masseter muscle is one of the most obvious muscles of mastication and considered as one indicator of jaw muscle activity. It has a major influence on the transverse growth of the midface and the vertical growth of the mandible. This study undertaken to determine the role of cephalometric analysis for discrimination between Cl I and Cl III skeletal relationships, determine the role of ultrasonography in determination of masseter muscle thickness, compare masseter muscle thickness between Cl I and Cl III skeletal relationships, and determine the effect of gender on masseter muscle thickness. Material and Method: The sample of the current study consisted of 70 Iraqi subjects 40 males and 30 females with age ranging 18-25 years. The

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Electropolymerization of [N-(1, 3-thiazo-2-yl)] maleamic acid and their Nanocomposite with Graphene Oxide as Protective Coating against Corrosion and Antibacterial Action
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     Poly [N-(1, 3-thiazo-2yl)]maleamic acid synthesized from corresponding monomer N-(1, 3-thiazo-2yl)maleamic acid (NTM) by using the process of electrochemical polymerization in aqueous solution at room temperature. The structure of the polymeric layer generated on the surface of (Low Carbon Steel (L.C.S)) (working electrode) was investigated by Fourier Transmission Infrared [FT-IR] and a scanning electron microscope [SEM]. The anticorrosion ability of a polymeric layer on low carbon steel (L.C.S) was investigated using a method of electrochemical polarization at temperatures ranging from (293 to 323) K, in a 3.50 percent NaCl solution. The activation parameters, both kinetic and thermodynamic for the L.C.S corrosion process were

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact of Self-Assessment on Income and Sale Tax Collection' From the Point View of Income Tax Auditors in Jordan
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This study aimed to show the extent of compliance with the income taxpayer  to provide tax returns and increase the speed of collection of these taxes in addition to increasing confidence in  Income Tax department and reduce the number of cases transferred to the courts and promote taxpayer awareness in charge of the importance of self-assessment system, and study sought to investigate the effect of the existence of records documents, technical audit, and computational audit and documentary audit on income tax collections in Jordan, from the point of viewof Jordanian income tax auditors ,results shows there's a strong  relation between these variables and Income Tax collections.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation and Identification of some new Pyrazolopyrin derivatives and their Polymerizations study
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Preparation and Identification of some new Pyrazolopyrin derivatives and their Polymerizations study

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Using Information and Communication Technology to Improving the Quality of Blended Learning Elements’, a Survey Study at the Technical College of Management /Baghdad
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 The research has been based on two main variables (information and communication technology) and the quality of blended education (physical and electronic), aiming to reveal the relationship between four dimensions (physical devices, software, databases, communication networks) and the elements of education represented by (the teacher, the student, the teaching process, curriculum).  The methodology and post-analysis-based research were conducted at the Technical College of Management / Baghdad through polling the opinions of a random sample that included (80) teachers out of (86) and the number of students (276) representing a random sample from all departments of the college (for the morning study) out of (3500) stud

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Patterns of parental care for mothers and kindergarten children at social fear
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That the child in the early years of his life learns a lot of experiences that help him
grow properly, and if the availability of the child family atmosphere full of love and affection
and trust he was able to grow healthy growth and is in accordance with itself and with the
community in which they live, and stop method of the child in the expression of fear on the
nature of situation and on the theme of fear and the reaction of those around the child as well
as the vague positions that can not a child from its interpretation raises his fear, and its lead in
life are the kindergarten of the growing concerns him, causing his social concern, therefore,
targeted current research to identify patterns of parental care(mot

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
information and communication technologies and their impact on changed the financial reporting system In a Sample in Iraqi banks
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paid recent developments in the information and communications technology and the accompanying developments in the global market to pay particular accounting information users to demand more sophistication in terms of corporate financial reporting systems, which led to the emergence of a new type of reporting (financial reporting in real time). where is the information and communications technology mainstay Nations for the development and progress, thanks to the development of technology that have made the transmission of information easily conducted and high speed to all who need it, communication is instantaneous and the flow of information via the internet dramatically exceeded the border temporal and spatial anywhere in the w

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational And Humanities Sciences
Measure awareness Petknlogia the information and its impact on the attainment of knowledge to solve the problems of scientific research material for the students of the fourth stage at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls
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يعتقد البعض ان مفهوم العلم يعني الآلات والاجهزة العلمية (تقنيات التعليم) وهي لا تختلف عن مفهوم تكنولوجيا المعلومات , ويعد هذا الاعتقاد خاطئ , لان العلم هو بناء المعرفة العلمية المنظمة والتي يتم التوصل اليها عن طريق البحث العلمي , اما تكنولوجيا المعلومات فهي "التطبيقات العملية للمعرفة العلمية في مختلف المجالات ذات الفائدة المباشرة بحياة الانسان, او هي النواحي التطبيقية للعلم وما يرتبط بها من آلات واجهزة".

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