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وجبة الفطور لدى طفل الروضة وعلاقتها بالادراك
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        The right of a child to obtain a sufficient quantity and variety, healthy and safe from the elements in the food and breakfast is one of the most important rights to be able to perform his mental and physical properly and sound.
And that not eating breakfast leads to delayed maturation of mental function as well as behavior problems, and that this is happening due to the decline of taken daily for some important nutrients during the first four years of the child's age, also affect the performance of the mental processes, especially
(attention, perception, memory) because the child in the process of growth, which is determined by the dimensions of physical, mental and motor and cognitive task at this stage.
Research has identified goals Do you know:
1 - cognition in children Kindergarten

2 - statistically significant differences in cognition depending on the levels of breakfast (low, medium, high).

3 - correlation between meal Alaftorldy children, Kindergarten according to cognitive variables: stage
(first class, second) and sex (male, female).
4 - the differences in the relationship between breakfast with kindergarten children and cognitive variables according to a - stage
(first class- second) b - sex (males - females).
To achieve the goals of research selected sample of children Riyadh in the city of Baghdad
was (420) boys and girls were selected from (12) kindergarten random method Tabiqih rate (35) child of every kindergarten has the researcher calculates the nutrients and energy in the breakfast through outsource laboratories Institute nutrition Research at the Ministry of Health also has built (3) tests mentality is (attention, perception, memory) has offered these three tests on a group of arbitrators, experts and specialists in educational and psychological sciences, who are (15) expert to demonstrate the validity of the items of the scale, has been used researcher indicators of sincerity are (honesty virtual and certified construction) either the stability tests were extracted researcher for each test two types of stability has reached stability coefficient to test the attention in a way re-test (0.73) and the way retail midterm (0.75) and total reliability coefficient for

testing cognition in a way re-test (0.80) and the way retail midterm (0.82) and total reliability coefficient to test the memory in a way re-test (0.76) and the way retail midterm (0.78).
In light of the goals of current research and after the application of the tests on the sample and analyze their responses statistically using a test
t-for one sample correlation coefficient Point Baacyrial and testing t-testing Zaúa to denote correlation coefficients and analysis of variance test (Scheffe) research found the following results:
1 - The children of Kindergarten eat foods with high nutritional value.
2 - The children of Kindergarten  eat nutritious foods more than
non-nutritious foods.
3 - that provide health diets higher energy diets unhealthy.
4 - Enjoy the sample children Kindergarten a ttentively and recognize and remember loud. 5 - the breakfast of high and medium nutritional value covered only children more than the low level of food.
6 - There is no difference between firstclass and second in eating meals of high nutritional value.
7 - no statistically significant differences between males and females in eating a meal high nutritional value and in favor of females.

In light of the results of research and the researcher has developed a number of recommendations are: -
1 - Provide nutrition free school for the children of Kindergarten by the Ministry of Education, taking into account the quantity and quality of the nutritional value of the food provided to them.
2 - Attention kids good diet Integrated quality and quantity that contains animal protein through the support of the Ministry of Commerce of the contents of the ration card.
3 - to deepen the culture of food for the families of Iraqi across various media. \
4 - television to announce a significant effect on the culture and behavior of children, so it was necessary to censor any formal program or diet food advertising on television.
5 - directing media and propaganda that serves food to the goals of health and an emphasis on food with high nutritional value.
6 - Giving children healthy eating habits significantly through the publication of booklets colorful child-oriented distributed free of charge.
7 - on the administration to monitor the development of kindergarten children by measuring the weight, height and head size and comparing the global standard

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
خرائط أساليب التعلم لدى طلبة الجامعة وعلاقتها بالتحصيل الدراسي
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أولاً: مشكلة البحث:

للتربية دوراً أساسياً في تكوين الإنسان ليصبح قادراً على الإسهام الحضاري، ودفع عجلة التنمية إلى الأمام. وينظر للتربية حالياً بأنها عملية توثيق الصلة بين الناشئ والبيئة في ظروف معينة تعينه على النمو في الاتجاه المرغوب فيه. ويأتي الجانب المعرفي في مقدمة جوانب النمو، فهو المسؤول عن بناء شخصية الفرد وأسلوب تفكيره (سعيد، 1989، ص28). فضلاً عن كونه الخاصية الراقية عند الإنسان التي

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Parental supervision and its relation with personality type A.B among high Schools students
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Parents who give their sons arole in making parental decisions and admiring their views are the ones who build confidence and the feeling of competence within themselves and then their edgiest- rent with themselves becones better .
The (A.B) person-ality type is the core base of most psychological and educational studies because it is one of the most important subjects Concerning with the study of growth aspects whether they are physical, mental or Social. The present Study ains to measure the level of parental treatment among high School students, measure the level of (A) Personality type concept among them, recognize Statistically Significant differences in the level of parentaltreatment according gender variable and recognize the C

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Mindfulness and Its Relation to Self Regulated Learning Among University Students
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Mindfulness is considered a process to draw an image of the active event and to creat new social varieties which leaves the individuals open to modernity and to be sensitive towards the context. in contrast, when individuals act with less attention, they need to be more determined concerning the varieties and events of the past . and as a result , they become unaware of the characteristics that creat the individual condition .The problem of the current study is represented in asking about the nature of the possible relationship between mindfulness and self-regulated learning within specific demographic frame of an importantsocial category represented in university students where no previous researches nor theories have agreed on the natu

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological stress in unemployed individuals and its association with well being
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The aim of this study is to detect the level of psychological stress among unemployed individuals and the level of their wellbeing by finding the correlation between these two variables.

          The research sample consisted of (99) people who are currently unemployed and registered at the Ministry of Labor Affairs.

Schafer (1996) scale for psychological stress was used and alongside Ziout's (2012) scale for wellbeing.

          The results of the research showed an inverse relation between being unemployed and having wellbeing.


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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Cognitive Motive of the Kindergarten Child
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Encouraging children towards the cognitive motivation through the discovery and knowledge of the environment around them is essential. Thus, during the two researchers’ supervision of the practical lessons that involved the female students’ application of their experience in the Applied Kindergarten Laboratory, it has been noticed that there was a difference in the cognitive motivation of kindergarten children. In order to reinforce the research problem, the two researchers sent an open questionnaire to a sample of randomly selected kindergarten teachers from Al-Karkh and Al-Rasafa sides. The responses collected accentuated the researchers’ sense of the existing problem. To achieve the aim of the study represented by examining the

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الحس الجمالي لطفل الروضة
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             Throughout her work with children, the researcher has noticed that some children lack the sense of beauty in spite of the many beautiful things around them .

Therefore the study aimed to:

- Measuring the aesthetic sense in kindergarten children.

- Identifying the differences in the aesthetic sense according to gender (boys and girls).

- Identifying the differences in the aesthetic sense according to age (kindergarten and preparatory).

The study has been applied on:


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
كلية التربية للبنات
المساندة الاجتماعية وعلاقتها بجودة الحياة لدى طالبات كلية التربية للبنات
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أساليب التعلم لدى طلبة معاهد الفنون الجميلة وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات
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التعلم هو المظهر الرئيسي في حياة البشرية المتحضرة ،الذي يعبر عن نشاطهم العقلي الذي وهبه الله سبحانه وتعالى ، وما على الإنسان ألا إن يستغل هذه إلهية الإلهية بأقصى ما يمكن للاستفادة منها, ومن هذا المنطلق لابد أن يعتمد المتعلم على طرق وأساليب منطقية في اكتساب المعرفة والتعامل مع المعلومات ومعالجتها ، وتعرف هذه (بأساليب التعلم styles learning) وهي الفروق الفردية في طرق التلقي والإدراك والتذكر وا

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Perceived competence and its relation to locus of control among sixth-grade students
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The purposes of study are to measure the perceived competence and the locus of control among sixth-grade students, to identify the statistical differences between the perceived competence and the locus of control among sixth-grade students regarding the variable of gender, achievement, and economical status, and lastly, explore the correlation relationship between perceived competence and locus of control among sixth-grade students, To do this, the researchers have constructed two scales: one to measure the perceived competence based on bandura's theory (social-cognitive theory) which consisted of (26) items and the other to measure the locus of control based on Rotter's theory (social-learning theory) which included (25) items. The samp

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Stressful Life Events and their Relationship to Life Skills in Middle School Students
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The current research aims to identify the stressful life events among middle school students in terms of gender (male-female), academic branch (scientific-literary), and the Life Skills of the students of the preparatory stage in terms of gender (male-female), and academic branch (scientific-literary). Additionally, the study aims to identify the relationship between stressful life events and life skills in middle school students. A sample of (200) students who were selected randomly from the Directorate of education of Baghdad Karkh/ III was used in this study. To achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher has adopted two scales, the stressful life events scale for the researcher Al-Sultan (2008), and the life skills

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