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Teaching and Education manners in Islamic legacy
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Learning education in the Islamic legacy vision considers a completed The Islamic learning education took its bases from origins of Quran and honored prophet Suna , and stressed on education child a good education and providing him with principles of religion and semantic moral values and Messenger (peace on him) considers the higher example for man in his moral, behavior and goodness and witness on this Higher God said

(you had in God Messenger a good leadership for those were requesting God and last day and mentioned God a lot). Al- Ahzab Surah :21. learning education converts man from religion to another and from culture to another and teacher left his signs on the generation if he accept or refuse.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Microstructure properties of lead silicate glasses
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In the present work, lead silicate glasses have been prepared with
different amount of lead oxide content. Structure properties such as
X-ray diffraction, AFM, and FTIR analyses have been done. The
exceeding of PbO content more than 25wt% revealed a decreasing in
density. The X- ray revealed that the strongest peak related to
Hexagonal silica dioxide and the other crystal phases formed were
related to silica oxide (SiO2) and lead oxide (PbO). Growth and
decayed phases in X-ray have been observed with changing lead
oxide content. Homogeneous surface was obtained using AFM
analyzer with an average diameter around 100 nm. Infrared spectrum
is characterized by the presence of large absorption band between

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sat Apr 13 2024
Journal Name
مجلة واسط للعلوم الریاضیة
تمرينات تنافسية لتطوير التوافق والتوازن وتأثيرها في مهارة التصويب السلمي للاعبات كرة السلة دون (18) سنة
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Shooting skill in basketball is one of the most important offensive skills and the final stage of the team's attack and the culmination of all skills in which points are scored, including the skill of peaceful shooting. The research aims to prepare competitive exercises and understand the impact of competitive exercises on developing coordination and balance for basketball players under 18 years old. The researcher used the experimental method with the single experimental group approach, including the research community of female athletes in the public directorates of education in Baghdad, totaling (6) directorates and (72) players. The research sample was selected intentionally, consisting of female athletes in the sports activity of the D

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Electrical Properties of Preparing Biodegradable Polymer Blends of PVA/Starch Doping with Rhodamine –B
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            This research focuses on the characteristics of polyvinyl alcohol and starch polymer blends doping with Rhodamine-B. The polymer blends were prepared using the solution cast method, which comprises 1:1(wt. /wt.).  The polymer blends of PVA and starch with had different ratios of glycerin 0, 25, 30, 35, and 40 % wt. The ratio of 30% wt of glycerin was found to be the most suitable mechanical properties by strength and elasticity. The polymer blend of 1:1 wt ratios of starch/PVA and 30% wt of glycerin were doped with different ratios of Rhoda mine-B dye 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6% wt and the electrical properties of doping biodegradable blends were studied. The ratio of Rhodamine-B 5% wt to the polymer blends showed hi

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Scopus (6)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analyzing impact of competitive dimensions on the efficiency of e-learning: دراسه استطلاعيه
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The aim of this research is to diagnose the impact of competitive dimensions represented by quality, cost, time, flexibility on the efficiency of e-learning, The research adopted the descriptive analytical method by identifying the impact of these dimensions on the efficiency of e-learning, as well as the use of the statistical method for the purpose of eliciting results. The research concluded that there is an impact of the competitive dimensions on the efficiency of e-learning, as it has been proven that the special models for each of the research hypotheses are statistically significant and at a level of significance of 5%, and that each of these dimensions has a positive impact on the dependent variable, and the research recommended

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of nurses’ practices toward orthopaedic wound infection
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Objective(s): To evaluate of nurses practice toward orthopaedic wound infection and to determine the
relationship between orthopaedic nurses practice and their demographic data characteristic
Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out at orthopaedic wards of Baghdad Teaching Hospital started
from February 1
st, 2011 to August 30th, 2011. A non-probability sample of (39) orthopaedic nurses who were
working in orthopaedic wards were selected from Baghdad Teaching Hospital. The data were collected through
the use of questionnaire , which consists of two parts (1)Demographic data form that consists of a(10) items
and (2) orthopaedic nurses practice form that consists of (4)sections contain (69) items, by mean of di

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Dust Effect on the Efficiency of Silicon Mono Crystalline Solar Modules at Different Tilt Angles at Al-Jadryia Climate Conditions
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Solar energy usage in Iraq is facing many issues; one of those is the accumulation “of the dust on the surface of the solar module which” would highly lower its efficiency. The present work study the effect of dust accumulation” on installing fixed solar modules with different inclined angles 15o, 33o, 45o, 60o. Evaluation of the solar modules performance under different circumstance conditions such as rain, wind and humidity are considered in study of dust effect on solar module performance. The results show that the lowest output average efficiencies of solar modules occurs at 15o horizontally inclined angle are 7.4% , 6.7% , 8.0% , 8.1%, and 8.4% for the cor

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of the mechanical properties of Iron-Epoxy composite materials
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Iron-Epoxy composite samples were prepared by added
different weight percentages (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt %) from Iron
particles in the range of (30-40μm) as a particle size. The contents
were mixed carefully, and placed a circular dies with a diameter of
2.5 cm. Different mechanical tests (Shore D Hardness, Tensile
strength, and Impact strength ) were carried out for all samples. The
samples were immersed in water for ten weeks, and after two weeks
the samples were take-out and drying to conducting all mechanical
tests were repeated for all samples. The hardness values increased
when the Iron particle concentration increased while the Impact
strength is not affected by the increasing of Iron particles

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Cone Beam Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Schneiderian Membrane Thickness
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This study aimed to determine the measurements and classification of Schneider membrane thickness correlated to age and sex factors using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: The study included CBCT images for 100 maxillary sinuses of 50 consecutive patients, and the thickness of the maxillary sinus membrane (Schneiderian membrane) was measured in coronal view from the lowest point in the floor of the maxillary sinus to the highest point. The thickness of the Schneiderian membrane was classified into 4 types. Results: The study result revealed that out of the total cases, 45% of sinus membranes were classified as type 2, while only 10% were classified as type 4. The most frequent type of membrane thickness diagnosed in the age gro

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Theoretical and experimental investigations have been carried out on developing laminar
combined free and forced convection heat transfer in a vertical concentric annulus with uniformly
heated outer cylinder (constant heat flux) and adiabatic inner cylinder for both aiding and opposing
flows. The theoretical investigation involved a mathematical modeling and numerical solution for
two dimensional, symmetric, simultaneously developing laminar air flows was achieved. The
governing equations of motion (continuity, momentum and energy) are solved by using implicit
finite difference method and the Gauss elimination technique. The theoretical work covers heat flux
range from (200 to 1500) W/m2, Re range from 400 to 2000 an

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Risk factor of urinary incontinence among menopausal women at Babylon city
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Purpose: To identify the risk factors of urinary incontinency for menopausal women.
Methodology: A descriptive analytic study was conducted to identify the risk factor for urinary incontinency
and selected non-probability sample (purposive sample) from (200) menopausal women (45-65) who have
urinary incontinence as visitors and caregiver women who attend at Hila surgical teaching hospital during the
period 1/11/2010-30/3/2011. Questionnaire format used for data collection was designed and constructed
after reviewing related literatures and previous studies and consists of the following variables: Demographic
and reproductive characteristics of menopausal women who suffers from urinary incontinence
Results: The study

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