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Guilt and its relationship with the self-awareness Educational research Open Educational College Students
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Targeted current research study of the relationship between guilt and self-consciousness and consisted of the research community of students from the open educational college, as has been selected students in the Department of Counseling and psychological science department and the researcher used guilt, prepared Scale (Ansari, 2003), and the measure of selfawareness prepared (Shammari 0.2000), and extracted his Alsekoumtria characteristics, Fastkhrjt alternatives after a presentation to a group of experts and specialists in the field of psychological counseling psychology, education, science and psychological validity and reliability Alvakronbach manner and retesting reaching reliability coefficient of guilt ((0.85) and awareness of self (0.76)

For the purpose of verification of the goals of research, the researcher used statistical means the following:

Pearson correlation coefficient-1

samples t-test (T-taste)-2

The researcher reached the following conclusions.

 The open educational college students enjoy a high level of guilt

The presence of statistically significant differences between feelings of guilt and selfawareness is an inverse relationship

In light of the search results put the researcher set of recommendations are:

 -Strengthening the different approaches and diverse activities that promote proper human behavior and the search for the best ways that contribute to the development and development.

 -Take advantage of students who have a very high level of guilt and remorse in the leadership of the various social activities inside and outside the university.

-The possibility of a briefing based on psychological counseling and educational research results and guidance by directing students who are concerned about the lack of security and various social activities and urged them to exercise them.

Finally, the researcher suggested doing a series of studies in the following sequence:

-Building a program to raise the level of guilt among different age groups and all academic levels

  -Measure the level of guilt for students in all stages of public education (elementary - and middle - and lower secondary)

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Introspective Awareness among College Students
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The current study aims to identify the introspective awareness of the study sample, as well as to identify the introspective awareness of the study sample in terms of gender. The researcher adopted the viewpoint of Mehling (2002) as a theoretical framework for Introspective awareness. A sample of (239) male students and (331) female students were chosen randomly from two universities (Baghdad University and Al- Mustansiriyah University). To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher adopted a vulgar scale (Mehling, 2012), which in its final form consisted of (32) items distributed into eight domains. As for the reliability coefficient of the scale, it reached (0.896) in the Cronbach alpha equation. The study revealed that the

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self-Reliance and Relation to Human Relations with Riyadh Teachers
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The research aims to identify the correlation between self-reliance and human relationship of kindergartens’ teachers. Total of (120) kindergarten teachers at Baghdad city. To collect needed data, two scales were administered to the research sample consisted of (25) items of each scale with (five) alternatives. The results revealed that teachers have good level of self-reliance and human relationship. There is a positive correlation between self-reliance and human relationship.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self Protection and it's Relation with the social ignorance OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS
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The aim of this research is to find a relation between self-protection and the social - ignorance of the univresity students. In applying the aims of the reaearch, the ressearcher has constructed two scales to measure
self - protection and the social - ignorance. After finding their validity and stability and their discriminative power, the researcher has applied them on a sample of (200) male and female. University students, who were selected randomly. The results of the research has arrived at finding a positive relation between self-protection and social - ignorance.

The researcher has recommended a concentration on the role of parents in raising their childern depending on themselves and making f

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Parental Treatment Styles and their Relationship to Self-Efficacy among Middle School Students
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The current research aims to identify the level of parental treatment methods tolerance, hostility, strictness, and warmth, as well as the level of self-efficacy among middle school students. Moreover, it aims to identify the correlation relationship between the variables of parental treatment methods and self-efficacy among middle school students. The research sample included (150) middle school students. For achieving the objectives of the current research, the researchers adopted a scale of parental treatment methods prepared by (Zughair, 2006), and a scale of self-efficacy prepared by (Youssef, 2016), which were applied in their final form to the research sample. The research reached the following results: parents use a low-level hos

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Modesty trait and its relation to self-assertiveness among Tikrit university’s students
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The study aims to identify the level of modesty and self-assertiveness among Tikrit university’s students in regard with students’ gender and major (scientific, human studies), and to identify the correlation between modesty trait and self-assertiveness of students. To this end, the researcher has designed a scale to measure modesty that consisted of four-domains (decency, avoiding of unattractive, pang of conscience, and apprehension). Moreover, the researcher adopted a scale of self-assertiveness that designed by (shawki, 1998). The sample included (600) student on first-stage at the university of Tikrit. The results revealed that students have a high level of modesty and self-assertiveness; there is a correlation between modesty t

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The perceptive image of volunteering and its relationship to the motives towards volunteering among a sample of Al-Quds Open University students.
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This study aimed to identify the perceived mental image of volunteering, and its relationship to volunteer motivation among a sample of Al-Quds Open University students, as well as to identify the differences in the perceived mental image of volunteering due to variables (gender, year of study, place of residence, college). The researcher has used relational descriptive approach. The researcher has used two questionnaires, the first was used to measure the perceptive mental image of volunteering, and the second to measure the motivation towards volunteering, and the study population may consist of all students of Al-Quds Open University Hebron Branch during the first semester of the academic year 2021/2020 and their number (3462)Male and

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Frustration degree and guilt among drug addicts harmful to themselves
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This study aimed to identify the degree of frustration and guilt among addicts who hurt themselves with drug,  and to know the addicts perspective  who are in treatment clinics and rehabilitation centers  in Palestine, in order to achieve this goal aDeterminationThe study population has been identified , this study population consisted of ' (82) addict, the researcher used the descriptive analytical method which is appropriate for  this  study, so the researcher questioned the addicts who are in treatment clinics and rehabilitation centers  in Palestine and analyze their  responses  in light of some of the variables.

The study results showed that drug addicts who ar

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Self- Awareness of Emotions and its Relation to the Way of Helping of Kindergardens' Children
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The self-awareness interactions reflects with emotions,assess the child in respect to its relations with the social standards; they are not merely simply reactions , but rather they connect with his moral behavior and other 's thinks. When the self- awareness gets developed with emotions within the child , the latter become highly sensitive, causing him prone to be blamed . AS a result , the children test the self –awareness interactions with emotions and in age 3 years , where the self –awareness interactions with emotion clearly link to the self- assessment. The children in stage of kindergarten could not describe the self-awareness interactions accurately ; they test it under different circumstances in comparison to the youngest o

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 09 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Nutrition Awareness among Middle School Students and its relation to some Variables
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    The aim of the study was to identify the nutritional awareness of middle school students and its relation to some variables of the sample of the research according to the gender variable (male and female), the variable type of family and the variable achievement of the parents.       

      The descriptive approach was adopted and the sample of the study consisted of (795) male and female students who were selected by the random stratified method. The research tool was prepared based on the literature and previous studies. The food awareness measure in its final form was (25) after the data collection was processed using the appropriate statistical met

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Emotional Intelligence and its Relationship with Psychological Depression among University Students
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The psychological scientific studies suggest that basic human situations stem from human emotional abilities and those with a lack of emotional intelligence are unable to cope with life, which might lead to anxiety and psychological depression. The current study aimed to investigate this problem by identifying the level of emotional intelligence and psychological depression among the students of the University of Anbar. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers created two questionnaires: 1) to measure emotional intelligence. 2) to measure psychological depression and applied these questionnaires on (300) students. The results revealed that the participants showed a high level of emotional intelligence with a low level of p

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